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EmperorOfMine Apr 2019
There's that lingering tension
Think this restriction's commissioned
Feel that strong impending doom
Coming for us on a mission
Some of us shrug it all off
And other's bulk up and guard
Can't decide what we should do
But we know we cannot charge
Are we to wait for defeat
Will we have some type of chance
Or should we just go retreat
This isn't our type of dance
This feeling doesn't feel right
As if the world might explode
Yet for some reason, I grin
Who knows what the future holds
Tim Garemore Mar 2019
and we'll not be happy if we reflect on it later

but this will not convince anyone of that

In faith I try to deny myself

but only when it's convenient to me
      or when I am in a particularly
                     Christian mood

we listen to good music etc
         and tell ourselves     and each other
              we'll be okay
we could easily die in our sleep all today
and have none of the redemption we seek

Praise God for his tests!

Jesus help us in our trials!

I need more sleep, all I get nowadays is

A piece I banged out after a family fight right before bedtime a couple months back
Jean Sharlot Dec 2017
Sun sets on it's own
So don't be bothered on waiting
because time will tell
that beauty
comes in every endings.
Ben Fernekees Feb 2012
feel the lie
feel the hunger
feel the truth
thats gone away

tell a lie
to fill your hunger
as the truth
falls away
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2015
They only miss you when they're miserable or have nothing to do.
I dig.
Maddy May 2015
My own calmness
My energy
I float
I am golden

Q Nov 2014
Dance can not be taught;
It's composed of syncing sound
Felt by your being

— The End —