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my secrets sharpen their teeth as i'm sound asleep

and i still wonder why i wake with sapling scars
 Sep 2014 young poet
I wear a jacket almost ever day
To hide the little bit
Of my stomach poking out
I notice flat tummies
So I cross my arms over mine

I usually put my hair in my face
So people won't notice my dorky glasses
Sometimes I try to go without them
But its hard to see and read things

I wear a lot of makeup
As an attempt to hide the imperfections of my face
I don't like going without it because
I feel people always stare

I know everyone has things
They don't like about themselves
And you may think differently
But if you try and tell me
I end up not believing you
I think you're just lying to me
So I'll feel better about myself
 Sep 2014 young poet
Lost in a world of frost and snow
No one to here you, no where to go
Dressed in a mere strip of cloth
Nothing around not even a moth
The Snow was as white as a blank page
The little girl sat drained of all but rage
The Father a found his little girl
Frozen as white as a mother pearl
 Sep 2014 young poet
The light that shone from the moon
Made me feel I’d given up to soon
The icy snow fell around me
I squint my eyes and try to see
But the snow is falling to thick and fast
And theres no way I will be able to see past
The cascading waterfall of sleet
All of it melting at my feet
The coldness was to much for me
I finally left and I became free
 Sep 2014 young poet
Eyes, the window to the soul
Death, an endless pitch black hole
Blood, a story red and thick
Love, a burnt out candle wick
grazed knees
climbing down
from the trees
thick skin
won't give in
never fall
down again

singed eyes
no disguise
no more lies
your demise

tender there
it's everywhere
opens up
I realize
it's not to fear

I'm in the air
stripped bare
surrounded here
looking dead
inside the mirror
 Sep 2014 young poet
Settle your head on the deep, green grass,
For I'm about to take you on a journey that will last.
Wipe away your tears,
And chase away your fears.

Stare into the sky,
Do you want to fly?
Do you want to fight;
With all your might?

Do you want to prove them wrong,
For making you look anything but strong?
Do you want to carve your success,
And show them your progress?

Do you want to win,
Even if emotions slam you down with a pin?
Do you want to live,
Even if nights make you want to walk off a cliff?

You need to win this battle.
Not against society,
Not against your neighbour.
Not against your best friend,
Not against your boyfriend.

You need to win this battle,
Against the demons in your head.
You need to win this battle,
For yourself.

For once in your life, put yourself above everyone else.
*It will make a difference.
I hope these words made a difference.
True forgiveness is not just  forgive and forget
True forgiveness is to forgive and remember
It is an act of will to let go of the hurt, whether or not the other person deserves forgiveness
The Forgiveness frees us from hate or other negative emotions that can hold us bound
Forgiveness can be like a bridge sometimes opening up an opportunity
for some relationships to be repaired, even if they are not I choose forgiveness
I heard it once said that un forgiveness is sitting down at a Banquet and than you realize what you have been feasting on is yourself.
It slowly  eats away at you draining your energy with all the negative emotions etc.
 Sep 2014 young poet
 Sep 2014 young poet
We couldn't be lovers,
But you were always a good friend,
So that's what I became too.

Then you stopped being a good friend,
So for lifting off that burden,
**thank you
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