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Dopamine addict itched for a serotonin fix,
Gazing into this sonder mirror,
The craving for opia hit.

Staring down mydriasis, shooting up
with the metaphysics. Consigned to it,
Being strung out on ∃xistence, whatever
depth you'd ascribe to it. Know that passion
is incandescent, embrace peace as effervescent;

Lost in the gaze of fall liberty,
Rainy daze in winter ecstasy.
Found in a maze of spring empathy,
Azure haze of summer vibrancy.

Mescalito tornado on desert sands,
Shroom typhoon on distant shores,
∀cid cyclone on the horizon,
Pharmahuasca maelstrom
drank the earth.

Ion chaser ate a hurricane
and thus The Empyrean was born.
An unnecessary redux of my favorite lines.
First time in my whole life
Over twenty years of my existence
Realizing how beautiful life is
Even there are many hardships
Visiting good memories with someone
Elevate my mind, heart and soul
Realizing no matter what happen in life
More and more good memories will come
On the right time and the right place
Raising my life to **God Almighty
Existence is my greatest blessing forevermore.
I am thankful of who I am and what I am right now.  We are really blessed for our existence. Giving this optimistic poem for those who suffers pain and hardships. God give us challenges to be strong in everyday life.
Dear friends and fiends,
Those who'd weave poems
and lose themselves in dreams,
Let me tell you of the places I've been.

The hour of my writing
is late, as always, and tonight
I find myself trawling through
the deep dark web.
Seeking out the dark
stuff, I cast out the net
to catch a glimpse of fate
and to contemplate the death
of patterns that lurk inside my
head, gleaming all but nothing.

I will have the night always
and I'm wondering what
worth really is. Blasted
signifiers and infernal
meanings! Why can't
it all just go away?

So I spend some time in the darkness
until the end rears its eventual head
and I am left here, blind, grappling
in the dark. All we are, all our
shadows are; beautiful, ugly;
Powerful, ridiculous;
Good/bad, right/wrong,
Off/on; it's all the same really,
Tell me which side of the coin
becometh unseen?

No one's listening!
Insignificance is a powerful asset
given today's crazy, contrary world,
It serves as well as any sartorial shield;
Or, rather, should I say it is insignificable?
I am a being thinking no one's bothering
to listen to me yet I do much listening
and even reflecting. I'm not complaining,
Reliving seems a better choice of word.
I do like listening: I listen to the
quiet before morning and after night;
To the hustle and bustle when bathed
in that artificial light;
To other humans who
speak Other languages
in all their idiosyncrasies,
The content of which I'd not
grasp but the form of it I might
understand, from sweet Italian
to feisty Spanish, haunting Irish
to French's romance, the only tongue
I cannot see such quality in is English
because instead I see in it everything,
Some of which I'd rather forget, under-
lying meaning, miscommunication, dis-
information and each mistake and error,
Destroyed etymologies, broken referents
and the tyranny of endless signification;

Everything and Nothing,
∃xistence and ∀niverse.

Although I like to listen
I cannot help what it is
I hear. I do not control
perception though I try
very hard to fool the seer
into ignorance, to ignore
the pessimism I'd otherwise
embrace, to swallow those itty
bitter blue pills I'd otherwise taste.

God love every parent and sibling,
Friend, enemy and other acquaintance
for each of whom I have many mixed
multifaceted feelings but who I'd listen to
nonetheless for the sake of their heads, mental
wellbeing can be such a chore. I really don't know
anymore, I've no real purpose, I'm just a data-*****.

Not a chance nor even a hope of finding
work or love with hobbies like these, and
this for lounging-list of habits that I keep;
No meaning, or at least nothing significant.
Went away and now I've returned,
What do I have to show for it? Well,
I learned to love the weather, now
the rain makes me feel so much better.
Cam Stoker Dec 2015
Price Paid Present in Pixel Presence
Iced eyes Inside 0ut n0 d0ubt
Xact Xpected Xistence Xecuted
Elevated Earth Ebbing Easily to End
Last Line a Lost List of aLL i Long to Last
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
t his
i s
m y
e xistence
A takeoff of a similar eternity
J* oin other people who work together in
A ctivities because that
N otion expands the concept of
U nity in
A ll Corners  of life and teamwork can make you
R ealise something new about
Y ourself which you have never been aware of.

