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On the third day. Ref 017
On the third day.
Now as I roll away the stone

The thoughts and actions gathered
Heartfelt intentions placed in memory banks
Establishment of our communication method

The road ahead of course is uncertain
Having Barbara with me ,an essential
In sickness and in health , for better or worse
Reacting to each problem with a solution
Devoting myself to our spiritual togetherness

Daily as I roll away the stone .To clear a path
Act and react without a seconds thought
You have made my mind up . My woman brave
This poem is written at the death bed of my dear wife Barbara who was held on a life support in Hospital while her children and grandchildren gathered at the bedside. On the third day She ascended into heaven and was relieved from all pain. This is one of my 30 days of mourning. The first month of a lifelong mourning
Poem ~Lifted by Angels Ref 018
Written by Philip. 29/9/2018.

Lifted by Angels
In that music that we loved
For the last six years together
The times just seemed to fly
Encouraging our relationship
Day by day , year by year you know

Barbara you were the love of my life
You know that Darling and it shows .

Anyway you see me now ,in my deep despair
Nothing really matters ,except everything.
God placed us both together ,a token period
Let me promise to the world , you ‘re ever here
Every minute of the day wherever I may be
Songs played together sung n danced the
            Night Away. ~~~~~~

Inspired by the track ~ Lifted by Angels
By John Farnham.
You may not know John Farnham in the USA or UK. Bit he is Rock Royalty in Australia. Listen to this track and appreciate the lyrics and the guitar riffs
Poem ~ Our garden where we would sit n laze .
Ref 023

Our garden where we would sit and laze.
Under the canopy of beautiful tree palms
Rippling waters trickling by whilst we dream

Gardens of tropical plants tended n charmed
And dollars well spent on this tropical scene
Reflections mirrored up to the sky becalmed
Did this paradise figure in our wildest dreams?
Even as loving kindred spirits were we charged
No never though our lives of years we teamed

Without a doubt we teamed to live as one.
Hoping for a life force ,greater than it seemed
Expecting that with luck our life had just begun
Real life Angel ,she was, all I would ever dream
Established early on,we would have such fun.

With plans to live forever, I fear, I was so wrong
Even the best laid plans of mice and men .

Will never stand up to be predictable
Our garden where we would sit n laze
Under the canopy of beautiful palm trees
Lagoons where we watched our charges play
Digging in the sand and giving Nana joy.

Silent now as I sit with you reflecting
I sit in pain knowing that my Darlings gone
Triggering another tear to salt my eyes

No doubt folk kindly say “just love yourself “

Love myself ? Well OK , but my darling’s gone
And in Our garden where we would sit n laze
Z zzzz Barbara oh please let me dream of you
Eternally ,sweetheart in my heart to carry you

Written by Philip.
Sunday 7th October 2018.
A memory of my Darling Wife who passed away in September
An exercise in manifestation
Usually when you wish to manifest something in your life,
it is because of the emotions that it will enable you to feel.
For example, if it is a material possession
it may allow you to feel more successful and proud of yourself.
Or if it is a relationship it may allow you to feel connection, intimacy and union.
If it is a new job it may allow you to feel the excitement of new challenges.
If you want greater wealth it may allow you to feel free and able to make enjoyable life choices.
So start to drill down on why you actually want what you want.
This clarity will allow you to start praying for the emotional qualities first and allow you to start to come into vibrational alignment with what you are wanting,
and of course this will make it so much easier to manifest.
So start your day by thanking God and the Universe for bringing your manifestation to you in easy and joyful ways.
Then spend time accessing the joyful feelings that you want from your manifestation
and carry those feelings throughout your day, just like you would if you had already manifested your desire.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
An Acrostic Poem based upon the above text.
Usually ,when you wish to manifest something.
Select yourself a Sacred Space to meditate.
Uncompromising access to a higher self
A feeling of emotional control is the one state
Like a magic wand of success ,a golden ring
Limitless love as your unconditional promise
You can be free to offer this ,as on the wing

When embarking on a fresh career or journey
Hail and anticipate that certain, new success
Excited in the field of that new challenge
Never doubt yourself ,trust in your certainty ;

You wish for wealth to ensure that confidence
On a scale unheard of by your group of peers
Unless you aim that ,high independence fails

Will you drill down to what you really want?
Is your dream impossible? Let wind in to sails,
So start your day by thanking the Almighty
Have a series of thanking the Universe as well

The blessings that you have in  life are such
Only now to understand their true wealth .

