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why am i taking song suggestions from a boy who doesn't play any instruments and thinks my favourite music sounds 'cheap'
tuesday 8th december '15 ~ you're no good at conversations, no wonder all i want to do is kiss you
  Oct 2015 Kaleigh O
the one you
fell in love with
still lives,
she is just
well hidden
from monsters
like you.
  Oct 2015 Kaleigh O
Hanna Mae Mata
Don’t you ever make claims that you’ve moved on,
when the scribbles on your notebook will prove otherwise.
Don’t you ever assume that you have forgotten,
when a phone number you should have gotten rid of,
will prove you ridiculous.
Kaleigh O Oct 2015
You don't need his hugs, you don't need his kisses, you don't need his touch, you don't need his love, you don't need him. You need your own love, you need yourself. He cannot save you with his words, you do not need to be saved by anyone but yourself. He can't fix you, you do not need fixing. You do not have to look into his eyes to see the stars, there is a sky full of burning asteroids right above you doll. His laughter is not your laughter, his smile is not your smile, you are your own.
I wrote this during class one day on a sheet of notebook paper, and came across it in my bookbag. These papers helped me and I was hoping that maybe they would help someone else (:
You are by far
The finest trouble
I've ever known
And for that, I don't mind the scars.
Kaleigh O Mar 2015
I am not a game piece and this is not a game.
You cannot continue to move me where you desire.
The loss of being 2 steps ahead and then moving 7 steps behind is tiring.
I am not a game piece and this is not a game.
  Mar 2015 Kaleigh O
Marquis Hardy
You could be my cancer, and for that I don't think I would mind
you seem to find that peculiar so read closely line by line.
My lungs don't matter much because I hardly breathe fresh air,
and maybe my last breath I breathe could be our breath to share.  
My skin please without it do not leave
for after all it was you that told me true beauty lies beneath.
Is there cancer of the eyes? If so please have them too,
I would be ever so lucky if the last thing I saw was you.
Cancer in my fingers? As malignant as all that came before
creep into my feeling and let me feel your skin once more.
If there is cancer in my arms I suppose it would be amputated,
but that's okay because then it's yours forever and for that I would be elated.
Sliding through my brain the cancer starts to spread
leaving me worthless lying lifelessly in our once shared bed.
Hardly a terrible fate since I spent my favorite moments there
loving you so wildly as if having an affair.
I could be making this up, but cancer of the heart would only make sense
because you touched my heart one day
and I've loved you ever since.
Just a fun, late night practice of word play! Cancer is being used as a disease while representing a loved one with the same zodiac sign.
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