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 Jun 2018 anusha
Rohan P
i don’t know why
her eyes
why she soars over plains
and mountainsides

to hold me, almost to say

i don’t know why
her eyes
drown in moons,
puddle in the rain;

in my heart so tirelessly
for schuyler.
for everything
 Jun 2018 anusha
Joshua Sanders
I wanted to tell her that I liked her
That I thought she was very pretty and I was happy when we were alone together
But I couldn't
I could never find the right words
I wanted to confess my feelings in an eloquent way, with beautiful words spoken gracefully in a romantic setting
A cathedral with her face stained in glass and my body on a cross
Anything less would be inappropriate

She is so strange and gorgeous and bright that speaking to her normally feels surreal
Her presence in my field of vision seems unnatural compared the mundane surrounding
It makes her almost spectral
When I touch her I expect she'll shimmer and disappear and, in a way, leave me feeling relieved

The very fact of her existence terrifies me
If something as beautiful as her can exist, something equally monstrous must also be lurking somewhere, in the dark
A counterweight to her majesty
The possibility is terrifying
And if that monster does exist, I think that, probably,
it's lurking in me
 May 2018 anusha
Rohan P
 May 2018 anusha
Rohan P
the morning was threadbare,
loosed on a string.

we watched
the rising sinew; watched
the morning as it knotted and
coiled. the forest
trembled slightly.
 Apr 2018 anusha
Rohan P
the painter
 Apr 2018 anusha
Rohan P
pointedly blurring in colours
and tones, you captured your
strokes in brittle clay fragments

we were consanguineal—
we were blood and oil—the

whirl of
your canvas sounded like a thousand
for anusha
 Apr 2018 anusha
Rohan P
i saw your note: “the
summation of your tears
infinitely converges”—
then breathlessness as you

—and upon
the water, a heron stirred,
the reeds bowed to the northern sky—

“converging, converging”: the mad,
scrawled words, the scribbled midnight
lament; you hid your heart in a pocketbook, pages
folded and layered.

did you feel the reeds yield to
that northern horizon? did you feel that pensive,
infinite heron? she stirred, scattering your
words in the early summer breeze.
mckenna: you told me once that you forgot how to feel—
i've forgotten too. we've all forgotten, a long, long time ago. to write is to hear echoes of an era long past; to write is to swim in the currents of forgetting.  

so write, mckenna. scatter those words to the horizons.
 Apr 2018 anusha
Rohan P
the metal is poised:
upright, red, defiant.

the glow is muted,
inhuman    /.
       the garden
is tired; it asks for

the metal is poised:
the leaves disperse—
       the valleys crawl into the sky.

the metal is poised:
you’re/     like a dusty,
window: i see home falling
I'm experimenting with a new style of poetry, inspired by the works of Chelsea Dingman, among others.
 Mar 2018 anusha
Rohan P
 Mar 2018 anusha
Rohan P
sweetly swimming
in the colder tides of
tidier than the backseat and
your umbrellas; tidier
than the rolling crests of
tidied by the frayed smoothness
of sea.
not so much the shoreline, i think
 Mar 2018 anusha
Aidan Derocher
saline drops,
concealed scars,
forever rending into our hearts,
//until we inevitably fracture into the stars.
 Mar 2018 anusha
Rohan P
the folds
 Mar 2018 anusha
Rohan P
she was temporal;
she poured like a loon and
splashed on
warmer and blanketed white;

the folds crackled;
she disaffected—

that colour,
acquitted in your

that time,
quieted in your

that coldness, tacit
in your
 Mar 2018 anusha
athena nguyen
 Mar 2018 anusha
athena nguyen

I wish there was a melody
To the way you curve your mouth
Or a beat to sound mine steadily
That could match the style of your road routes
Maybe the asphalt slows your thoughts
And miles help your dad sleep sound
Knowing you can leave far from his reach
And flip your coins on gasoline
Instead of 16 lotto tickets
In hopes to win your way out

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