F eelings that
E xist in my heart
B reaks me  because they are not just
R egular feelings yet they are
U nconditional
A nd I am struggling to
R elinquish this innermost feelings because I am scared
Y ou might deny my heart which i kept for you to equip

M any things are stripped
A way from us because we don't
R ealise or come into terms that we ought to
C herish and
H onour those that heaven specially blessed us wish.

A lways know that God's
P romises shall be
R eceived and we should never be
I mpatient because he is the only master of our.
L ives.

M any things are
A chieved when
Y ou have developed a positive energy of that certain aspect you are doing.

J ump
U p and down
N ever lose hope certainly
E verything shall work out.


J ustify why such
U nconditional feelings will eventually
L ose its value when i try to express how I truly feel about
Y ou.

A lways get
U p and
G o into the day without
U ncertainties of
S ome sort and
T he best you can be in that day.

S omeday i will
E ventually be able to overcome the
P ain
T hat
E xists deep within
M e
B ut remember that i wished for our
E xistence to never end but i can't change the circumstances because
R eality is that we were never meant to be.


O ceans are deep and the
C onditions of my sentment upon you are much more deeper than that of the ocean.
T oday marks a new story and a new life which i wish to persue with you, I don't have much to
O ffer thee my dear but I promise to
B e there for you whenever you need me in the
E ntire duration of your existence because I
R eally  feel greatness with your presence in my life.

N ever mistaken the conditions of my sentment because the feelings that exists are real
O ut of millions of people in the world you are the only one i exchange such
V ows of the sentment and
E very little thing i say is out of the deeepness of
M y heart
B e with me babe and
E veryday i will love you and
R aise our little ones into bright future leaders of tomorrow.


D ear you can't be loved by
E veryone and you
C an't expect thing's to go your way.
E verything you do in life has it's own
M eaningful aspect which when carefully analysed it
B rings out a better vision of yourself and  daily we learn something new which shall
E ventually build us into
R espectable citizens of tomorrow.
Toni D'Leangelo Apr 2023
L ike a thief in the night ,
I t came.
F aint entry yet fierce intention.
E veryone is at stake.

I' m
S cared.

W eary from our woes we all share
A deep need for...
R escue.

L ook at your guns and ammunition.
I t' s all primitive.
F or what' s really out there
E ven the strongest calibre is no match.

I' m
S ad.

W hen will rescue come ?
A nd what will it bring ?
R ather , who will it leave ?

L ong is the battle.
I njured are many....uncountable.
F rightened we should all be because
E vacuation is not up to us.

I' m
S tuck.

W ade in the warfare.
A bide by it' s laws.
R each the end.

L and of the Living.
I 've heard stories of such a place.
F inding It is the mystery , yet
E xistence of such a place is the pursuit.

I' ll
S tride.

W e' re all in danger and desperate.
A bsolution is a gift.
R ealize and remember that gift.

Imagine what' s hidden in the shadows and the sounds buried beneathe the earth. What if you saw it all ? What if you heard it all ? What would you care about then ? The world is a big place with mighty mysteries. It' s scary to think of what we haven' t experienced...but can. It' s scary to know , how "easy to ****" we all can be and it' s even more intimidating to realize what we' re all afraid of is all afraid of something else. Something mysterious.
j a connor Jun 2022
C areless
L iving
I s
M ankinds
T emporary
E xistence

W asting
A ll
R esources

The Æon Illuminate sought ॐgolessness
to escape the ∀xiom of suffering.

The Cybran §ymbionte became 0therwise
by chaining themselves to ∃xistence.

Neither afraid to burn through their essence
nor torch the old world.

— The End —