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Never ending number or
Everlasting soul ??
Crave for me like a smoker
Craves for a puff each night.
Love them,

But do not fear losing them.
We might fail in loving back or more often expressing our emotions, but never fear losing them. If they are meant to be with you, they will.
Either you end up
In my poems
Of heartbreaks,
Sadness and misfortune
Or you end up beside me
Filling the gaps between
My fingers.
One day.
This poem won’t
Be about you,
She is the moon.
“I see everyday in dark,
Keeping my eye closed.”
I don’t love her anymore but I still feel I care for you.
And with the longest night,
You become
Stronger and heavier.
I have not slept hundreds of nights thinking about her,
But I realized those nights helped me to become stronger and eventually heavier.
Rejection is harsh.
I've gone through it myself,
But it's a fact of life.
Part of life is accepting
The fact that eligible person
That you might like
May not reciprocate the love.
It happens.
Be strong.
You’re not
It's never too late.
The sun also takes
Time to rise,
But the sky
Never remains empty.

- Christian
Go slow but go far, it will be difficult but don’t give up. That’s it, don’t give up.
I cannot keep on going back
To her like this.
I consume nothing but
I reveal tears of pain.
“I regret a stain that
Nothing can erase.”
Wrote this ages ago and now I’ve changed it according to my situation

Each end had a beginning

And Every beginning will end.
It starts with a soft hand shake and mostly end with swollen eyes.
Her breath smelled of
Winery Yard,
And the mix of daisies and lilies,
When my lips caressed hers
For the first time.

- Sharlinson N.
I am a monster but you are delicate,
You're beautiful and my darling.

— The End —