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You get down on your knees,
Pull the hair beneath your ears.

Feels the beat of the sea,
As you sip your tea.

Sky's purple as your lips,
As the sun slowly drips

With my heart you never keep.
I behold thyself!
For I let myself bleed.
As the blood gushing red,
With red deeper than death.

Would you hold my soul,
Flowing through your eyes
Slowly slipping foul.

I am delightfully surprised!
With the beauty of my existence
Which I had not realized,
Until I ended this sentence.
Life cannot be understood on the surface
Take a plunge to the depths of life
That is where the truth can be found
After swimming against all odds
You shot an arrow to my heart,
hoping it will ease the pain.

You pulled the trigger,
the bullet straight to my soul
hoping you'll see what's beneath me.

You put a knife on my body,
tracing the lines seen
hoping you'll get past through me.

What you didn't know,
I already felt worst
Numb just like a feather
Delicately falling from someone else's back.
Can life be anymore cruel?
I thought maybe she was like
The Sun.
I wrote about her warmth
And the way she lit up
The world around her.

But that wasn't quite right.
So I started over.

Perhaps she was autumn.
Her cool gaze evanescent but
Always a wonder to admire
And enigmatic in the way
Her smiles sauntered up her cheeks.

Something was still missing though.
So I started over.

For a while I felt she was the ocean.
Alluring, polarizing, hiding secrets
She pretends even she doesn't know about.
A riptide pulling me closer
Until there was nothing but her.

Frustrated, I scrapped everything.
I knew what she was like,
The way she felt when I held her,
How beautiful she was when she laughed,
The peace I felt when I would lie next to her.
And even when I poured over my brain
For the right words,
They wouldn't come.

And that's when it hit me,
When a realized
I know what she is.

She's poetry.
She is a mess.
Her soul is dispatched and scarred.
Her heart is overused.
Her life is a ruined ruins.
Her mind is full of scattered thoughts.
Her eyes sparkle with pain.
Her lips ache for the unsaid words.
Her hands craves for touch.
Her body longs for someone who drifted away from her.
She just wanted to explore the world but she cannot do that. She must explore her mind, arrange all thoughts and dispose what’s needed. If only there’s a navigation bar inside her head, she surely gonna put most thoughts to recycle, and reduce. She always felt guilty for the things she didn’t do or maybe unconsciously did. She’s always afraid of the role of every person she meets in her life. She never really cared about anyone, she just wanted to be happy, accepting what’s needed. She never really thought that once she fell in love, she never thought it would be so hard. She unconsciously fall to the stupid tricks of love and now, she is changed.
She is used.
She is scarred.
She stopped being happy, for love took it. She got tired of chasing happiness and now became her own pain.
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