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 Mar 2020
Emily Mitchell
Mist of eager green
Tiny understory leaves
Signal life's return.
I always love the stage of growth where all the trees are still black and leafless but the tiny undergrowth shrubs have just started putting out their first leaves and the green hangs like a fine mist around the base of the trees in the forest.  💕🌱🌱🌱💕
 Mar 2020
Emily Mitchell
Kindling a purr...
Stroking the cat's back softly
Contentment ignites.
Anyone who's ever touched a happy cat knows how incredibly calming the sound and feel of a rumbling purr can be... cat jumps in your lap you scratch in just the right place for long enough to get one started and there you have it!... instant relaxation for the small price of playing bed and masseuse to another creature... X'D

*w* heehee... I'm pretty proud of my wordplay in the title... X'DDDD
 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Pale petals whisper
Spring's cool timid fingertips
Brush by tenderly.
I love cherry blossoms,  there are 2 big cherry trees right next to the restaurant where I work... every spring they tickle everyone with petals... the only trouble is the fallen ones get tracked everywhere and we have to sweep them up hahaha are there really hard to sweep up because they just curl and roll...
 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Strands of drifting silk
Glisten in the gentle breeze
Intangible wisps.
Inspired by that time of season when the baby spiders are ballooning using strands of gossamer silk to get from place to place.
 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Treetops glowing gold
in the moment of sunrise
fading to mundane.
I accidentally / inadvertently saw the sunrise one morning I was spacing out looking at the orange glow and then it crested The Horizon and shone in my eyes hahaha I thought this is incredibly beautiful and it happens almost every single day but few are around to see it at the very moment it happens.
 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Circle round once more...
Perhaps it is different now...
infinite glass wall...
Inspired by of course a goldfish swimming around circles and it's bowl...I had several goldfish in bowls for a little while until I determined that it was too tedious to clean each individual bowl and bought a large tank to keep them in ...they were so happy to be transferred into the tank that they swam around together for quite a while after being reintroduced to each other.

This can also be read figuratively as sort of the futility of rote dull work... I don't know pretty much everyone's felt trapped in an invisible shell that they feel like they're running circles around in occasionally...

Either that or futility meets optimism hahaha

 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Your puttering purr
flutters against my fingers
sharing in comfort.
I love my kitties. <3
written June 10th 2019
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Cold wet nose bumps mine
Kitten paws prance on my chest
Purring alarm clock...
I love my kitty,  he is a good alarm clock.

— The End —