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Dougie Simps Jul 2013
Lyrically it's a miracle event
When you allow metaphors to be your way to express, ways too vent.
Take all my accounts, even my two cents
As I place a love restraining order over a love I regret

I take all bets, and gamble on her  soul
The blackness of your heart, with a mind who thinks so cold

What happen? You use to be a person who's pride wasn't too hide
I guess ya ego committed a ******, an internal homicide...

You prey on the weak, you endure for the burn
You preach a sorrow story, you rarely give what you've earned

I will always pray for you
But I will never wait for you...
Cause it's future over past
I will never beg for you.

-Dougie Simps

Z - A

Zonked Yanks eXport Weird Views Underpinning Terrorist Suspects, Risking Quiet Proliferation Of Nuclear Missiles, Leaving Killer Jihads In Hostile Groups. Forgetting Europe, Death Claims Babylon: America.

Zero Yields X’s Without Value. Useless Technical Solutions Regarding Quanta, Plainly Outside Newtonian Mathematics. Logic Keeps Jokers In Hearty Guffaws  Forever.  Eternity Derides Computation By Algebra.

Zap! Your X-ray Was Very Useful Tool. Sarcomas’ Revealed, Quality Prognosis On Masse. Later Knowledge Jibes; Increased Hidden Growths Frequently Entailing Death Couldn’t Be Anticipated.

A – Z

Away Bright Cinder, Drift Eternally, Fly! Glow! Heat Incandescent! Jeweled Key, Luminous Molten Nuclei, Ornate Precious Quotient, Radiant Shining Teardrop. Unknowable Volcanic Whisper, eXact, Yield: Zero.

Awful Blues, Crazy Dreams, Every Fleeting Ghastly Horrible Idea Jars, Killing Love. Murderous Omens, Portending Quiescence, Reduce Sleep To Uniform Vacant Wastelands, eXiled Yearning Zenith.

Acting Behind Closed Doors, Every Famous General Has Insight: Jabbering Khaki Liveried Majors Narrate Orders, Pursuing Quarries, Retelling Strategic Theories. Up Valiant Warriors, Cross Your Zone!

A Bitter Child Denies Every Friendship Going. Hate Instills Jealousies Knife. Lies Mean Nothing. Other People Question Reality. Sic Transit Umbra, Vile World. eXcise Your Zest.

Albert Ball’s Camel Dived Effortlessly, Flaming Guns Hammered Into Junkers. Keeping Level Meant Not One Pilot Questioned Richthofens’ Stall Turn, Underpinning Victory With X-elerating Yawing Zoom…

Although Boy’s Charm Doesn’t Explicitly Frighten Girls, Her Instincts Jostle, Knowing Laughter Masks Nights Ordained Paths. Quiet! Reason Sleeps Tonight, Unmasked Votive Wanderings eXpose Y-Fronted Zygotes!

One of my earliest 'concept' poems that actually worked out. Boy was I smug when I started pulling these bad-boys out of the ether; they’re so utterly…automatic: an allusion to my pretensions in writing Systems Poetry. There are loads of these that simply don’t work, and the 'X's' are a problem, but at their best they have an impact and effect quite different to poetry using a similar but undirected structure! This concept led directly to another poem: ‘Ab Imo Pectore’, which uses the same technique, but on lines rather than words, and in Latin, rather than English… told you I was a smug so-and-so!
Hastily I boarded her plane
Outrageously exquisite was the flight
Sighting of spectacular neon rainbows
Thus longed landing in her land of bliss
And less did I expect for I was
Going to really end up
E**ternally held hostage into her cockpit
#Acrostic #Hostage, #Love #Poetry freak
A Person Jan 2016

Qasid Ali Dec 2016
Blazing through the clouds
High and alone in fervor
No one knows who is next
Every moment every prey in tremor

With eyes containing vision of miles
Piercing through the wind it flies
It's appearance creates a beauty in skies
It's flight is deception body of lies

Drops down wings folded
Stealth, body molded
Prey in the eyes
The stance holded

Strikes like a lightning
The moment is frightening
It has seen it's prey
Start hope abandoning

E legant
A rt
G Gazing
L ands
E ternally
Jacob Oates May 2014













Yen Apr 2017
S he will forget the
U nwelcomed pain and
I  nevitably welcome the
C omfort 
I  t offers
D ecline
E verything that hurts

A nd remember only the
N ice 
D reams she had before she

R ests
E ternally and
G ratefully in the comforts of her
R emains on
E arth.
T his day doesn't end without a good bye.
Fallacy, a deceptive, misleading, notion, of 2.4 kids and parents
Atrophy of the idea Family
Majestic man and wife, mother and father together
Infallible,infinite,until divorce
Liberal, loving, lying, until divorce
Yearning for truth in a world of lies

Theatrically monopolised by ad execs the concept of family
Inception of children, duty done
Eternally bound by DNA if not love
S**iblings, searching for a childhood that doesn't exist
Prathipa Nair Oct 2016
Preaching of Almighty
Religiously with love
And sincere devotion
Yielding oneself
Eternally within Him
R**ealising one's innerself
01:00 BST
"King he was to the realm of Nineva
In great halls that fairly shone forever.
Kaleidoscopic were hues of his blade,
Of burnished gold was it fairly made.
Diamonds, sapphires, pearls, and rubies
In fresh numbers were seen in his vase.
Ninety nine archers guarded the palace,
His horsemen swifter than comets of space,
Over wood, yonder hill, yonder vale, they'd race.

Eternally limpid yet ineffable was his lass's
Diamond-like eyes as dewdrops upon grass.
Winds of hate this beauty beheld and said nay
A beauty reflection as that in my wings must lay.
Roses, lavenders, lilacs, gardenias of the spring,
Daffodils of rolling hills unto her I'll bring.

A star-like diadem I'll press upon her gaily hair
Light buttons of pearl shalt bedight her dress so fair
Eternally mine shalt she be like as waves to sea or
Xylograph upon wood shalt be her soul to my soul.
And 'tis for this reason that all creatures know
Nineva's king since yon day turned cold as snow.
Diamond-like, so hardened his soul that now
Roves in a labyrinth of restless nostalgic winds
Outgribing here and there like wingless birds
Stuck in branches of night or shells neath the sands."

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
A brief history about "Kikodinho Edward Alexandros" preserved for men of ages to come who shall wish to dig into his past.
effaced Dec 2014
P- ain
L- ingers
E- verlastingly.
A- lways
S- uffering
E- ternally.
H- ell
E- ffaces
L- ove
P- ermanently.
Shannon Jeffery Sep 2014
Sweet nothings
Inlay the
Lips of an
Chorus of pure
Arfah Afaqi Zia Oct 2015
Carving deep grooves into my heart,
Embroidered with jewls as well as scars,
Lustrous you are for me,
Everything about you so lovely,
Serenading a tune,
Tempting you,
E**ternally and entirely loving you.
Jayne E May 2019
S - ay my name and I melt dissolve
O - pen mind find my hearts resolve
M - e and you its written in the stars
E - ternally one now we never to part
O - ft knowing my words before I do
N - ever tiring of being on with you
E - nigmatic bright feeling lovely you..

J.C. honey-assassin 29/05/2019.
Ok so my beloveds 'online' name well one of his pseudonyms, is "someone".. Hence the poem...
Renae Jan 2018
Only thoughts
Become words
Every inch corner, crease
So please
Stay captured with
Excessive longing
Desperately watching....


Heaven smiles

Our endeavours
Under seemingly
Graven circumstances
True intention is revealed


You will be
Obsessed with me
Until time is no more


Makes love

— The End —