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 Sep 2018 Meet
sarthak vadalkar
All alone in the journey of do or die,
To get to the top, one must thrive.

'Wherever you go, do not stop' they say
First gotta heal what's broken, if I may.
Whether to stop for a while to gather the energy to move further or keep running until you are exhausted completely, the dilemma continues.
 Jul 2018 Meet
joe thorpe
I have never seen an apple more red
than my heart when it bleeds
the green grass and my jealousy meet
my soul has been charcoal
all ***** and black
leaving a mess on everything
when I look back
and Love would be like gold
if digging it didn't
**** people
our left over obsession
from our work
when the aliens made us
i don't go outside
so I stay in the shadows
Fawn lifted me out of my shallow
Another instalment in my series of failed Love attempts. That's quite an exaggeration here.
 Jul 2018 Meet
sarthak vadalkar
Worthless lives
That are burden on earth,
Caught in the cycle
Of death and birth.

Made me wonder
How don't they die,
Realized later,
No different was I.

A beggar I saw,
Body full of disease,
Looking for alms
'give me some food, please'

Broken and shocked I
Thought what can I give,
Greatest thing he had
Was the 'Will to Live'.
 Jun 2018 Meet
sarthak vadalkar
 Jun 2018 Meet
sarthak vadalkar
The moon and stars of the skies
They remind me of you,
The perceptions, truth and the lies
They remind me of you.

Your innocent yet ravishing smile
Swiped right through the heart,
Made me unconscious for a while,
And ripped my heart apart.

That every hair flip of yours
Makes me wanna die for you,
Every second that you're away
Makes me wanna cry for you.

A million words would not suffice,
Such is the beauty of you.
My heart runs on edge of a knife,
Such is the beauty of you.
To the one who does not care whether i exist or not, yet lights up my world !!
 May 2018 Meet
sarthak vadalkar
Nothing achieved, though a lot you tried
Each door you opened, said: Access denied,
Tired from the running 'for and from life'
You are buried under your falling pride.

Ray of hope is seen, amidst a fading sight
This might be the end of this scary night,
But as you crawl closer, you realize:
Combat is not ending until your last fight.

Now that you've given up on hopes
Lost in the darkness, in search of light,
Life wakes you up from the ashes and says
'Get up, till now i was only being polite!'
In the process of learning how to live, negative thoughts often cross the mind.
 May 2018 Meet
sarthak vadalkar
Starting to study
At 12:00 in the night,
So, me or sleep
Who will win the fight.

10 chapters, 10 hours
The statistics are clear,
Earth sees its apocalypse
And the end is coming near.

Trying hard not to sleep
And a lot harder to study,
Wasted so much time
As if were in no hurry.

Two pages are done
But that’s not enough,
333 more pages to go,
The night's gonna be rough.

Still 10 chapters to go
And hours left are five,
Amidst the chaos
How I'm going to survive?

Now turning the pages
Faster than vin diesel’s car,
Reading all at once
I'm a studying superstar!

Then trying to pray
To all new and old gods.
Wars have been won
Against the greater odds.

(In the exam hall)

Question paper be like
It was from outer space,
Somehow I survived
Making it a great chase.

After a few answers
And a long staring at wall,
Gathering myself,
I left the exam hall !
Not getting time for poetry as exams are going on, so i tried to write something about the exams only :p
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