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894 · Nov 2017
I Am A Giver
Ann Heart Nov 2017
I hugged the fire
My skin burns off its bones
The pain underneath
It is almost unbearable
I scramble to keep the fire alive
I am still burning
I ignore the pain
My self-destruction
As I give my heart to those who ask for it
The flames dance
I struggle to keep the spark we once had
You know the one that started this
The fire starts to die
I sink to the earth
I blow the air from within my lungs
With the charcoaled remains of this heart
I tell myself I will keep its luminous glow alive
I scream for the fire to take all of me
It begs for more

For the people who have been used over and over.
312 · Nov 2017
Garden Lover
Ann Heart Nov 2017
I paint flowers on the windows in the dead of winter
To remind me of the spring
When we kissed in gardens
That we didn't grow
Now the snow fills the edges of the window
I Wish for you to come home
I paint the sunflower
The one you stole
When we kissed in gardens
We didn't grow
My Love This Is For You.
308 · Nov 2017
Ann Heart Nov 2017
Darling, you are a wildflower
In a clay ***
forced to grow among the roses
Embrace Individuality!
301 · Nov 2017
I Scream Into The Cosmos
Ann Heart Nov 2017
I scream into the cosmos
I wonder how a sky full of jewels could exist in a world so bent on Taking the sparkle out of my eyes
I cry out for reason
I find the subtle silence is all around me
It catches my attention
I stare into the cosmos
The stars tell me to live
Life Gets Better. I will say it hundreds of times and I mean it.
Ann Heart Nov 2017
I used to love this song
That is until we made out
Drunk on the floor
Now I can't listen
To that **** song anymore!
Ah....this is awkward.
Ann Heart Jan 2018
"Darling my boyfriend will **** me if I dyed my hair pink "
She laughs
Her eyes told me something different  
God forbid she embarrass her partner
Her body was made into a possession
For someone that didn't deserve her beauty
Her smile
Her soul

" Do it for yourself. If it makes you happy, do it"
Become a bubble gum head!
She leaves the store empty-handed
If she only knew how beautiful she looked
As she grabbed that little bottle
Of bubble gum hair dye
To feel like something other than his
And yet she let him decide what was beautiful for her.......
224 · Nov 2017
Broken Boy
Ann Heart Nov 2017
I miss my dad

he is still alive

189 · Jan 2018
Grandpa O.
Ann Heart Jan 2018
Seeing someone you love die is the most beautiful awful ****** up thing you can ever experience. The chair you sit in is empty. When I find old books that make me think of you. Hell, when I drink ginger ale I think of you. You taught me to be brave and to embrace myself and that's something my father never did for me...but you did. The soul who gave me the best hugs ever and the most wisdom. And when it was time to go we said a special goodbye the one you told us when we would leave your home out into the world. Goodbye, Good Luck.
176 · Jan 2018
Send Nudes 05/16
Ann Heart Jan 2018
I’m easy
I’m the body who couldn’t hold her self up unless it was on top of you.
I'm the toy you hide in your sock drawer so no one knows that you use me.
I’m the late-night phone calls
I’m the one you like to see naked

I’m hoping you won't show them to your friends

I’m doubtful you will ever see me again

I’m saying you used me and I didn’t care

I had nothing left…….
175 · Nov 2017
Ann Heart Nov 2017
I did nothing to deserve this
so it will still be
keep going
find the life you deserve
your peace

— The End —