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Roland Oct 2018
‘Twas during inner turmoil that a certain yearning arose
Whispers of breakage reaching deeper as time goes
From the disillusionment of reality it was forged
Of seething rage the desires hunger gorged
In following certain conformities felt like being a prisoner
The will to resist the motions of many being aimed to muster
To not be like a tree that has to be cut or uprooted just to move
To be driven by reasons that to only ones viewpoint can behoove

Looking at another view of the coming uncertainty
As a pathway to many possibilities with regards to unpredictability
That stopping a tragedy is sometimes not the thing to do
Lest one forgets that the phoenix must burn down to rise anew
Or that Ragnarok is followed by a great rebirth
Who can know what revelations a raging flood might unearth?
Being lost might as well be the way to find an elusive longing
The remedy to the Anhedonia closely and ominously looming

When being chained to the rhythm just compares to an inner futile feeling
Knowing that a greater horizon is missed by the act of settling
A bet on the odds that epiphany might be found in whatever form
To behold serendipity actually being brought by the coming inner storm
In using the great idleness to plan the restoring of a balance
And to see clearly without the feeling of rushing pressure and turbulence
The path and pace may change to the deeper quest not yet ceased
In bringing forth the long sought betterment through a cataclysmic release.
Unknown Jun 2014
Why attempt to claim the moral high ground
When your pathetic argument holds no sway
Why march to war with the rebel bound
In the uncommon disposition of yesterday
Why hold pretentious personality
When acceptance is based on adaptation
A pyramid scheme brings fatality
To your pseudo-martyr nation
Unwarranted non cooperation
With the voices of the future
Speak without brainwashed sedation
And unravel your poisoned sutures
Your self proclaimed image of authority
Is unwanted within the confines of freedom
You back a mentality of all encompassing conformities
When the generation of today can't see them
Your hubris lacks the willingness to act
Yet you call yourself Ole-Times-Hardened
And the simple depressing fact
Is that your ignorance cannot be pardoned
Leave while you hold a handful of passion
Before it is lost in the folds of time
Because dignity with age is not everlasting
You are but another one track mind
Whether or not you care to move forward
The world turns on an invisible axis
There is always a new world order
And living life requires emotional taxes
So be willing to express and voice opinions wholly
But like many lost souls before you say
Wander unknown territories carefully
Because the past is lost with today
(Ignorance of Ages)
Wordsmith Jul 2018
I look out in wonder as my story unfolds
However I try, I fit no mold

I try to conform, only to witness a storm
So great a weight, on so small a form

I keep true to self and let belief ensue
For why should conformities dull my hue

The questions afloat, the answers unfound
They say when one is lost, one is found
Garrett Glenn Feb 2010
The beat, the snare, the drum
Starting in at the floor and flying to my brain
**** all the people who say I’m numb
I’m sane, oh so sane!

My thinking, once a cloudy, congested, coagulate of incoherent thoughts,
Now flows free from its once catastrophically, closed chasm,
Bringing fourth meaningless, mindless motions and movements,
Showing all, that you are who you are, don’t be afraid to fall.

As the smoke clears, the crystallized casts of crushing vocals
Radiate to my ears; all we hear is the hate, the hassle, the hustle
The bustle.  Look beyond what has spawned to see what you find fond.
Blinded we remain; we fight, frightened and furious against this foe.

Conformity hinders our ability to show individuality.  They attack us
With ambidexterity to keep us statues of our own subconscious design,
Yet we continue to follow these wrongly deified prodigies.  They’re using
Us as antibodies to cleanse what are others conformities.

Enlightened I will stay to ensure Elysium for my fellow enthusiasts.
Free from these prodigies, my persistence will not fade
To grey, black, white, withered, wretched wasted thoughts.
My mind is free, my soul deep, this music is the up-beat.
Deenah Jan 2015
Bound by society,
Trying to free her wings
Balancing truth with conformities
Leaving her hung like a child on a swing.

