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Błeeding Dįamøndš
16/M/Denver, Colorado    Hi, I'm Zac Remraf. I am a 16 year old with a passion for poetry. `In addition to poetry, I also am pursuing a career ...
Jaxton Tyler Redmond
Utah    I'm just trying to get through this life like everyone else. Writing is deeply underestimated it is the freedom we feel from the things holding ...
xShadows Are Comingx
Prefer Not To Say...    Hey, I am xShadows Are Comingx, but you can call me xShadowx. The x's are silent. I follow back. <3 Current age: 14, 9th Grade ...
24/F/New York    Born and raised in New York. (City) Just a collection of my thoughts. Literal emotions on a metaphorical sleeve. If you know who I am, ...
Morgan Floyd
alabama    " The death of a beautiful woman, is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world." ~ Edgar Allan Poe~
The back of your mind    c'est la vie
Maryland    I'm the kid with the Salvador Dalí watch. Please, I'd love your feedback. I'm awfully amateurish and any sort of constructive criticism would be greatly ...
Holly Nicole
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. ~Lewis Carroll
21/Non-binary/united states    i'm tired of losing my yesterdays to tomorrow, just let me live for once ~~~~~~~~ content warning for most of my stuff
Dreams of Sepia
Somewhere in the Universe    A poet. That's all you need to know.
Kay Wright
Not Your Damn Business    I'm a very private person unless I'm speaking, or writing, poems or songs. For you I will try to let you into my life a ...
gabriel ackerman
Pennsylvania    Hello my name is Gabe. I write a lot of depressing poems. I'm not very good but I try my best!
James Jarrett
I am a compulsive writer who will write about anything on any scrap of paper I can find
25/seaside soul    I write to express, not to impress. All works rightfully belong to me unless stated.
Louisiana    Life and I have a 'love-hate relationship'. 'So dust off your wings and Soar' ~My best friend Kevin <3
Gun Boy
A sick world    we stop looking under the bed for monsters when we know that the real monsters are within us.

— The End —