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zoe nichols Apr 2017
I opened up to you
8 years just messaging you
My life spilled out like a book
You never judge
You never laugh

But suddenly you dissappear
Gone just like that
Vanish into thin air
But why
I wish I knew

I wish I had the chance to say
"I love you"
I don't know how
But I fell for you
Maybe it's just me
But how do I tell a ghost
Someone that vanished into the shadows

Without a bye
Without a answer
I maybe being selfish
But I can't help
Feeling like something is missing
A hole that yu filled

Maybe I love yu as a friend
Maybe more but you was there
When no one else was
Got me through the dark times

All I ever wanted was to repay you
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here
You may of thought yu just listened
But you did soo much more
You lit the light when I needed it the most

When the darkness was consuming me
You held out your hand
A stranger at first
To only become something soo much more
A friend

Hoping out your hand to someone in need
Can keep that person going and believe In themselves
zoe nichols May 2018
I'm opening up to a stranger
They just sit and watch
While you open the door
Of darkness
That you have been slamming shut
For year I thought
I'm just messed up
I'll never fit in
Why am I in this world

But now I see that
The door needs to open
To fight through the darkness
And into the light
To a brand new world
One that's waiting for me
With a smile upon it's face
I can survive and so can you
zoe nichols Feb 2021
Am I healed,am I free
Could this be real
Could the chains be broken

Just by saying goodbye
No more words
To be spoken
zoe nichols Jan 2023
I wish I had eyes in back of my head
I watch everything
I'm scared to leave
Scared to walk the street

What if a car hits me
What if someone don't like me
What if I leave house
What will happen

Did I leave the washing on
Did I leave the light on
Did i pay the bills
Did I get  what I need

Will I have a breakdown
Will I turn to drink
Will I freak out
Will I survive the day

Can I cope today
Can I do my jobs today
Can I keep my family happy
Can I have a wash today
Do I have time to relax

Someday are harder
Someday it's calm
Someday I cry
Someday I can't move

Anxiety and mental health are real
They can't just be cured
zoe nichols Jan 2023
Would you smile
Would you speak
Would you look

Would you think twice if she wasn't there
Would you smile
Would you show me love
Would you have lifted your hand
Would you have thrown me

Would you love me
Would you care
Would you take a second thought
Would you want me

If she was gone
Would you come back
Could I forgive
The abuse
The hurt
The bruises
The memories

I watch you
Fight the hurt
Fight the heartache
Fight the depression

Yet you stayed
While she pushed us away
Now your a stranger
You won't even look
Won't even smile

I just want my dad
The man
I looked upto
The dad
I loved

The memories
They won't fade even if I try
The gigs
The laughs

Should i forget
Will you ever come back
Or should I feel
Forever wishing you didn't do what you did
zoe nichols Feb 2016
I saw your eyes from the darkest place
That showed me light
To keep pulling through
To help me through the times to come

Your by my side no matter what
I cry you smile
I laugh you cry
The pain is real
But the love is strong
In your arms i lie

Waiting for the darkness
To overwelm me
But you say its ok to let go
When the worst news is over
I look into your eyes
For the final time
The dark sea sets me sail

For if i didnt have you id already be gone
From the pain and suffering
I now see the light

Your my rock for my ocean
That will forever be with me
Floating on the beach
In the dark grey sea
You'll see me swimming away
With the smile on my face

That you made real
No fake smile from the pain
Im now free with no suffering
To be free with the waves as i set sail to the unknown

Waiting for the day you come set sail
zoe nichols Jun 2024
Why just why
At 2 years old
Does the world fight you
Bring you down
Hurt you and betrays you

But still you smile
With every jab
You cry then jump
Right back up

You never let it hold you back
You know when it's not right
You know when your high
You come for help

No matter what
Whether is hitting or silence
I know
I got you forever
I will protect you
And teach you

You call I come running
You cry I check
You scream I check
This is normal now
This is life

You are a warrior
You are sting
#type1 #diabetes
zoe nichols Jan 7
I hear
Beep beep beep
All day all night
I know every noise
Every meaning

I walk around
With 1000 eyes
Staring at me
Questions after questions

The *** she's diabetic
The poor thing
Oh did you pass it down
You know she'll never
Be normal
Enjoy life
Eat sweets
Words hurt so much