Torn by expectations,
Each piece a clue to her mind
Ragged in clothes not hers, but theirs
Bearing with them, of her, no sign.

Leaving it, she'd attempted,
'Integrate', they said
'Lose yourself, to join us'
They could've said instead.
A voice for every woman out their who chooses to be her own self in a world choosing who she should be.
I know when I am going to write
I start to shake with anticipation
so I sit down and just let it out
the sweet convexities of my art

The corrugations line by line
the interlace of feelings to words
sometimes with masculine intent
without any dappled conformities

I have no choice but to continue
being the narcissistic kind
so I will write with love and pain
with smiles and tears, line by line

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
robin Nov 2017
Street lamps flicker like lightning bugs
low on juice
the light barely makes it out of the thick city smog alive
these blinking lanterns stretch for miles
in different directions
leading to new faces and different places and the taste of home on the tip of my tongue.
there is a whole universe beyond this highway
trees that poke holes in the clouds
And blanket the earth for hundreds of miles
they are hidden behind the fog
of the neon city lights and marketing billboards
with cheeseburgers and casinos and naked women plastered on every street corner
everyone is so distracted by the humdrum buzzing of the city
They swarm like bees to a hive  
Slaves to the machine
They are corralled into a certain way of thinking
so the elite that hide behind the curtain of sustainability and everyone else’s best interest can feed off of the ignorance the rest of us helplessly and unknowingly exude
These people are children, they are your parents maybe, your second cousin, your elderly neighbors who are blinded by there patriotism and there old habits that they can’t see reality transpiring right outside there window
people do not like to feel anything we don’t consider pleasantry
we want to ignore the bad feelings and expect instant gratification for everything we do
Forget about the cold outside and heat our houses
ignore the news because the consequences of our actions are too much to bare
so we blame it on someone else, something else far off in the distance
To distract ourselves from the fear that rattles profusely in our ribcage like a cornered snake
these people
are not educated on how to fight the system
they are taught to distract themselves with the new iPhone X
because the easiest thing to do is run when you’re in a corner into something that is soft, and warm and smells as sweet as your mother
something that absorbs the sharp blow of reality
so you don’t consciously have to.
there are a small few that have broken away from this way of thinking
we are told our virtues of minimalism and sustainability are unrealistic
We are labeled dreamers
laughed at
because we don’t dream in Hollywood lights
or corporate cubicles
we are the few that stare longingly into the trees past the city and dream of what’s more
to come then this mundane day to day
dragging our feet.
We are the wind, the momentum to break free
from the cold slab maze of brick wall thinking
that companies and capitalism has brainwashed us into
We must have strength
We must have courage
Even in the darkest of hours for the darkest of people  
to live by our virtues
and stand up for what we believe in
We must have discipline and live by what we say
We must lead by example
We must never stray from our purpose no matter what our parents tell us, no matter if we are told it is unrealistic or things will never work out for us in the end. They will.
We are already being forced against our will into a standardized way of thinking
Subjected to worse social punishment by the majority
it is social suicide to step out of the cultural conformities of the western civilization.
but we must.
the western mindset is a man eats world mentality
one percent of a pie
feeds off of the other 90 percent
economic canibalism
the one percent have bought there way to the top
Sold souls below them to the highest bidder
the other ninety percent of the pie
we will continue
chasing paper
like we’re chasing highs
to determine our self worth
we must break free from this toxic way of thinking
we must put an end to buying our selves clothes we don’t need and expensive foreign cars we don’t even know how to drive
Or else the cycle will continue
We will rack up mile long receipts over things we tell ourselves we need to live comfortably when we don’t
and they will win
If we keep quiet and sit still like we’ve been told to, and grow up the way it’s been modeled for us by the other cookie cutter members of society
that small slice of the pie will win  
and the rest of us
will pay for our tickets
to the end of the world.
The world has lied to you, get angry..
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
The length of your hair
the tie that you wear

                                  Kelly McManus
Caity Klaassen Aug 2017
A seven letter imperfection is its perfections. You see it's not even nor hole just in its prime waiting to come alive.

