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Antionicia Sep 2018
I am a hollowed out chasm
Filled with dreams and hopes and fantasies
I cry when I see pretty things
I can look at the stars for hours
And I can feel the weight of galaxies
Embracing my body with the gentleness of feathers
Antionicia Sep 2018
I often hear the soft echo
Of earth's cries
She just wants someone to listen to her
She is aching for the brush of fingertips against her waist
For heartbeats to pound in unison
As a symphony takes place
Antionicia Sep 2018
I'm beginning to feel like my life isn’t my own.
I’ve become a slave to my body
my body controls me
my body has taken away my identity.

I am a lost cause.
I am a creature of buried hopes
and am filled to the brim with sour anxiety
I am a collection of bones that follow the master inside of
my body.
Antionicia Sep 2018
They fall in love with me the moment we meet
It’s not because I am particularly beautiful
And it’s not because I have an electrifying personality
It’s because, the first time we meet, the only thing I let them see is my soul.
Antionicia Sep 2018
“I’m not a good person, you know.” She began with a distant voice. Her lips rolled into a thin line and she shrugged her shoulders. 

“I trade people my soul for their time. The only thing that I’m after is someone to fill this e͟m͟p͟t͟i͟n͟e͟s͟s͟, and once they dare to dive even further within me, I know that it’s time to cut them loose 

and I fall in love 

all over again

with someone else."
  Sep 2018 Antionicia
rained-on parade
There's really something in the way
you breaking my heart ends up
sounding like a love song.
But I haven't stopped loving you once.
Antionicia Dec 2017
"You are like a galaxy, collecting stars all across your body, forming constellations across your skin."
I'm obsessed with stars. What can I say? (And I love freckles, even though I don't have any)
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