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Seán Mac Falls Aug 2012
Love in garden rose
Her little hands twining tight
Heart rapt in tendril
Scarlet Niamh Apr 2017
Somewhere within me
lies a girl, but this face is
just cracked plaster.
~~ They thought they were renovating me. Turns out, it was a burial. ~~
- Apr 2017
Broken souls and heavy hearts
Shout "help!" but don't weep
We have to hear them, heal them
drumhound Apr 2017

Spring Fling

Green dust coats the cars
Setting our noses to itch –
The pollen’s fallen.

The Pickup Artist

So what’s a nice girl
Doing in a place like this?
OUCH! That explains it!

Didn't get to write on haiku day so I made up with it by posting 2 now.
Damian Murphy Jan 2016
Why wait, hesitate?
Put things off, procrastinate?
Spring into action!
Emmennarr Apr 2017
My thoughts aren't perceived,
Mystery shrouded by clouds,
My mind still ponders.
ConnectHook Apr 2017
Let me ask you this:
Got a yen for bad Haiku?
Well then... stick around.

How do I love thee?
Let me count the syllables
In my bad Haiku

Take the easy way:
call it poetry. End it
like a samurai

Haiku is a crone
dressed in ragged kimono
bolting down her rice

The useless Haiku:
silly Japanese verse form.
Formula for dull.

Haiku, like Manga,
destroys the attention span
making people dumb

Some still remember
propagandist Tokyo Rose.
(Write one about her !)
God I can't stand Haiku....
Seher Seven Apr 2017
micro span within
macro vision stimulates
maximum time space
Sally A Bayan Apr 2017
Earth days are a mix
moments may be dim...eclipsed,
rays are speared....ellipsed...


Copyright April 11, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
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