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vanessa ann Jul 2018
what would i give
to wake up next to you
fingertips dancing on hips
as curtains give way to sunlight;
the world,
a wonder of sight?

what would i give
to drown...
in the crook of your neck
or the streams of your laughter
as you lurched your body forward
and laughed
with all your might?

what would i give
for our souls to entwine
the raggedness of your breath
spilling into mine?

what would i give
to be given a gift;
to weave another reality;
craft a different mentality;
build a sanctuary;
one with you and me
our confined souls broken free?

just what would i give
just what should i find
to redraw the line
for this silly popstar love of mine?
for yjh: my angel, my muse, and my very own popstar love

This was inspired by In Love with A Ghost's "popstar love", from which this poem got its title from. It's moments like these that I cherish; when the night is shifting to day and inspirations start flooding in. And it has always amazed me too, how music is able to influence my creative process.
there was a clever dog he could sing and play guitar
had a dream that one day he would be a star
he went on the road playing everywhere
playing where he can every here and there
one day on his travels he saw a talent show
so he put his name down so he could have a go
there were lots of others on there audition test
only one could win the one that was the best
now the race was on to become a star
the little dog he won he was the best by far
he had got his  fame his future it was made
now he was a superstar  and thats the way he stayed
Kinara Apr 2014
Liam James Payne**
my baby
my perfection
my sun
you light up my heart with just one smile
my heart feeds off of you
like your junkfood
you are
your junkfood for my heart
your not right for me
your too perfect
how can your flaws be beautiful?
well they are
am i in love?
with someone who i've never met?
im just a fool
a pathetic little girl
who let a perfect guy
invade my heart
one direction
Erom elims Oct 2014
Superfluous minced rubicund aqua Phoenician
Our orphanage spills blood from picnics
Menopause conniptions lipstick
Her sons learning curve
Popstar gentleman suicide
The preschoolers last taste of Apple juice
Enola gay is soaring above the vain
Potential future poets and mathematicians
Bright eyes and innocent giggles
The souls of peace
Molecules disintegrate of wondrous dreams
karins simanis Jan 2014
Once I was a dreamer

When I close my eyes
I see all the different realities

I see the impossible become possible

Once I was a dreamer
I dreamed to be a popstar

When I open my eyes
I see the people who surround me

What I hated to do
And my life is so sick

Once was a dreamer
I dreamed I was a king

Well I'm gonna tell you
Something, I was a dreamer
I can make it happen

No more dreaming
And just stop it

Once I was a dreamer
And I dreamed I was successful
*Little bit help from Gabrielle Ayoub*

This poem about our dreams and our imagination. The insparation was when I saw movie called "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" . I recommend to see the movie , And maybe give you inspirational mood to write poem about our dreams.
King Panda Dec 2016
I forget to breathe
and choke
while looking at my hands
and I realize I am
quite vain
a popstar
basking in hazardry
the snow you are meant
to see
You don’t know me
You go inside
and we kiss hands coming
out of the dark
you don’t know me until
the moment I ask you
to believe
there will be an Xmas when
the ice cracks blue
and I am not thinking
my imagination of us
old and riding a public bus
sliding down the glass
defying gorilla tape
I can’t even stop
half of myself
and know
Yes to

* *
* *
(snow falls)
Danielle Renee Jul 2012
I didn’t want to go in but you convinced me that it was a must.
We live the essence of the shop; we are the year-round tourists.
The aisles were too close and you weren’t enough. My sunburnt
shoulders touched hanging cotton and beads and masks and I tried
on that skimpy sequined top that made me look like a popstar. You
said, ooh la la. You said, say something to me in French [Je ne t’aime
plus.] Then laughed, wandering toward the snow globes. You held
it with such care and I wanted to be kissed in one, one that you held,
precarious, in your goofy hands. With cuticles I always try and
push back, like you with the wisps in my face. But why, your eyes
are the oceanside town and I want to put them in the snow globe
you said while watching the fake flakes fall.
February 27, 2012
JoJo Nguyen Jul 2016
all I wanted was a Coke
with careful tendency you

call me a loser suicidal
so why don't you **** me

cuz at
19, 19, n nn n, 19
I'm not gonna do it for you
anymore the days

to be more patient tries
my patients separated

by hospital bed
and hospice care into
one love and loved

ones separated by popstar
Purple curtain Rain

This is my life compressed time
SVG Maginot lines

that impossibly pixelate under
our modern scrutiny
they Blur

the heat giving off distant
Mirages that promise

reunions in death's
false Oasis
Natalie B Feb 2013
Hey there girlfriend,
I love those big brown eyes.
Not much like mine, big and blue.

