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and the sun weilds mercy
but like a jet torch carried to high,
and the jets whip across its sight
and rockets leap like toads,
and the boys get out the maps
and pin-cuishon the moon,
old green cheese,
no life there but too much on earth:
our unwashed India boys
crosssing their legs,playing pipes,
starving with ****** in bellies,
watching the snakes volute
like beautiful women in the hungry air;
the rockets leap,
the rockets leap like hares,
clearing clump and dog
replacing out-dated bullets;
the Chineses still carve
in jade,quietly stuffing rice
into their hunger, a hunger
a thousand years old,
their muddy rivers moving with fire
and song, barges, houseboats
pushed by drifting poles
of waiting without wanting;
in Turkey they face the East
on their carpets
praying to a purple god
who smokes and laughs
and sticks fingers in their eyes
blinding them, as gods will do;
but the rockets are ready: peace is no longer,
for some reason,precious;
madness drifts like lily pads
on a pond circling senselessly;
the painters paint dipping
their reds and greens and yellows,
poets rhyme their lonliness,
musicians starve as always
and the novelists miss the mark,
but not the pelican , the gull;
pelicans dip and dive, rise,
shaking shocked half-dead
radioactive fish from their beaks;
indeed, indeed, the waters wash
the rocks with slime; and on wall st.
the market staggers like a lost drunk
looking for his key; ah,
this will be a good one,by God:
it will take us back to the
sabre-teeth, the winged monkey
scrabbling in pits over bits
of helmet, instrument and glass;
a lightning crashes across
the window and in a million rooms
lovers lie entwined and lost
and sick as peace;
the sky still breaks red and orange for the
painters-and for the lovers,
flowers open as they always have
opened but covered with thin dust
of rocket fuel and mushrooms,
poison mushrooms; it's a bad time,
a dog-sick time-curtain
act 3, standing room only,
by god,by somebody and something,
by rockets and generals and
leaders, by poets , doctors, comedians,
by manufacturers of soup
and biscuits, Janus-faced hucksters
of their own indexerity;
I can now see now the coal-slick
contanminated fields, a snail or 2,
bile, obsidian, a fish or 3
in the shallows, an obloquy of our
source and our sight.....
has this happend before? is history
a circle that catches itself by the tail,
a dream, a nightmare,
a general's dream, a presidents dream,
a dictators dream...
can't we awaken?
or are the forces of life greater than we are?
can't we awaken? must we foever,
dear freinds, die in our sleep?
Diego Scarca Mar 2010
Quando la sera scende
sulle nostre spalle come un manto
che non avremmo voluto portare,
non chiedermi di cercarti,
non chiedermi d'amare.

Quando la sera ci inietta nelle vene
la droga che ci fa tremare,
come una carezza perduta,
l'amore che avremmo dovuto amare,
lasciami vagabondare
per le vie in salita,
lasciami sbattere la testa
contro un muro,
lasciami insicuro, ubriaco,
contento di sbagliare.

Quando la sera scende
sulle nostre spalle in un minuto
nel quale non ci saremmo voluti tuffare,
non chiedermi di tornare.
Lascia che come volute di fumo,
come esalazioni nerastre,
le tenebre mi avviluppino
e mi s'offuschi la vista.

Che come un cane fiuti
la mia pista e con la morte
giochi a scacchi la mia partita.
Che un tossicomane m'abbagli,
che una prostituta o un pederasta
m'accostino, che una donna
che credevo morta
mi chieda aiuto dall'oltretomba,
da un'altra vita.

Quando la sera scende sui nostri sbagli
come dita che sentiamo chiudersi
in una stretta, come il viaggio
che non avremmo voluto fare,
come le cose a cui abbiam dovuto
rinunciare troppo in fretta,
come tutte le altre sere,
come ogni sera,
la stessa fitta, la stessa febbre,
un'euforia smarrita...

Quando la sera come un manto
scende sulla nostra vita,
lascia che questo manto
io non lo sopporti,
lascia che cerchi
di scrollarmelo di dosso,
lascia che a più non posso
io mi metta a gridare.
Diego Scarca, Architetture del vuoto, Torino, Edizioni Angolo Manzoni, 2007
chimaera May 2015
round and round
the walls of a well
my centre
a round light
a crescent
a last quarter
a crescent
a round perfection
unreachable centre

not to drown
Satan Dec 2010
Am a stain...
As it a man...