But she's a fighter
She's strong
She's amazing
She'll only know these words

Each day can be a battle
But She'll always have my hand
To help her through
#type1 #diabetes #haveaheart
zoe nichols Feb 2022
11 years ago
We met
Butterflies flew
Sun shined
As our lips connected

I wasn't fully ready
I sed goodbye

Back to now
You came back
Like nothing changed
You became the dad
My son always needed
Watching you both laugh
Melted my heart

2 years later
You got down on
One knee and
Sed the question
I sed yes

As the butterflies flew
Sun shined
As our lips connected again

Year later
We see 2 lines
The panic sets in
But the smile grew too
We made a life

Up and downs
Came and went
But no one reached
For the door

Butterflies flew
Sun shined
As our lips connected
zoe nichols Jul 2017
You sed hello to a ******* the end of a mic
No clue it would be so much more
A little game of rainbow
Became so much more
A simple hello
A simple party invite
That's all it took

A friendship began
Few years down the road
Numbers exchanged
Texts fly of our phones
Wishing there wasn't so many miles
Just so I could hug you
When I got down
You didn't care about what was happening
Just that I kept smiling
Telling me it would be ok

Growing closer everyday
Talking everyday
Not knowing
 how much we meant to one another
We gradely fade apart for a few years
Only to carry on where we left

Late night calls start again
Falling asleep on cam to one another
Meeting your mates
Having a laugh
Secret messages
Making me smile and laugh
While everyone is wondering what's going on

Then you go away longest 3 weeks I've known
Just waiting for a text
But I knew you was the other side of the world
Enjoying yourself
So I wait finding ways to pass the time
Playing Xbox with your mates
Talking to them learning more about you
Each day knowing you would **** them
For telling me some of it

They then make me spill about how I feel
And that I should come clean
But how can I after years of friendship
And that I've never seen you face to face
Wouldn't that be weird just opening up
To liking someone you've never met
But then it made sense

You don't have to meet someone to like them
Just knowing there a text away
Or that you may get a silly text in the middle of the night
Or falling asleep on cam to one another
That's all it takes
So I go shy and hide
Knowing your mate is spilling what I sed
Hiding scared I'd messed it all up

Till you message me and tell me not to be shy
And thinking your mate spilled about
What I felt but really I dropped myself in it
And had to tell you I fell for you
With nearly turning my phone off and never putting it back on
You message back something I didn't expect
"I feel the same"

Hoping to one day meet you
Talking about what we would do
If we saw one another
Saying I'd hide behind someone
Because I'm shy
And You saying you would just give me a massive hug
To make me feel better about it all

But that chat faded too soon
And texts slowly faded too
Talking on Xbox still
But no late night calls or cam

My heart then sank that you went on a date
You was open but it was like my stomach dropped
So I message k
What I mistake
But what else could I say

Now I have to let you go
Not knowing how long it could take
Or if I can
Destroying me slowly
Wishing you sed dont
But you just went silent
zoe nichols Jan 2016
I hide the real me
So i am liked
I hide my past
So noone knows

I live a second life
One in the shadows
One in everyones eyes
The one every believes i am
The one everyone comes to  
The one who really needs the help
That hides in the dark

I am happy
Thats what we say
When we really want to cry
We laugh we joke
But you'll never know
Who i really am
Staying in the shadows
Is were i belong
zoe nichols Aug 2017
With every breath it hurts
Knowing your not here
Holding on with a memory
That mean nothing anymore
zoe nichols Oct 2016
I look into your eyes and cry
You ask why
I say because I was broken
You took me on
You fixed me up
Now you say I'm not what you want

How can it be that you wanted me broken
To see me cry
To see me scared
But now I know
It was to show me the road
Of what life can be
Not worrying about hiding behind the glass

But why I ask
Because you are beautiful
How can I be beautiful and cry
It's not what you look like
But it's how I can make you smile
When you cry
But yet you don't want me
I'll never stop wanting you
But the world is waiting for you
to see the truth that it's OK to cry

Life is scary and I'll always be here but this is your journey to ride without me by your side
zoe nichols Feb 2021
So it all began 10 years ago
We met just as friends
Felt something
Tried to be lovers
Was good but I wasn't  
I walked away,

Couldn't drag you down
You had everything
I had  nothing
Loved you but had to let you grow

Never in a million years
Would I think you would
Ring up my phone
Ask to see me again

Me with a child
Who would love me now
Yet you didn't see that
You saw the me, you did
All them years ago