Manifestations starting with the first step
And carry those qualities all day long.
Note at least five gifts to be grateful for
In the following hours add them one by one
Finding and researching all the known virtues
Expanding each from groups of Seven.
Starting with the first being that of “Faith”
Then listing the second virtue now of “ Hope”

So on to third virtue we know as “Charity”
Oh , they are the easy ones that come to mind.
My list then comes upon my friend “Prudence”
Each of us appreciates the next as “Justice.”
Then the sixth virtue to live by is “Fortitude”
Have you seen the final virtue to live by?
I have and I recommend you make a friend
Name that friend “Temperance “ he’ll be there.
Go now and manifest with all your heart.
Philip. Written 25th October 2018.
The planning that goes into an Acrostic is worthy of the time spent in study of text and rewriting in your own words and triggering each line.
Give everybody the truth
An Acrostic Poem by Philip

Give everybody the truth.
In a nutshell let’s be open about this.
Virtually nobody knows the meaning of life
Experience helps but it is a long journey

Every year goes by and you learn something
Very soon after seventy years you know all
Even though you cannot remember breakfast
Really you still don’t understand the meaning
You don’t understand the meaning of life
By now you would think they’d give us truth
Oh as some say the answer is forty two.
Did they think that they could fob me off ?
You have to get up early in the morning

The truth with a full disclosure is desired
Having no more beating about the bush
Every politician that wants our precious vote

Trust me. They rant, believe in me , I am truth.
Relax and smile , yes you’ve heard it all before
Unicorns are the holders of the whole truth
They are out there and only visible to Poets
Have faith my friends and the truth’s reveals

Give the people truth. An Acrostic exercise
When all else fails you have got to love thyself
A poem written by Philip. 2/10/2018. Ref 021
When all else fails you have got to love thyself
Having spent so much time loving you my dear
Eternal will be that love and never ever waiver
Not in a million years although I share you !

Although I share you with the wide wide world.
Love that you have to others was boundless
Love that was free and so unconditional

Even when all else fails. I will be there for you
Linking arms with you and marching through.
Seeing that now we’re alone we love ourselves
Especially now that we are spiritually alone

For now we are alone when all’s said n done
And you in your heavenly corner and I in mine
In a biblical context love our neighbours
Love them as ourselves and love thyself
Simply love all and sundry unconditionally

Yes and love yourself with an equal passion
Often I would hear your words. Know I love you
Unspoken now , because God took you away.

Hectic now are my days on earth without you
And I guess more than ever I must love my self
Very sad the long moments that I now endure
Every day I find a mountain of which to climb

Grandchildren vanished as a wand was waved
Oh I guess that care we gave is tossed away
Though I love them all without conditions

They will remember me as a distant memory
Oh when all else fails you gotta love thyself

Love yourself and get on with your life.
Onward as if you have not a care in the world
Virtually ostracised from your life of yesterday
Especially as you and I were so in love.

Though many people of our age stood back
Happiness came to the front with our love
Year on year month on month a day at a time
So now you’ve gone from me my darling girl ?
Earth angels and guides comfort my grief.
Love ? For there is no better word as how I feel
For love I send you n and save little for myself
Written by Philip
2nd October 2018.
Loneliness is a companion to grief. My dear wife Barbara died in September and I am grieving but poetry now bridges the gap and fills the void.
So you love bananas ?
So you love bananas ?
Or is it just the colour ?

Yellow I think you would say.
Only if you leave them too long
Usually they will turn brown.

Loving the shape is such fun
One can laugh at the smiley face
Very nice smoothies to taste
Every bananas a hero to breakfast

Backed up with wheatbix n milk
And cut up with bowls of porridge
Nana loves to eat it with Phil.
As you Child so love bananas
Next time that you join us for tea
And let us all praise all bananas
So good for both you and for me. !  
A poem Phil wrote for Barbara’s grandson.
At Lions gate 8/8/17.
Written for one of Barbara’s grandsons
Nonesuch is the beauty of my love . Ref 025
A poem written By Philip.
10th October 2018.
Nonesuch is the beauty of my love.
On a scale of one to ten. I say a ten.
Nonesuch is the depth of my love.
Everlasting and eternal friend of mine
Such it was in life , now it is in death.
Universally when a man loves a woman
Critically it’s understood, she can do no wrong.
Having a nonesuch depth of love she was true

It is no secret , what our Universal God can do.
So what he’s done for others he’ll do for you.