A skinny fiddler mouth.
Drifted as unholy mink.
A hounded firmly stinks.
Find me in the dark.

Am a stain...
As it a man...

Morgue violets you.
Virtuous eye, gloom
Your volute egoism.
Give your soul to me.

For i am the darkest night of yours.
Fainthearted fought risky moors.

Am a stain...
As it a man...
Hal Loyd Denton Sep 2012
Love’s call love’s aweThis child this woman this Queen
To speak of her you must go to the inner depths of the soul this hallowed sacred place all is ablaze with
The unalterable knowledge that things here have no secrets or malice it is a fortification and out shines
The days of royal courts and knight hood where else can or should you take a life and turn it to all sides
To reveal its riches its extraordinary complexity the divine verve laid on top of human energy that is a
Golden gate that turns on hinges that sing and the song tells all about her nature the mist on a rustic
Country path she soothes with a smoothness like the cooing of a dove it displaces everything and then
You hear it alone in the silence this modulation this wonder is speaking from human lips it slips on to the
Air and begins streaming into your ears your heart your soul it divides into tiny spellbinding wisps like
the Breeze in the orient mysterious telling a freshness it holds court you are its willing subject you never
tire Your heart only desires more is there any who can or would deny loveliness it is lilt in magic add
with the Eyes that play and show thoughts being developed there is no armor than can defeat the
softest power Over flowing you it gains strength as your wanes inward crashing outwardly it not heard
but the treble Can be observed love has reached a fever pitch it swells are descending how can this be
coming from One who is so still the liquid volute with this signet her nature begins to pour forth the
appeal of silence Gentle richness starts to effect you senses is free moving thoughts that disarm your
Own concerns you’re swept into a dream like state of mind it pushes at the far edges caries away
Misbegotten debris and Returns with a flow of bliss dark substantive a holding power locks you into her
Concisenesses what a place you find yourself in you quickly conclude you have no desire to be anywhere else
In shadow and light you drift without destinations this is the thrill ride she gives when she really gets
Started and begins to ramp It up playful delightful magical no pretense why would she ever go there I
Could write so much more but just imagine you met an angel and of all things she took interest in you
And she started to give herself to you how do you imagine you would feel well that’s how I felt these
Words were written as her Husband Tom told them to me I hope you get the meaning and truth a
treasure lives and breathes What a blessing to know her so I send these pure thoughts to her
Afeli Mar 2018
An impeccable volute jay,rested on his cottony labrum.
Gandering him letting out dissolving clouds of aspro.
Soothes my soul, as if the clouds of aspro are my commotion.
Aspro -white (Greek)
labrum -lip (latin)
L'ultima cicala stride
sulla scorza gialla dell'eucalipto
i bambini raccolgono pinòli
indispensabili per la galantina
un cane alano urla dall'inferriata
di una villa ormai disabitata
le ville furono costruite dai padri
ma i figli non le hanno volute
ci sarebbe spazio per centomila terremotati
di qui non si vede nemmeno la proda
se può chiamarsi cosí quell'ottanta per cento
ceduta in uso ai bagnini
e sarebbe eccessivo pretendervi
una pace alcionica
il mare è d'altronde infestato
mentre i rifiuti in totale
formano ondulate collinette plastiche
esaurite le siepi hanno avuto lo sfratto
i deliziosi figli della ruggine
gli scriccioli o reatini come spesso
li citano i poeti. E c'è anche qualche boccio
di magnolia l'etichetta di un pediatra
ma qui i bambini volano in bicicletta
e non hanno bisogno delle sue cure
Chi vuole respirare a grandi zaffate
la musa del nostro tempo la precarietà
può passare di qui senza affrettarsi
è il colpo secco quello che fa orrore
non già l'evanescenza il dolce afflato del nulla
Hic manebimus se vi piace non proprio
ottimamente ma il meglio sarebbe troppo simile
alla morte ( e questa piace solo ai giovani)
Les mouettes volent et jouent ;
Et les blancs coursiers de la mer,
Cabrés sur les vagues, secouent
Leurs crins échevelés dans l'air.

Le jour tombe ; une fine pluie
Eteint les fournaises du soir,
Et le steam-boat crachant la suie
Rabat son long panache noir.