Take us to Maccies
Little treat for catch up
To feel just the same
You lean in

Now 3 years later
You ask the question
Would I be yours forever
How could I say no

Now to be having your child
Is this a dream
Someone pinch me
zoe nichols Jan 7
I think maybe shut off
Lay down
Then the beep beep goes
Can't switch off
Can't walk away
Can't sleep

When does it get easier
When does life stop being hard

One kid goes beep beep
One goes go away
One needs homework
One needs insulin

Scared everyday
Is the school gunna ring
Is the phone going off
Is the air getting thinner

Trying to keep sane
zoe nichols Jan 2016
You may of treat me like a princess
But really you kept me prisoner
Away from the loved ones you knew saw through you
The ones who would of healled the bruises you left
Instead you hide me from the real life for yourself
Until the day i saw light
Saw the truth
And showed you the door
With one last bruise you give me
I realise i am better
Releasing myself into the world
Saying hello without looking over my shoulder
Thats the life i lived
Now im free and myself
zoe nichols Jun 2024
You hurt my son
You think it's okay
That the ony way you can hurt me
But I ill protect him with my life
No matter what

He'll see the light
He'll see the truth
You won't have him forever
He remembers the past
He'll never forget
Leave my mum alone
Stop hurting her

He may be blinded now
But soon the truth will come out
And you'll be all alone
Where you belong
No one to hold on to
When your drowning
In your self pity
#brainwash #son #parents
zoe nichols Feb 2022
Things are starting to fall into place
I think or am I lying to myself
What more could I ask for
I got the man
I got two beautiful kids
So why wouldn't I be

Yet I'm still stuck
Anxiety overloads
Scared of myself
What have you done to me
Wanting acception from you
But why

You don't care about me
You only cared when I sed
Yes here take it
Yes here control me
Yes here's my life

Your meant to show me
How to live
How to survive
How to grow up
How to be strong

Yet all you taught me was
How to relay on you
How to struggle
How not to budget
How not to love

So all I will say is
The hardest goodbye I've ever done
Soo ....
Bye mum bye dad

I will survive on my own
I will teach my kids
I will make them stronger
I will make them smile
I will make them laugh

Because that is what
A parent should do
zoe nichols Jan 2016
I hide in the dark
So you dont see my face
See the truth that lies in my eyes
That i know you lied

The day you lied about the girl
Is the day you lost this girl
The girl who loved you
No matter what
Through the anger and the pain
Smiled when i knew you lied again

I tried to laugh it off
The day i saw you with her
So came home and cried
And stayed in the dark
Till you came home
To ask for the truth
That never came

So i walk out the door
Hoped to be stopped
But your hand never came
Near mine again
Now you call her name
Instead of mine

Still in the dark
While i wait in line
Watching the days go by
Forever hoping for the truth
That will never come by
zoe nichols Aug 2024
I love you
I'd happily say I do
But lately I'm not so sure
You work
Come home

While I've made 3 meals
Ran after kids
Sorted birthdays
Spent all my money
To make you smile

You come in pig crap
Dinner in 5 I call
You waste half
I feel defeated
All alone
Raising 2 kids with needs

Barley surviving
Scared ill break
But I can't
The kids need someone

Weekend comes
You moan the kids want to play
See you
Do something
You say I'm tired
I've done 50 hours this week

How do I fix something
Thats breaking
zoe nichols Jun 2018
I never meant to give you a I'll child
Yet you still walk in the opposite road
Not looking in his direction
What did he do to do
You break him heart
Everyday thinking he did wrong
zoe nichols Sep 2017
100 thoughts

Running through my head
Killing me slowly
The past running back
Wishing there was a switch
Screaming from the inside
Hoping for a miracle
That these thoughts will vanish

I'm a fighter
I will not give in
zoe nichols Jun 2018
I'm only 22
So why am I taking on everything
Day to day
Trying to make everyone smile
Hitting breaking point
I throw money,gifts love and hugs
Yet nothing fixed these wounds
Feel defeated once again
Where is the happy family I remember
zoe nichols Nov 2020
So many years have passed
Yet nothing has changed
Many relationships have gone yet now have lasted
Maybe there's a reason
Maybe its fate
Telling us

Don't hold back
Follow your heart
Or maybe its time
To close the book

Yet I cant close the book
Everytime I see or hear your voice
I fall,
Not bad but back into the thought
That something could be real
Is it real, or is it just something we hold onto.