You have the hair to match,  brown and long,
While mine is long and blonde.

You are totes gonna blow those girls of the board today.
Just don't think to much about Elliot and you'll be fine.

If you're mother of the team,
Then I'd be your baby freshman.

If you looked in the stands,
Popstar is directly to my left.

I hope you like big butts and you cannot lie,
Cause I have a big **** when I fly.

Your secret swimmer.
To the lovely Alina for this swim team thing we do(:
Down from ten she counted, the lass,
For me to leave straightway her place.

Peradventure she hath found another
Who in substance is far richer
                Than I.
    And haply he is popular
             Like a popstar.

I too, perhaps, needs must go explore
Those galaxies of starry girls the more;
          But love I her still.
Besides not having an astronaut's skill,
My heart never can fly.
Edward Coles Feb 2018
Late night drive-thru, red lights, stop signs.
Lately I’ve been blue all in the absence of you
And I won’t lie
The Philistines are out in force tonight
And I won’t lie
I’m back on the bottle again tonight.

I can’t control it, the weight of the morning,
I read the warning but I never saw it coming
In my field of view, or in my mind’s eye,
Well, I’ve been blue in the absence of you

And I
Like a beating drum,
Like a washed-out popstar,
Like an artifact
After the fact-

I’ll cling onto what I got stored up in karma,
You see, I’ve been a good man
But I’ve done some bad things in my time.
And I won’t lie
Everything must go here tonight.
And I won’t lie
I’m back on the bottle again tonight.

They say laughter is the greatest medicine.
They say a lot of things but it never makes much sense.
They’re climbing up the walls
To get their monthly pay;
They say laughter is the greatest medicine.

Late night, junk food, I’m ****** without you.
I’m a badly drawn cartoon with red eyes
And an ego on fire.

And I won’t lie
The lunatics are out in force tonight

And I won’t lie
There’s too much wrong here
To try and make it right.

And I won’t lie
I’m back on the bottle again tonight.
A song I wrote on my cheap-*** keyboard
Mani Malien Nov 2015
living beyond twenty-seven
this monkey not gone to heaven
the years decidedly unkind
doubting the beauty of my mind

I tried looking in the mirror
but the picture wasn't clearer
something was supposed to happen
just the sound of one hand clapping

did I not have a ton of dreams?
I remember still in my teens
all I wanted for my birthday
blank spaces to fill with wordplay

it seems all I do is compile
collaging words copying style
devoid of original thought
my younger self very distrought

I keep hiding in faceless rhyme
can't envision a bigger crime
a popstar with a silver spoon
voice forever on auto-tune
Alexander Coy Oct 2016
$4 an hour

the nostrils
for golden
takes a certain

let's sing
along to
Lana Del Rey

in our
best nasally

we're impressions
of impressions
after all

so who
is really a legend?

the popstar
is just
a pop
her stars

we're all
in sync
with closed

Jackie Mead Jun 2020
Do you ever wonder, what why, who you see?
When you cast your eyes heavenly.
By night when the stars shine bright.
Like fires burning in the skies.
Do you ever wonder who you see twinkling before your eyes?
Do you ever wonder who has joined you that night?
Is it a popstar, politician, inventor or wisely sage?
From a time so long ago, you cannot remember their exact age.
Clinging to their last song, speech or invention.
Letting go, never their desire or intention.
Or is it a lost loved one?
Letting you know they are near.
Listen very closely what do you hear?
“Hi, its smee, I know you think of me all the time, I just wanted you to know, I did not go far, I am right here!”
Taking in the stars is a game we all love to play.
Breath in
Breath out
Take a minute
Take Five
Take a moment to feel alive
Connection made now you can rest.
Relieve the pressure from your chest.
Sleep tight without longing.
Knowing you can see your loved one again tomorrow.
Brings a small amount of peace and joy, helps to dim the sorrow.
Dedicated to all lost loved ones, in particular Dad, Pete, Shane, Oskar and Ted.
Always missed, never forgotten. Keep shining brightly, we see you.