Plus pâle que le ciel livide
Je vais au pays du charbon,
Du brouillard et du suicide ;
- Pour se tuer le temps est bon.

Mon désir avide se noie
Dans le gouffre amer qui blanchit ;
Le vaisseau danse, l'eau tournoie,
Le vent de plus en plus fraîchit.

Oh ! je me sens l'âme navrée ;
L'Océan gonfle, en soupirant,
Sa poitrine désespérée,
Comme un ami qui me comprend.

Allons, peines d'amour perdues,
Espoirs lassés, illusions
Du socle idéal descendues,
Un saut dans les moites sillons !

A la mer, souffrances passées,
Qui revenez toujours, pressant
Vos blessures cicatrisées
Pour leur faire pleurer du sang !

A la mer, spectre de mes rêves,
Regrets aux mortelles pâleurs
Dans un coeur rouge ayant sept glaives,
Comme la mère des douleurs.

Chaque fantôme plonge et lutte
Quelques instants avec le flot
Qui sur lui ferme sa volute
Et l'engloutit dans un sanglot.

Lest de l'âme, pesant bagage,
Trésors misérables et chers,
Sombrez, et dans votre naufrage
Je vais vous suivre au fond des mers.

Bleuâtre, enflé, méconnaissable,
Bercé par le flot qui bruit,
Sur l'humide oreiller du sable
Je dormirai bien cette nuit !

... Mais une femme dans sa mante
Sur le pont assise à l'écart,
Une femme jeune et charmante
Lève vers moi son regard,

Dans ce regard, à ma détresse
La Sympathie à bras ouverts
Parle et sourit, soeur ou maîtresse,
Salut, yeux bleus ! bonsoir, flots verts !

Les mouettes voient et jouent ;
Et les blancs coursiers de la mer,
Cabrés sur les vagues, secouent
Leurs crins échevelés dans l'air.
sheds its bark an

armor piece at a time
from high on its trunk

where its heart would be
is that what creches first

rather than the soul?
(a volute of thought

from heart to head, this) --
like the healing of its bone

by the purring of the cat
or the birthing of a person

in the eye of the whale
or the movement of the heart

into the head
a balm of balsam

baal shemen
chief anointing in the

shedding of the tree
a chrism, the

extreme unction of Love

c. 2018 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Chelsea Chavez Dec 2015
Your love is illiterate.

My needs are too far within.
I am primitive
and will never be satisfied.

But how I will cry and pine on the strings of this instrument.

Place your palms on the soft animal of my body.
Find me.

I am unaccounted for.

I become frantic in my silence.
My gravity becomes  pinions.
A volute **** in the ether.

Such will you, I.

There is no means to entering the gateless gate, though you will try.

My body is numb, and I am senseless with the roaring waters behind me.

It will not desist.
This endless sea, forgets.
So the blur of organs, the blundering cold of a concept.
I am non-matter. Absence of all things, in me.

Here is a story of ignorance: something.

How I become sick on my self.
My mouth is wooden. Knowing, what can be said?

We lose sense of sense.
Soft, and vulnerable fawn, intractable in the tall grass.

Do not love the uncast word. Forgive.
black crushed pupil tipping at its
  peak with a mild sheen
  discombobulating words
  to their own contained madnesses
  putting an apostrophe
  on everything
  it lays sight on

  a salvage of disrupted vision
  wrings true wind blowing through
  the white steel of dangerous contraption
  in the hand and takes to leaping
  of faith, a restless voyage:

  a volute image lightheaded
  still with the passing to and from—
  nomadic breath still splendidly
  penetrating through all sound
   and silence and words
    like fire wily without intent,
      the moon. only there. without a name.
J'ai dans ma chambre une aquarelle
Bizarre, et d'un peintre avec qui
Mètre et rime sont en querelle,
- Théophile Kniatowski.

Sur l'écume blanche qui frange
Le manteau glauque de la mer
Se groupent en bouquet étrange
Trois nymphes, fleurs du gouffre amer.

Comme des lis noyés, la houle
Fait dans sa volute d'argent
Danser leurs beaux corps qu'elle roule,
Les élevant, les submergeant.

Sur leurs têtes blondes, coiffées
De pétoncles et de roseaux,
Elles mêlent, coquettes fées,
L'écrin et la flore des eaux.