Though one gets tired of worn out phrases
Happiness between two lovers ? Essential.
Essential that’s what makes our love nonesuch

Because our love was without any equal.
Essential that’s what made our love nonesuch.
And for six years we made vows to love eternal
Understanding our tenure was time sensitive
Touring the world knowing our time was limited
You never put off until tomorrow.Do it today.

Oh many young lovers don’t appreciate time.
For procrastination is ever the thief of time

My love for Barbara ,well there was None such
Years of unconditional love graced a later life

Later life when we’d served for seventy winters
Ongoing life ,following dramas , following life.
Very happy was our constant daily relationship
Earth Angel listen to my constant prayers to thee.
In remembrance of my Darling Barbara.
Written by Philip. October 10th 2018.
Written during the first 30 days of mourning.
Everlasting love is a commitment  Ref 008

Everlasting love is a commitment.
Virtual reality cannot ever compare
Everlasting reality is my love for you
Reality that continues unabated
Longer than  affairs of the heart
As my darling I know you by heart
Since the first Happy days meeting
The first day of the rest of my life
I discovered an everlasting love
Not withstanding your aloof brow
Golden are the moments shared

Love's unconditional commitment
Only true lovers understand it .
Very close encounters promote it
Especially within thy noble form

I love you so much my Barbara
So much once to inspire my mind

As constant is my wish to praise

Composing lines of loving prose
On each and every living day.
My mind races with the inspiration
Mastering words of literary giants
In songs of praise dedicated to thee
Then understand my commitment
My commitment ,to my darling girl
Everlasting love is my commitment
Not just for now but forever always
Thank you for our life commitment
From my tribute archive sent daily to my wife.
A story of Australian terms plants and wildlife. Ref 022
An “Acrostic “poetic tribute to my darling girl
Written by Philip 4th October 2018.

A story of Australian terms plants and wildlife.

Six years in the making , it ended all too soon
Two oldies ,lost your husband I lost my wife
Oh you were so Australian n I a winging Pom
Reaching three score years and ten in life
You ‘d have to say “What were these guys on”

Oh it’s chemistry yes the chemistry was right
For t’was a no brainer , I knew I wasn’t wrong

A story of Australian terms plants and wild life
Under this Oz Angel,who tried to get me gone
Something clicked, I had to make her my wife.
That took a good six months to bring together
Racing up n down from Sydney to Melbourne
And we did the road trip up to Sydney to live
Loving the old Aussie towns on the route
In fact we had a year renting in Manley NSW
A story of Australian terms plants and wildlife
New words and phrases and broad humour

Terms like tucker and strine and wowser
Echidna ? that burrowing egg laying mammal
Ringtail possums sitting on the garden fences
Many ,varied and colourful birds in life abound
Some so vocal with a cacophony of sound.

Phil and Barbara born on different continents
Living seventy years on different continents.
And now coming together in a beautiful bond
Nothing to compare in a hundred n fifty years.
That’s the extent of our joint living years.
Segregated on two separate continents

An “ Acrostic” tribute to my darling girl.
Now having met by chance at a family party
Drawn together to form the ultimate affair

Would you not like to hear more about us?
I was scared to venture off the beaten track.
Like I am supposed to be talking nature
Dinkum is something genuinely honest
Love is honest , love is unconditional
I want to make this poem so very honest
Furphy gave rise to an unfounded rumour
Exactly ! Furphy was the early water carrier

An  “Acrostic “ tribute to my darling girl.
Now I know she deserves another tribute.

And I for sure will give it to my dearest one
Coolgardie safe for keeping food cool
Roo meat is tender if you keep it out the sun.
Ockers abound those matey unpolished males
Smoking away their lives in designated areas
These men are the salt of the earth,sociable
I would oft sit in the smoking area and blah
Conversations diverse But I don’t smoke.

