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Shel Dec 2015
Living or dead,
You'll be in my head
Shel Dec 2015
I can take you down memory lane
I can show you my highs,
I can show you my lows
  Nov 2015 Shel
Parsavagely Kompenere
I could paint with pens,
Or draw with blades,
A thousand ****** pictures,
Of a thousand ****** days.

I could sing with footsteps,
Or scream with pain,
For the end of hopeless torture,
For the end of hopeless days.
Shel Nov 2015
She paints the galaxy purple and blue with little bright specks that reminds her of you
She was covered with purple spots polluting her skin
She was always feeling down, always feeling blue
But when she saw you she would light up, even if just for a moment
And you would light up her world
Like the little bright specks
Lighting up world
and the galaxy
  Nov 2015 Shel
They don't know how it feels

to awake every morning,
and all they can wonder is
why they had even awoken

They don't know how it feels

to pick up all of their pieces,
and put them back together
but still feel like they're broken

They don't know how it feels

to say all that they can say,
and still feel like there's more
but every word has been spoken

They don't know how it feels

to go to sleep every night,
and the only hope they have
is that their eyes will not open

Shel Nov 2015
She paints the galaxy purple and blue with little bright specks that reminds her of you.
Might add onto this..
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