i find pain in the brightest place and light hidden in the deep reaches of darkness every one is driven by a deed
this deed be it innocent or be it a dark ******* of ones own mind
drives them to do what must be done to reach there goal thru suffering thru sorrow they will face the timeless challenges that many before them have already either passed or failed but these challenges do not separate those who are brave or those who are shrouded in chaos there is equal opportunity for all and these challenges may always be passed no one is barred from the stage so we must choose for our selves what is appropriate what we see as good and evil in the end it all lays in the eye of the beholder and you yourself are the beholder
i have seen a lot of good people driven by a desire that maybe i didn't find savory but that does not mean they are bad and the opposite is also true but our perception on things is a constant in the fact that it is always changing. the way i see it now this bit from my is still a little rough around the edges