Pavlova graces many a table covered in fruit
On the occasional meal out we may partake
Especially at our birthday anniversary treats
Those dates so special in our calendar
I remember June before last we made a trip
Coming over the beautiful Blue Mountains

The trip we made was to Bathurst in NSW
Reminiscing in the town of Barbara’s birth
I was enchanted by the fertile landscapes
Backblocks n outback. Remote country areas
Urgent that we found the ancient homestead
Then met Barbs cousin who still farms there
Even though  Seventy years had passed since

Turned out that he was orphaned as a child
Orphaned when his mother died in childbirth

My God, times were tough in those days.
Yet how I ramble? I should be teaching nature

Diligently I shall try to stick to the point.
A story of Australian terms plants and wildlife.
Ringtail possums possesses essential stoicism
Larrikin ? beware of that grog filled hooligan
It looks like a possum especially when drunk.
Now we were sometimes awakened by them.
Grog is the devils brew if VB is consumed

Grant me a moment of reflection to the finale
I got little to show for my poem of Nature
Rightly this is a tribute to my Darling girl
Let no man think I fantasise. This grief is real.
Written by Philip. 4th. October 2018.
An Acrostic exercise
A Poem ~ A valuable lesson learned as a child
Composed by Philip October 7th 2018. Ref 024
A valuable lesson learned as a child.
A valuable lesson learned as a child.

Valuable for all the obvious reasons.
And when it comes to my minds filed
Labeled “Experience “ that is its location
Unless you are so pure. You know what I mean
As seldom in this world only Angels are pure.
But as you know, life is a series of experiences
Life is a precious hour or a hundred years
Every now n then you learn a valuable lesson

Live it , learn from it , store it in the memory.
Eventually you have a wealth of experiences.
So where am I going with this poetic analogy ?
Sometimes a valuable experience surfaces
On this occasion I was about five off puberty
Not knowing much with God fearing practices

Learned the Commandments not new to me
Every Sunday would read n recite At masses
A sacred list of ten as God watches over me.
Repeating verbatim in our daily Bible classes
No Gods before me , nor taking God in vain
Even remember to keep holy the sabbath day
Daddy and mummy would ever be honoured

And most important know “Thou shalt not **** “
Shalt not adultery commit ;Whatever that was

And the big one of all Thou shalt not steal.

Children under Gods eye cannot steal.
Having no mind bearing false witness because
I would not covet neighbours wife or goods.
Like at the time covet was not known to me.
Did I ever imagine how good life would be ?

An Acrostic poem. By Philip.
Written Sunday 7th October 2018.
As a tribute to my dear departed Barbara.
An Acrostic exercise
Poem written by Philip October 12th 2018     Ref 026. An Acrostic:
Worst part of loneliness is being without you
Worst part of loneliness is being without you.
On most days I can fill my life with something
Rather than nothing or feeling sorry for myself
Sorry that now my Darling has gone pain free
Trouble is that we thought we’d live forever

Pausing seldom to think of a reality of ageing
Ageing is deadly. Parts wear out and die off
Reality dawns on us too late. Missed the bus
Typically missed spent youth comes to haunt

On those occasions when tobacco was king
From that day on. The fuse had been lit.

Loneliness now is your legacy to me as I lay
On those days in Queensland when it pours
Never in small droplets. No it really rains. !!  
Engulfing the storm drains and rivers n lakes
Like the whole heavens are crying “She’s gone
I ache from the loneliness. I am so missing you
Now I appear to the outside world I cope well
Every holistic solution know to man do I try
So many all the days of the week do I count
Some say they are a great remedy for grief

I argue not ,I think this does work well for me
So in my opinion the loneliness is the worst

Because you were always there to praise me
Exciting my day by your loving exclamation
I love you my darling , I love you , do you know
No doubt in our minds. We loved each other.
God knows how long he plans for me to suffer

Worst part of loneliness is being without you.
I start my day with a sort of positive stance.
Thinking I know exactly what’s in store today.
Having logged all appointments methodically
Only I do it alone. So very alone , very alone.
Unless I come to grips with this I’ll be very sad
Though I hate the loneliness this without you.

You my darling meant so very much to me.
Only through the tribute do I place thoughts
Unnecessary for anyone but you to hear.