3 years ago, Grenfell Tower happened and many people lost loved ones and some lost many loved ones.  This is dedicated to anyone who lost and still misses a loved one.
milo Aug 2016
i mix them together in the cold mornings,
coffee, tequila, brown sugar;
2 days from now i will be back in my blue-jacket,
the one she bought me, its been hanging on my door all summer
soon it will be cold again and ill need it.

i watched tapes of me dancing from months ago,
my hair was still long and the trees in my backyard looked like holograms.
where will i be in 10 years? in the house in the forest?
visit me, meet me under the redwood trees where i will read grammar books in years to come. where i will grow old, where my body will be thrown
meet me when i have my academia job and youll be a bedroom popstar
we can still drink margarita mix and look at the stars, i swear
EmperorOfMine May 2018
I'm no popstar

I can't make you dance

I have no rhythm

But that isn't the plan

Have you noticed...

We are chained down

Staring up at...

Demons on the ground

As we shout out, help

Who comes rescuing

I've not seen one

I've seen nobody, nobody

To come help me or you

Watch them turn their eyes from the view

Once you realize that they knew...

That this would happen soon

But no one comes to help

They'd rather keep to themselves

But why spew lies for your health

You say this but act that

So let us get to the POINT

If you want, go grab a joint

This right here's about to get deep

Please sit down, you'll need a seat

We're in a motion picture
Trying not to have a seizure
Crying with a smiley face
We look like a mental case
Rapid noises make us crazy
Drowning from the depressions
Money's been powerful, lately...
I've been feeling pretty stress

You come home, sit down
You used to laugh but now you frown
You can't get up, gravity-bound
You lost your words within the sound
As time moves on, you see the waste
The blood of souls that lost their way
And first comes lust and then our wants
Before our needs that we should hunt
But what's the fun in being good
And what's the good in being wise
I watch this all play out often
I see faces morph with lies

As everyone dies
And We start to cry
We wish we could fight
But we choose to fly
Away from the war
No way in for peace
A gate to the heavens
But you'll need a key
As fire does grow
And evil has bloomed
We love to mask it
With music and soon...
We won't get to hide
The light starts to shine
Exposed to the truth
Scattering in rooms

If you got this far

Just heed to my theme

We really need peace

It's not what it seems

There puzzles of course

Can makeshift our dreams

A system's been made

Our being will fade

Your choices have power

Someone does get paid

Your soul is at war

To you, it may bore

Someone holds your hand

The other ignores

They both want you still

Though who will you choose

I wonder who feels

The best into you
the dirty poet Dec 2018
the popstar has his moment of success
and when it’s over, he doesn’t get it
he’s still the same musician
his latest tunes are as good as ever, maybe better
but for the audience, music is but one element
and not the most important
there’s the ambience of the era, the youth of the listener
the poignance, commotion and perfection of those years
that’s why the audience has a lifelong fondness for the performer
but little interest
calm Mar 2018
he be wearing blue nails now
same shade as me,
acting like all them girls
try to be his wannabes,
growing out his hair too,
stylish but freak,
taking dance lessons but
he can't take the lead.

sings just like a popstar,
but he only knows Swift,
says he got a trainer but,
he can't even lift,
think he just goes to the gym to
check out boys he missed,
but then he like 'I'm straight, no'
when people catch his drift.

way into his fashion,
maybe it's himself he likes,
cause all he wants is privacy,
when I ask him who he'd try,
talks like Conor Franta when
he talks about his life,
and once he almost fainted when
McHandsome called him 'tyke'.

uses the word 'daddy' when
he's talking bout a guy,
sensed him on my gaydar
and I'm quite sure he ain't bi,
told me he may have
a similar interest with I-
nevermind just got a text
he's trans? oh...oh my!
Travis Green Apr 2021
Boy, you’re poppin’ like a Popstar
You’re flexin’ like you just hit the jackpot
You got me heart cruisin’ through your harbor
I’m all up in your swag
I’m so ready to bag you
And skyrocket past the stars to Mars
Into your starry passion

Babe, you make my physique sizzle
On the rizzle, I’m slippin’, I’m trippin’
I’m hittin’ the bottle of Henny and Gin
I’m feelin’ hella faded, sedated like a hospital patient
Dreamin’ of spendin’ the nights with you
Ventin' freaky fantasies of what I would do to you

Wanna see you strip and swirl your hips
Wanna see your eyes and thighs up close
Need to feel you deeply
Lips to lips
Body to body
Don’t you wanna be naughty?
No time for tardiness
No time for hesitation  
When the gravitation to lovemakin'
Is making an amazin' entrance

We’re gonna be traveling in ecstasy
I’ma finesse your flesh
Taste your flavor and rise to greater depths
Have you all in the trap
While you searchin’ your map
To find my inner streams of sweetness
We’ll be on deck with the ***
Doing whatever and never endin'

— The End —