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 Dec 2014 201
Ember Evanescent

You are not alive anymore.

You will never read this as a living breathing human anymore, you will never click on this poem and read my name and be blinded by the brightness of the screen, but I wanted to post this anyway. I wonder if you are watching me type this in spirit form or if you are doing something else but, just know that I'm glad. I'm glad you are not suffering anymore from the dread. I'm glad you are not scared anymore, because waiting is the worst. I grieve for your family and I'm heartbroken for your friends, and all who loved you but you were truly the most inspiring person I have ever had the privilege to speak to. I hope from heaven you can see me, I really hope now you know my real name because it probably doesn't make a difference but it's something I wanted to tell you because, I mean, that's a part of my identity, that's me, and I loved your soul. I loved listening to you, I loved reading what you had to say I loved watching the people who's lives you touched be inspired by the amazing person you were and you know what, it felt wrong for you not to know my name but I am very wary on the internet, I don't give out personal information so I stuck to my screen name, symbolic for something deeper, a deeper part of me, so in a way it was a part of my identity like a name but it still wasn't my real name.

The cancer killed your body, but nothing could possibly **** your soul, and I hope to God you are happy now that you have passed on because if anyone deserves it, it is you Andy.

I think “Rest In Peace” has lost its meaning from overuse by now, so instead I will say

Rest happily, Andy.

“And” is a part of your name, Andy
And you were the “and” in everyone you met’s lives. Something additionalto people’s lives to remind them that there is an and not just the depression or sadness they feel in their lives there is an and to go along with their burdens and that and was HOPE. You were hope. I hope you are okay, I pray for you and like I said before, Andy, I don’t know where you are but if you read this where ever you are in whatever form somehow Andy as I said before I don’t know what you are facing, what is going on right now with you now that you have passed on but like I said before it’s okay to be afraid.

I don’t know what else to say.

There will never be another person like you ever for the rest of eternity, so thank you, for being you and wherever and whatever you are, I hope you Rest Happily Andy, and I thank God for the beautiful blessing I was given: Knowing you.

Ember Evanescent
I encourage everyone who has been affected by Andy when he was alive to write something like these so it is forever imprinted in Hellopoetry what a difference his existence made, the way his imprint is in our hearts and lives.

Rest Happily Andy

Please pray for him, he changed by life.
He is a beautiful soul.
Even if you don't believe in souls or God or anything, please I beg of you to pray for him because even if you don't believe, can it really hurt?
I think it really would make a difference and I just wish he got a better ending because he deserves a thousand golden happy endings more than anyone.
 Nov 2014 201
You took me to odd places
My own mind was one of them
From our first conversation
To the first time we hung out
I knew it would be different
I just can’t help shaking this feeling
The heart wants what the heart wants
And I am going to be positive about this
With my experiences with you
I learned more about myself
Than I thought I would
I learned that I am brave
Or at least capable of being so
I learned that deep down inside
I’m positive as ****
I learned that you can find friends
In the most unlikely places
I learned that you can always
Come back from a dark place
As long as you have someone to help you out
Thank you for the memories
They were pretty great
And I hope that we make more
i rewrote "my last poem about you"
 Nov 2014 201
bcg poetry
"I don't know why I'm holding onto something that isn't really there."

"I don't know why you are either."

And then it was over.
 Nov 2014 201
Aidan A
In the stretches of her wings,
Flawlessly beautiful - the reason I still dream
An enchantress of myriads,
A soul I can't resist
And I get lost in

The infinite depth of her eyes,
Her lips they beckon me, I can only fantasize
Words she'd never say to me
I drown beneath the waves
Though I am caught in

The breathlessness that is her stare
The way she'd bat her eyes, and wear her flowing hair
Though I now long to be free
A part of her remains
She has molded me...

Immaculate as she may be,
Shes lost to memory, and I can only dream
My later days will favor me
   To glide those evening skies,
To brave those troubled seas
Parts of a song I've been working on for awhile. It isn't any good read aloud, the melody is what ties it together.

Revised 17.1.15
 Nov 2014 201
Ashley Browne
dad left
for his second tour of duty
on my third birthday

mom kept
a jar full of jelly beans
on the living room coffee table

every night
she gave me one to eat, saying
"when these jelly beans
are all eaten up,
dad will come back home"

i would sneak another,
to help dad come home sooner

one night
the phone rang
and i watched mom
wipe away a tear
as she filled
the jar
On this Remembrance Day, I think of all those who have served, with a special thought for Dad.  And though she has no medals, I also think of Mom; every tour of duty Dad went through, she went through too, taking care of us on her own.

*** Edit: Thank you for all your kind words!  Due to a recent outpouring of sympathy, I feel it necessary to clear up the fact that my dad did in fact make it home from this mission; his tour had simply been extended for an additional 3 months.  Still, it isn't easy being part of a military family - and that's what I meant to show. ***
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