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Don't tell me to get out
If you do not want me to leave
Sad the day I actually do
Goodbyes worn on our sleeves

Necessary walls put between us
They cause stress to strike
Can never meet in the middle
Different views but so alike

When will I declare defeat?
Be the first to grow up?
Time to realize you never will
Stop counting seconds you interrupt

Animosity steadily building
Stone expressions swapped with pride
Oblivious to own ignorance
All the insecurity inside

Too stubborn to see truth
Is no way to change your opinion
Will forever be correct in this kingdom
Over which you hold dominion

There's nothing adequate to dethrone you
Don't acknowledge words I say
Wish we could live in harmony
Spoken sentences of spite stuck in the way

You do not make me feel welcome
Gravity of your rage makes me small
We're often overlooked in our haste
Broken heels pressed against wall

I never desire to leave the premises
With you memories were fondly made here
Living in endless frustration
A tender touch so insincere

Leaves me feeling captive
Instinct exclaiming
"Fight or flight?!"
How can I escape your wrath
Except running to him and proving you right?

I'm happier sleeping in car with him
Than my warm bed with a heart full of fear
Maybe if house felt like a home
I would actually want to live here
This makes me tear up because it was dn when my mom was still alive. I wish I had tried harder to get along with her instead of being stubborn like she is and fighting all the time. Now it's time I will never get back that I wasted arguing trying to prove who was right. Now I realize that it doesn't matter all that matters is cherishing the precious time you have with loved ones because you never know how long that time will last.
They tell us we won't make it
We've wasted too much time
Was so much love between us
There's only walls to climb

You call me your babe
Call phone
Parents just call me dumb
They won't ever listen
A stranger I've become

I've heard it a million times
Each warning in the book
Analyzed situation for hours
You won't take a second look

I don't blame friends for being concerned
If it was me I'd do the identical thing
They should know I need belief in me
Not a phone I just let ring

The more I am smothered by my mom
More I want to defy
Given them answers for my reasons
They continue asking

Now I don't bother
Just tune their voices out
What is the point in talking?
All we do is shout

They're trying to protect skin
Heart from being broken
What they aren't seeing is in doing so
Lose me with each cruel word spoken

And I pull further from your reach
Don't know how to make you realize
I seem to be getting nowhere like this
Open up with honesty
Simply say my words are lies

"Be patient"
Beg you silently
Need time to get my life on track
True independence discovered through own decisions
Once free I'll be able to fully love you back
Written 12-16-18
To live a good life that’s effective
You have to be somewhat selective
Your mind isn’t frozen
Your thoughts can be chosen
The truth after all is subjective
This month only, all proceeds from custom limericks ($60 each) will go directly to victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina
As much as I loathe my life
Hated it more without you
Pain inside I thought would go
Instead feeling grew

Days had become dark for us
I made the choice to leave
Tried and tried to make it work
You tried to deceive

I couldn't take more lies
Couldn't handle the hurt
Was so tired of being put second
I always put you first

So said goodbye to the greatest thing
Most amazing person I've ever known
For us to find felicity
Even if it meant being alone

It cut deeper than I thought possible
Every morning hated to wake
Pushed on by telling myself
Time would ease the ache

Months passed with no success
Stopped counting each "better" tomorrow
The agony did eventually start to fade
Not the emptiness

I did best to stay away
Not listen to alluring speech
Finally caved in realizing
Peace on own I wouldn't reach

Now you brighten each day
With texts and concerned calls
Every week continue to struggle
Around you the world isn't bad at all

I wish I would have understood
The first moment I held your body near
That my love for you couldn't be stopped
Though I attempted to make it disappear

The stars shine brighter now
Nearly lost love pure and strong
Don't know why I thought I'd be happier without
You in life cause I was so **** wrong
Times seem difficult right now
Look in mirror and hate what I see
I have faith that if I keep trying
I'll start to eventually like being me
What doesn't **** makes me stronger
I continue building myself every day
Learning from my fuckups and messes
Fueled by faith in fate that someday I'll finally feel okay
Gotta have faith faith faith
This is why I have trust issues
It's why I won't allow you in
Say you've changed for the better
Here I am disappointed again

You continue swearing oaths
Unlikely to keep
Then get dejected
When I do not believe

Relentlessly hoping you will come through
You succeed
Once in awhile
Even then there's always some catch
Typical "Paul Wilton" style

Don't tell me words I want to hear
You lack the means to back it up
Reassure me you've got my back
When not taken care of

I do not expect a lot from you
This is the explanation why
Proven to be unreliable
Uttering lie after lie

I was dumb to depend on you
Made that foolish mistake
Displayed time and time again
Your stories are all fake

Plans laid do not work out
Never the one to blame
Any amount of faith put in you
Forever ends the same

Your anticipation to please just pains
When your statements are put to the test
The paradise you promise
Ceases to manifest

Be up front
About limitations
Don't offer lavish fantasies
They're only fabrications

This is why expectations are low
It's why I doubt your honesty
This is the reason we aren't together
Scared this is how you'll always be
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