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  Feb 2016 A Wegner
Free Bird
Close your eyes
count backwards from fifty
Asleep you shall fall
Surely, but swiftly

If that doesn't work
It's okay, don't despair
Count imaginary sheep
As they leap through the air

You need to catch some z's
Your body is tired
Ignore the mere fact
That your mind is so wired

Oxygenate your cells
Don't worry, just breathe
Feeling relaxed yet?
Soon you'll drift to the land of dream

What's that? You're still up?
Perhaps you're just parched
Grab a quick glass of water
Then back to bed you shall march

As long as you're up
Might as well make a snack
Digestion should wear you
As the food makes way through your tract

You've wasted enough time
Now back to your slumber
Collapse onto the mattress
Slide under the covers

Each day you face your demons
Though at times it feels you're not winning
Inhale, exhale slowly
Now let's start again from the beginning
A Wegner Feb 2016
Leaves alight
Ice in my veins
calmest crawling calamity,
Slowly enraging serenity

Ashen fall
Forever frail and perishable
An insignificant mass of beautiful petals
Crushed beyond repair
You don't want to hide it
You know what's there

I didn't do it for me
I did it for you
And that's what helped me bloom
I was gone and you were there
Repairable don't you see?
The holding ground of your roots is strong
You weren't affected by the storm

Show me daylight,
Show me warmth
Let my sweet serendipitous buds form
I would say it is the end of crumpled leaves
and worn out weeds
But truth be told
I will always be close to withering
So endure the inevitable
Entwine our pedicles and
Let's claim the soil together
Please never rely on weather
My bloom is more reliant
on the Sun than you might think
A Wegner Jan 2016
Dry lips
Soft sounds
Creaking house
Soft skin
I read your lips
Have you ever heard
Of a feeling quite like this?
Have you ever felt something so slow?
It felt so wrong
But now you feel so whole
And the darkness covers all
The sweetest sigh, the fastest fall,
When the dark is so safe and so warm
When the darkness feels like home
When the only light that's guiding you
Is breathing, feeling
A Wegner Jan 2016
My life is caught in confusion
I'm full of delusions
Don't know what I'm doing
I'm full of excuses

What is the use of it all?
Will I fail will I fall?
Will I walk will I crawl?
And if I don't love
what's it matter at all?

If I've failed the subtleties of this
A tender smile, a tender kiss
Failed to love
Renders this existence
Overwhelmingly useless

So hold me strong
We'll go on
There'll be a point
Where we move on from
Bitterness, feeling careless
like nothing ever mattered less

Just waiting for the start
A dying of self
I'm sick of never caring about
somebody else
To the extent to which my friends
Look like everyone else

And my family's gone where?
I don't know
They're in limbo
Right now though
It's cold and it's dark
It doesn't feel like home

I've got to stay true
To what I set out to do
Which in hindsight I conclude
I haven't got a clue
Just something better for you
Any of you.
I want to be the one to say
You didn't go where I've got to
  Sep 2015 A Wegner
SG Holter
These are days of change.
Eggshell cracks,
Sun rising differently.

Sometimes I put my ear to
The ground and listen.
Heartbeat choirs of

Our unborn children.
Seeds of poets.
Write love; not war.
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