We a lot like perfect prime a seven letter perfection trying not to be that one imperfection. It's okay to be seven letter prime. See if your even then you just like all the other Guys.

You've been around for long. Suit and tie that's your song. Laid up late worrying about the bills you have to pay and all the people that get in your way.

This world is harsh. It cuts you down puts you in your place,it's all around, it Consumes who we are and before you know it Your the seven letter prime still patiently waiting to feel alive.

we told from a young age different is wrong, normally looked down , frowned upon.

Don't think out the box, Dont love the different colours because your family won't like that. We told who we must be. To be prime is just not what you want to be. To be whole and equal and fully fair. That's who you are to be. Not prime and different then you weird and artistic.

To hell with the world and the Conformities they create. Be prime, be out there, be happy, think out the square.
Lily Priest Jul 2020
He wrote me
charmed with
child-like innocence
and soft
with safety

But close the book,
creak of wood
and crawl
of thieving
off with the
let it settle
on the floor,
as stony cold
as all that
softness has become.

He wrote me brave
proud in the way
should be,
and lovely

But turn the
and all is fear
and fretful
soak skin
to awakeness
when footsteps
mark the hall,
and rattles
turn to the
dooming click
of entry.
He hears
every silent

He wrote me defiant
unreliant on
social standing
was just
dressed prettily

But end the
and compliant
fall exhausted
from the fight
and tear-stained
cheeks sting
rosy red
against the pain.
People think that poetry
has to be a certain way

look a certain way

sound a certain way

but at night,
when it’s just me
and the words
and a white, dazzling page

a raw outpouring
of rage, or grief
a siren song of sadness

I know better
than to believe in that

and to think with my heart

and not traditions
or conformities  

and to trust in myself
and the words,
and that white, dazzling page
Jermon Aug 2020
I’m sitting out on the stairs to the ninth floor, the cold breeze almost numbing my fingers but I don’t mind. I have the city skyline lit up in front of me, rolling out yellow stars on ground, unmatched to the sky of course.
I was born at an altitude much higher than this.
A city, yes, but up in the mountains with huge stretches of red flowers for company.
I remember clearly, waddling up to the balcony glass door, drawing patterns on the effects of my breath against the smooth cold glass.
Smoke wafts up from a source hidden by the balcony covering the stairway, here. Seventeen years later.
The same old buildings. The same old sky. The same old tarmac.
I’ve changed though.
I was borne into this beautiful disciplined country of conformities, but I’ve grown into something unruly. Rebellious. Independent. By thought, at least.
Although I feel so much, I take the view by the eyes of an observer.
Every second is a lesson, every breathe is unique in the way it teaches you life.
Ah, life, is it?
We’ve come to it again.
This smile on my lips ridicule the girl who burst into tears, saying she wished she could just stop thinking. What was it that pained her?
Maybe I’ll never know.
Borne in the mountains, I guess I have no choice but to reach for the skies. But first life took me down for dip in the coast for me to realize the roots that run through the blood in my veins. It was beautiful, realizing you have much of a past out before you, part of a picture bigger than this movie you see laid out before you with such sparkle and glitter.
Here I am out to write a poem, but instead my fingertips trace this, metaphorical of the typical way my life unravels.
Often you wonder, if you’ve uprooted roots while you’re still growing them, again and again and again, could you ever belong?
Maybe instead you learn to accept the world is a different shade for everyone, and some see shade in a combination too far and wide for anyone else to really put together. But yet.
The yearning is always there, for someone to laugh at the world for the same reasons you do.
We live for a greater cause, yes? Always constantly looking for that one thing in life that’ll fill your heart with the satisfaction of knowing your place in the world, and the confidence of leaving it for somewhere better. I mean, sure is flawed, this life, ain’t it?
We live looking for reason, and die, having found and fulfilled why.
Life is the coming together of so many precariously laid gentle strokes, surely, it marches to beat and rhythm?
I’ll stop now, my fingers have numbed.

Nov 2019

— The End —