Written by Philip. 12 th October 2018.
An Acrostic exercise in control of grief
Oct 2018 · 138
Remember you are special
Remember you are special
Especially to all other poets
Metaphysical or in the real word
Especially to all dead Poet society’s
Metaphysical or way out in the Cosmos
Beyond the far distant blue blue horizon
Especially to all employed Librarians
Remember you are special

You are special to your lover of course
Only he or she appreciates your true love
Understanding the way to a lovers heart.

Art for art’s sake , but poetry for the sake of love
Real love screams off the page without a pause
Especially if you both sing from the same page

Singing together and dancing together endlessly
Poetry is so essential to know the other by heart
Each kiss will remind you. That you are special.
Complete this act of love without inhibitions
I know that it worked for me through life
And now that my Darling has gone forever
Love that we had will stay with me for eternity

An Acrostic tribute to my special one.
We three,my echo,my shadow n me.
Echos of the times we spent together

Though my darling has gone I hear her
Hear her as she repeats her loving phrases
Reciting to me all our favourite poetry
Echoing in my ear the words “Know I love you”
Echoed through our empty sad apartment

My Darling has finally gone , I miss her so.
You can see how I miss her. I am but a shadow

Even though folks say that I’m coping well
Choking back tears that fall daily from my eyes
Hate the single shadow that the sun now casts
Only there used to be two, we were inseparable

My love has gone lifted by golden Angels
Yet her voice and her beautiful spirit still resides

See my shadow now stoops , I used to be tall
Having now to carry the weight of the world.
And we three, my echo , my shadow n me
Discussing how we loved her ,oh how we loved
Oh we are all three of us are so broken-hearted
We thought forever was the way it would be

Now suddenly all bets are off. We were cheated

My echo, my shadow and little old me
End of life as we knew it,a terrible calamity.
An exercise in Acrostic poetry. In grief
Whatsoever things are lovely , think upon these.
Having the mentality to differentiate fully
And having the egocentricity to separate
The wheat from the common chaff
Silicate or sand from a priceless diamond
Or the simplest act of kindness of a Samaritan
Even when all your five senses are tested
Visit that sixth sense , that gut feeling to see.
Each and every element to the smallest atom
Registers on your inbuilt Richter scale

That with good taste and selective education
Having been able to weight up the pros n cons
Intelligence accumulated over a few years or so
Nothing slips through the net.  Or cybernetics
Google will see to that in the blink of an eye.
So whatever things are lovely. Think of those

And go of to sleep at night like an innocent
Reactions not influenced by the course of day
Exercise your brain to think of lovely things.

Lakes of serenely calm waters , sailing craft
Or of a majestic pair of black swans and signets
Velvet cushions housing your beautiful jewels
Every loving keepsake your partner has granted
Lilies of the valley displays upon mothers table
Your grandmothers smile as she reads to you

Things that are lovely, think upon these things
Have not a care for the state of the Nation
It is not in our individual remit to be involved
No only worry about where you have control.
Know that if you have the power to fix it

Usually you fix it , without procrastinating
Procrastination is the thief of time. So act.
On those odd occasions where you fail to act
No points are added it’s a diminishing return

The task is never as tough as you thought
Having opted to think of the beautiful things
Each mindset that you have is sweet smelling
Smelling like a nosegay in an English garden
Excite your mind and think upon these things
So , my friend learn from my humble experience
An exercise in Acrostic Poetry.
Oct 2018 · 1.4k
A poet is a poet is a poet.
A poet is a poet is a poet.

Philip is the name I use
Oliver is my family name
Especially on my passport
True my passport should say Poet

I like to think I am one.
So I write a poem every day

A poet is a poet is a poet

Poetic license I like to take
Occasionally when I need to
Especially when I talk in metaphors
Twitter -pated . Tongue -twisted metaphors

Introducing the art of the Acrostic Poem
Simply using the phrase vertically to trigger

A poet is a poet is a poet

Poets need to die to become well read.
Only the lucky ones ever get published
Even John Keats wasn’t recognised in life
Trick is to keep on writing for all your worth.
An example of a 15 minute exercise
Oct 2018 · 153
Gold and silver
Gold and silver have I very little of
But such as I have of spiritual wealth
Give I to thee, my family and friends
And farther more it is .....Unconditional

— The End —