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The thought
the thought of you dragging
a blade across your
it kills me.
The thought
the thought of you
taking your last breath
tears me apart.

you are too young and
beautiful to leave this world
you are too loved
to even think to leave

you remind me of the song
by lana del ray
the one that goes..
"will you still love me when
im no longer young and beautiful?"
yes yes i will

you tell me i am your big sister and
you look up to me
and not to cry because i am
too beauttiful,
now its my turn.

you are beautiful
you are loved. so please
wipe the tear off you
cheek, put the blade
down and come here
i love you
just remember the promises
we made eachother
that one day
we will be able to hold eachother
in our arms and
i can tell you how much
i love you.

because words dont
describe it enough, words cant
express the feelings
going through my body
i love you. x
I may not have heard you call my name
*but i felt your spirit
I am enough,
My crooked smile and my chubby chin
I am enough,
My thunder thighs and my beautiful grin.
I am enough,
My glorious eyes and my reflection's twin.
I am enough,
Be it super thick or super thin.
I am enough,
With one love and without several men.
I am enough,
My golden, bronzed, and sun-kissed skin.
I am enough,
No matter where I'm going or where I've been.
I am enough,
Who I am is not a sin.
And I will always be enough.
For more of my poems, feel free to check out my blog
Yessiree I did I did
My fingers pressed the buttons
My throat became sandpaper
My stomach felt
That Palmer Lake queasy
Because I'm strong sometimes too
 Aug 2016 Malebogo Gopetse
never date a boy with commitment issues.
the way he treats you after a breakup is more important than how he treated you while you were dating.
never date a boy who smokes cigarettes.
you can't change someone no matter how hard you try.
never date a boy that's lonely.
don't hookup with someone if you like their personality.
never date a boy who thinks his **** is a gift.
be wary when he says "i love you" at the end of a relationship.
never date a boy who feels no emotion.
if he mentions a girl, he'll probably **** her when you break up.
never date a boy with no ambition.
love is an illusion.
never date a boy who measures the success of a relationship in the number of times you ******.
if his actions don't match his words, don't believe what he says.
never date a boy who begs to not use a ****** when both of you have no intention to start a family.
if he makes no time for you, don't waste your own time on him.
never date a boy who doesn't like breakfast.
if it's too good to be true, it probably is.
never date a boy who's a racist.
when he says he always has doubts about relationships but you make everything feel okay, remember that doubts will overcome any good feeling.
never date a boy who loves you out of convenience.
"you feel like a sister, but incestually" is not a compliment.
never date a boy who prefers hard cookies to soft ones.
if your friends and parents tell you not to get involved, listen to them.
never date a boy who has different relationship ideas than you.
if he says "we'll try again" when breaking up with you, he's lying.
thank you for teaching me so much in the short time we talked/dated, sebastian. it hurt but now i know.
Pain is a temporary way
Your heart lets you know
You are slowly, surely healing
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