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 Dec 2017 Summer
 Dec 2017 Summer
I wanted to write a lovely poem..
I ended up writing your name
 Jan 2017 Summer
rained-on parade
You can't hold the short arm of the clock
and call it yesterday.
This is what I've learned this year. I think we've all grown up in ways we don't want to admit.

And in the end we're always more lost than ever found. But isn't that what life is all about? Finding your way back to yourself.

Happy new year everyone.
I hope joy gets your address right this time.
 Nov 2016 Summer
 Nov 2016 Summer
my boy's got sunshine in his hair
and his mouth can rap pretty verses
he's looking up at the same sky
he's speaking in an entirely
different language but i can
understand how happy he is
his sharp canine smile
crooked in the light
his laugh is a lullaby i use
to sing myself to sleep
my boy's got galaxies in
his eyes and i still wonder
why i love the stars
my boy is a golden boy
and half of me
cannot compare to
half of what he is
someone once asked me
what i would love
about him if i
was given the chance
i pointed at his heart -
*"this, and so much more."
for kmg; i always try to allow myself to love you even if you're days away.
 Nov 2016 Summer
willow martz
you told me
as i laid in bed,
of our soon to be:

of the garden we
shall call our own,

the morning walks to
bring us home,

and the days where movie midnights
cause laughter to fill the rooms

would make us whole.

this was what any soul yearned for,
this was what was suppose to be..

yet i am shaking with fear,
weak on my knees.

i was not scared of my future,
until you stapled yourself into
my soon to be.
 Nov 2016 Summer
J. D. Salinger
John Keats
John Keats
Please put your scarf on.
Moments pass,
Days go by,

Time, it is too honest -
Arrogant, not shy.

It comes, and it goes,
It cares not, for your emotions,

It steals your dreams,
It throws them into
the deepest depths,
of the darkest, vastest oceans.

Time, it spares no pain,
It reminds you, constantly,
That it will soon take you...

It trys so hard
to make you anxious -
It will eventually break you!

It teases you
with the most pleasurable moments,
Those, that you will never forget...

It gives you special memories -
most precious,
and a few,
that you may live long enough
to regret.

Time, is an absolute blessing.
However, its inevitable end,
feels like a massive curse,

It ticks away faster
As you get older,
Making all of your anxieties
Feel horribly worse.

Time, it is impetuous,
And, unfortunately,
There a many souls
Who lack appreciation
For every blessed, precious,
Unstoppable second.

Sadly, they realise this,
Only when their final moments
Are about to come - when their last Breath is about to be taken;
When their soul
Has been beckoned.

It kisses you,
Then it runs,

It causes chaos,
But, still,
With every second of it,
That we are blessed,
It makes us,
The lucky ones!

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Nov 2016 Summer
all I know is I no longer remember what it feels like to not miss you
 Nov 2016 Summer
Eleanor Rigby
And maybe we're all unknown little Van Goghs
Self mutilating our hearts
In the name of love.

 Nov 2016 Summer
storm siren
I've read that
The opposite of two
Is "a lonely me, a lonely you."

I'm freezing cold,
Bundled in blankets that can't keep me warm
The way you do.

And I'm not sure
If I'm fire
Or if I'm ice,

All I know is that
Being in your arms
Is really nice.

I'm not entirely sure
If I'm lost
Or if I'm found,

But flying with you
Is so much better
Than being on the ground.
So tired.
 Nov 2016 Summer
Clare Veronica
You see
The thing is
We are all looking for something
That can take away the pain
*We are all addicted
To something that takes the pain away
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