You say I love you
And I say I love you too
Does that mean its real,
Or does that just mean words

You say I want to be there
But will it ever happen
Will it be to late
Will I have sed I do

Will I have to make a choice
Childhood lover
Or real life
Could it be real
In love with someone

I've never met
Doesn't that happen in fairy tales
Could this be my change at
Meeting Prince charming
zoe nichols Feb 2022
I want to cry
I want to scream
Yet I have to hide
How I truly feel

Hearing the words
Your kids need you
Your kids need you happy
You can't cry
You can't give in

What if its too much
What if I can't breathe
Can't think
Can't survive feeling like this

What if
zoe nichols Nov 2020
Why do you want me to fail
Why can't I be happy
Why do you want to take my son

Hes all I have
You messed up
But you want to take him
He can't fix your mistakes
He can't mend the wounds

Hes my success
My pride my joy
I raised him
With no help from you

They say
zoe nichols Nov 2017
10 years ago
I lost you
3 years waiting for you
Wishing I could help you
Watching you slowly fall apart
Blaming myself for not helping
Saying anything

Now you back
Years have past
Yet the blame is still deep
Why didn't I speak up
Even when he died, it
Didn't stop the blame
Or the pain,hate

Slowly coming to grips with everything
Yes my sister is back
But is she the same
So how do i look at you
And see a different person
Some days I see the old sister
My big sister
Some days I seem like the big sister
I love you sis
I'm sorry
zoe nichols Aug 2018
I am happy
Yet you hold me back
I try and run free
Yet these chains hold me
Dragging me down
To the darkness
I've tried to escape
Years and years
Been in these chains
Holding the walls together
With bones and flesh
Still never good enough
To be set free
Its like a trick
You see the light
Then snap
Vanish .......
zoe nichols Dec 2016
You sed you was there for me
But you never sed there was a fee
You took me out
Ask where I'd like to be
I just wanted to escape
So I sed anywhere but here

Didn't know that meant
you Would take advantage of me
destroy my child hood
As you layed me down
No one to scream to
No where to escape

Just to cry inside and weep
Knowing my hands where my only defence
And you took them away
With one glance of your face
I'd forever hate myself
For letting me trust
For letting me open up
for letting me believe

No one truly cares unless there's a fee
Now forever wishing I could believe
That there is good in the world
Hoping one day I can tell the truth
But that day is miles away
zoe nichols Feb 2018
I'm a human
Not a door stop
Not a object
Not a *** object

So why do I feel just like that
Arnt I suppose to feel
Arnt I suppose to live
This so call life
Is just an empty hole
With a door to far out of reach
Darkness is becoming overwhelming
As I cry
In the corner
Wanting to run
But no strength to move
Is it time to let the darkness
Take over ....
zoe nichols Jan 2017
What is love people say
Is it when you can't catch your breath
Is it when you laugh at nothing
Just cuz it's them
Is it when you can say anything to them
Even if it will upset them
You look into there eyes and know they will always
Stay by your side no matter what
you may not know it's love
Till they walk out the door
Is it when they hold your hand
And make you smile like a mad person
Is it possible to fall for someone you didn't know you liked
Is it love when we say I love you and hear it back
No matter what it is we all find it in someone and don't believe it
Sometimes it takes walking down the Isle to someone to say I do that makes it all come to reality
All these questions
But no one ever knows the answer
zoe nichols Feb 2021
How I wish
Oh how I wish

I could ring you up
And tell you
All my news

How I got engaged a year ago
How I'm 16 weeks pregnant

But you wouldn't be happy for me
Why though

Because you have no control
Because I cut all ties

You were all toxic
I couldn't take no more

It was me or you
And I will always choose me now
zoe nichols Apr 2016
He wait by the door
Wondering if your ever
Coming back
Waiting for the knock
That he know is yours

Wanting you to come home
But that day will never come
The day you say im sorry
The day you hugged him
2 years have gone  
With no knock at the door

I guess its time to say goodbye
To the memories
That have caused so much pain
But the love felt true
Which is why i held on
Hoping you didnt forget us

Now you walk down the aisle
And say i do
To someone you just met
A lifetime has past
But still you forget
The one you made

The son that will never know
The son that will feel left
The son that will ask me why
What did i do so wrong

And all i can say is
He wasnt a man
He wasnt brave enough  
He may be your father
But he is no more than that

He still sits looking out the window
With a picture of you
Hoping you will come see him
Maybe that day will come
One day to late

— The End —