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How can something good suddenly turn bad
Like at a moment you were laughing
And then suddenly you were crying
How can life be so unfair?
Can it just be fair?

But then again... What is the thrill?
We would never learn what is good from bad
Without the other happening
We would never appreciate the value
Of things if life is fair

That, I think, is the irony of life
We can never have just one
It must always come in two's
Something good and something bad
We can never really choose

So, carpe diem, they said
Let us just seize the day
Live the moment
Because we only live once
Might as well enjoy it
I have to say that I do like you
I like the way you smile
The way you laugh
Even your awkwardness

But can it be possible
That I liked you even if
I only met you
Is this even possible?

Whatever the answer is
That is what I am feeling
I can't help smile when I hear your name
Or even when I think about you

This is what my heart screams
But mind doesn't want to admit yet
Because it is protecting my heart
From getting hurt again

But I do hope that one day
My mind would finally permit
My heart to admit what it feels
But for now I would leave it be

I just got to wait for the sign
Or the moment
Or the time
That it would be perfect to tell
I really want to meet you
But something is stopping me
And something is stopping you
How would that be possible?

So many obstacles are in the way
That sometimes I want to give up
Because I am losing hope
And I don't want to get hurt

But I also want to keep going
Because I have enough regrets
In my life that I could take
Life is too short to not take leaps of faith

So maybe the advice I could give myself
Is to keep going, keeping going
Because life is too short
And my life has already too many "what ifs"

And another thing to remember
Is to not expect anything
Because that is when you'll truly be hurt
Just live in the moment, that's all it takes

For now, it's enough for me to know
That we will be meeting each other
Someday.sometime. And hopefully soon.
But for now I bid adieu, from someone who really want to meet you.
I wish I had the courage
To tell you
How much I really want
To know you

I wish I had the courage
To say to you
How much I wanted to say hi
To you

I wish I had the courage
To show you
How much I like for you
To be my friend

I wish I had the courage
To let you know
How amazing you are
To be just you

I wish I have the courage...
The courage...
That I wish you had too
There are thoughts
In your mind
That you wish
You could erase
Or forget
Or not thought about
At all

There are moments
In life
That you wish
You could repeat
Or remember
Or relive the
Feeling again

There are memories
In your head
That you wish
You could take back
Or happen again
Or not happen
At all

There are so many
Things going
But sometimes
What is done
Is done
We just got to move on
It gets better
Maybe not now
Maybe not tomorrow
But I promise it would be

Give it time
And it would heal, eventually
Some things takes time
There is no need to rush

When it does get better
You would never notice
Because you already forgotten
The broken pieces you once were

So take the time
To clear your thoughts
And give your self time
Because in the end... You'll make it
What is this thing I am feeling?
I am not quite sure.
It is something I never felt before.
I do not know what to feel.
Should I be scared or be happy?

I find it funny though.
I do not know you personally.
You also do not know me personally.
Yet, why do I feel like this towards you.
A feeling I never felt before.

I can't quite point what I am feeling.
Is it good or is it bad?
I really can't tell.
I just have to wait and see
Till i meet you and you meet me.
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