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(haiku x 4)

Sun hides...dips lower
Moon and stars deck the dark sky
Dusk is upon us

Lights.....softly glowing
Drawn curtains are a pale screen
Casting drooping forms...

Voices fill the air
Night, patiently hears the moans
Shame fades at dusk...for,

Dark unites shadows
Cicadas join the whimpers
Wind...comforts the soul...


Copyright February 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
I am
A street without a name
A pictureless frame
A dull knife
A still life

I am
A question mark
A smothered spark
An unread book
A stolen look

I am
A blank page
An empty stage
A heavy sigh
A passer-by

I am
A ship with paper sails
A train on rusted rails
A flightless bird
A Dream Deferred

I am
An overcrowded mind
A word that hasn't been defined
A lighthouse that no longer stands
Two feet sinking in the sand.
 Apr 2015 Shanay Love
They float, slowly
Cascading down
Sifting through the air
Swaying back and forth
When I reach up to touch them,
They move ever so slightly
Away from my grasp
Avoiding my touch
They want to stay
But remain far enough away
 Apr 2015 Shanay Love
 Apr 2015 Shanay Love
you touched me as if my body was your instrument,
you played it perfectly that i felt the melody within my very soul
 Apr 2015 Shanay Love
Tho raw misfortune faded
And I may be alone
It doesn't mean I changed my mind
Or wandered far from home
Thoughts still barb like hooks
Kisses lost their taste
Promises changed meaning
As we fell from grace
Instead I ache for passion
An all consuming fire
Honest, complicated
Thunder soaked desire
Consume my cause & motive
***** the brutal past
Love my dying embers
I wasn't meant to last
At one point i thought
You could be the one
That would make me close my eyes
When i kiss
At one point i thought
That what we had
Or what we might be
Is real
But when you kissed my tonight
I kissed your lips
Tasted your tongue
But not your soul

My eyes were open
I couldn't keep them close
Just like with all the boys
I kissed before
I feel *****. I can feel it still.
I can hear the echoes and taste the blood.
I hear myself say it
You told me not to lie,
You wanted me to lay
Not my heart just my body
I said it
You told me not to lie
A day and six hours
It's been a day and six hours
And I can still feel your hands and your lips
I tried to pull away
But I got caged
By myself
By you
I let it
I let it happen
I said no
Didn't you hear me
I can hear your voice
The phantom limbs
Don't touch me
"Don't lie, you like it."
I don't want it
I'm sorry
I can't
It's a nightmare
And I flinch
I can't
Hold myself together
It didn't go as far as you would've liked
What if the movie didn't end
What if
What if it never ends
Please don't
I said no
I swear I did
But I let it
I let it happen anyway
I'm sorry
He was stronger
I got scared
I let it happen
I couldn't.
Please don't touch me

I want to sink
let me sink
A day and seven hours
I don't want to feel it
I don't want to remember

I can still hear his voice
Feel his touch
Smell him
I see it
Clear as day in my mind
The movie isn't ending
It needs to end
I've had the first two lines of this in my drafts since January 9th and only now can I actually finish it.
i just get upset.
i get so indignant, exasperated, bitter.
because i know that you are being mistreated, you are putting up with a flame you should be putting out.
you are wasting time with something that should remain beneath you.
you're so inure to the most unpleasant of things,
you just allow yourself to intake every bad detail of something that should have never even existed.

and i myself, i know how hard it is..
when you fall in something that seems so familiar,
it seems like love but its really the farthest thing from it.
darling, its been understood that all you want is a love compatible with what you give off.
but let me be of reminder, you will never find what you deserve if you settle for what is undeserving of you.
sever yourself from what is killing you,
you are better and oh so genuinely deserving of much more.

i can't stand to see you like this,
i myself were in the same position.
we are not perfect, though we try to be.
we cannot point fingers relentlessly, we cannot blame the ones that hurt us..
for they do not know how it feels to be so above simplicity,
so above feeling so below,
so above caring for beings that show nothing but lust & pointless liberation.

i want to show you how good it feels, the act of *redemancy.
been in my draft for awhile.. decided to finish it :) *i **** at titles, wow im sorry*
 Apr 2015 Shanay Love
Jonny Angel
Pictures of dead people I know
are smiling and are so full of life
hanging on my wall
reminding me
to seize this day,
because it's not cliche,
and it won't come again.
The moon shines a cool blue tonight
as we entwine our fingers, laying on the baseball field
beneath diamond heavens. We lie
in silence, in the moments when the Universe reveals
itself, and contemplate the distances between one celestial body to
another, the space between
us growing as I turn south
to find Orion while you seek Cassiopeia in the north.

Shooting stars cross the sky, and we wish separately on dead
stars and dead dreams, lights already grown red and extinguished
as we whisper in the dark, passing
between phases.

And in the end we're all left searching.
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