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 Feb 2016 Nick
Paul Hansford
In my childhood trees were green,
sky was blue, the sun shone gold.
Snow fell in winter thick and cold
as if the summer had never been,
and there was nothing in between.
But now I'm old, sky's always grey,
no colour left to light my day,
winter and summer all the same,
and Loneliness my middle name.
Why did you have to go away?
The décima is a Spanish form of ten lines (hence the name), rhymed A B B A A C C D D C.     I reckon it's quite like a sonnet, only shorter. The Spanish original asks for octosyllables, but curiously in Spanish verse that doesn't necessarily mean eight syllables to the line!  So I wrote it in tetrameter (4-beat lines).
 Feb 2016 Nick
syhlent blue
Stuck in my own prison

My thoughts have enchained me

Bound to these feelings that I crave

Desiring the closure that I deserve

You took my shallow heart and gave it depth

Then you left

Making me believe that there's so much more to hold on to

Then letting go

Now I'm the only one holding on

Also holding on to all these mixed emotions

While you let go of everything we had

I'm starting to think we never had it

Please disconnect me from these memories

I need to breathe

I inhaled you

You exhaled me

I give you more

You give me nothing

Now I'm trapped in this lost and found

And you'll never come back to reclaim what you once had

Maybe it's because you never lost it

You let it go and found something new..
 Feb 2016 Nick
 Feb 2016 Nick
i used to hate the rain...
the way it would drench my clothes
and get in my eyes
mess up my hair
and make everything gloomy

but now i think i actually like the rain
because without it
how would the grass be green
and there would be no rainbows

funny how it's like storms in life
without them we wouldn't grow

and i love listening to rain at night
the way it sounds
as it helps me drift off to sleep
it's so calming and relaxing

and you can tell how people are
by the way they react to rain
people either dance in it
or are miserable by it
wrote this as rain was pouring outside my window on a late wednesday afternoon...
 Feb 2016 Nick
Depression is a lonesome soul. She lives in a small house with no lights on. Dark hair and dark clothes, a genuine smile never graces her face. She curls herself into a ball of black, making herself so small that she is barely noticed by most. She brings out tears in the dead of night as people lay in their beds. Gives them the sense of tiredness that can not be fixed with sleep.
Depression has no friends except the thoughts in her head. Wondering if she is good enough, wondering if her life is worth living. Wondering how much longer she will last. She is stuck in hole without a ladder or rope to get out. Falling and falling like Alice, until she reaches her dark twisted Wonderland. Full of things that make people cry or turn their head. Smelling of a potent rose with vanilla, addicting. The silence in this Wonderland is deafening, letting thoughts come to life, screaming. The taste of blood, metallic and of molasses, slow and sickly sweet.
Depression is an addicting woman if you ever meet. Depression is a lonely woman who only wants someone to love and to be loved.
 Feb 2016 Nick
She hides the scar with long sleeves
Even on scorching summer days
So no one can see
or ask why
I sometimes tell stupid jokes
to try and make her smile
But there's an awful sadness
in her eyes
that I can't cure
Nicky's wrist is a road-map
to a dark place
with no return ticket
She reaches for a bottle of pills
to knock her out at night
The knife she used
under the bed
 Feb 2016 Nick
PJ Poesy
 Feb 2016 Nick
PJ Poesy
She tips the toppling tide,
lavish underbelly of an albatross,
and how she rides.

Each wave washing
its imposing self to shore,
more, glorious more,
this gasping February seashore.

Tufts of feathers flutter
and dune grasses dance muster,
must hold ons,
this rallying of  the determined.
Grace notes, song of nature swim in.
Melody of gull, harmonious tension

Her flight brings tears. She is gone.
Will she weather? For now perhaps,
but not long.
Nature can take your breath away, and very naturally one day will.
 Feb 2016 Nick
Natalie Eusebio
I don't know why the caged bird sings,
And I'm not sure why you haven't called.

— The End —