Vidant sa nacre, l'huître à perle
Constelle de son blanc trésor
Leur gorge, où le flot qui déferle
Suspend d'autres perles encor.

Et, jusqu'aux hanches soulevées
Par le bras des Tritons nerveux,
Elles luisent, d'azur lavées,
Sous l'or vert de leurs longs cheveux.

Plus bas, leur blancheur sous l'eau bleue
Se glace d'un visqueux frisson,
Et le torse finit en queue,
Moitié femme, moitié poisson.

Mais qui regarde la nageoire
Et les reins aux squameux replis,
En voyant les bustes d'ivoire
Par le baiser des mers polis ?

A l'horizon, - piquant mélange
De fable et de réalité, -
Paraît un vaisseau qui dérange
Le choeur marin épouvanté.

Son pavillon est tricolore ;
Son tuyau ***** la vapeur ;
Ses aubes fouettent l'eau sonore,
Et les nymphes plongent de peur.

Sans crainte elles suivaient par troupes
Les trirèmes de l'Archipel,
Et les dauphins, arquant leurs croupes,
D'Arion attendaient l'appel.

Mais le steam-boat avec ses roues,
Comme Vulcain battant Vénus,
Souffletterait leurs belles joues
Et meurtrirait leurs membres nus.

Adieu, fraîche mythologie !
Le paquebot passe et, de ****,
Croit voir sur la vague élargie
Une culbute de marsouin.
L'ultima cicala stride
sulla scorza gialla dell'eucalipto
i bambini raccolgono pinòli
indispensabili per la galantina
un cane alano urla dall'inferriata
di una villa ormai disabitata
le ville furono costruite dai padri
ma i figli non le hanno volute
ci sarebbe spazio per centomila terremotati
di qui non si vede nemmeno la proda
se può chiamarsi cosí quell'ottanta per cento
ceduta in uso ai bagnini
e sarebbe eccessivo pretendervi
una pace alcionica
il mare è d'altronde infestato
mentre i rifiuti in totale
formano ondulate collinette plastiche
esaurite le siepi hanno avuto lo sfratto
i deliziosi figli della ruggine
gli scriccioli o reatini come spesso
li citano i poeti. E c'è anche qualche boccio
di magnolia l'etichetta di un pediatra
ma qui i bambini volano in bicicletta
e non hanno bisogno delle sue cure
Chi vuole respirare a grandi zaffate
la musa del nostro tempo la precarietà
può passare di qui senza affrettarsi
è il colpo secco quello che fa orrore
non già l'evanescenza il dolce afflato del nulla
Hic manebimus se vi piace non proprio
ottimamente ma il meglio sarebbe troppo simile
alla morte ( e questa piace solo ai giovani)
Aditya Roy Sep 2019
The children ring the doorbell
The door hears it
The love yous I share with big licks
The love yous I share with lickety sticks
The voulez vous lists of the bon often bonfire
The volute often pollute the years of ulterior motives
Break your back, heart needs
We can be champions of our lives, if we wrote our own stories
The years go by as love the look in your eyes
The days go as some ****** takes the pull from your woolen tassels
Au sortir de Paris on entre à Notre-Dame.

Le fracas blanc vous jette aux accords long-voilés,

L'affreux soleil criard à l'ombre qui se pâme

Qui se pâme, aux regards des vitraux constellés,

Et l'adoration à l'infini s'étire

En des récitatifs lentement en-allés.

Vêpres sont dites, et l'autel noir ne fait luire

Que six cierges, après les flammes du Salut

Dont l'encens rôde encor mêlé des goûts de cire.

Un clerc a lu : Jube, domne, comme fallut,

Et l'orage du fond des stalles se déchaîne

De rude psalmodie au même instant qu'il lut,

Le bon orage frais sous la voûte hautaine

Où le jour tamisé par les Saints et les Rois

Des rosaces oscille en volute sereine.

Cela parle de paix de l'âme, des effrois

De la nuit dissipés par l'acte et la prière.

L'espérance s'enroule autour des piliers froids.

C'est la suprême joie, et l'extrême lumière

Concentrée aux rais de la seule Vérité,

Et le vieux Siméon dit l'extase dernière !

Recommandons notre âme au Dieu de vérité.
L'ultima cicala stride
sulla scorza gialla dell'eucalipto
i bambini raccolgono pinòli
indispensabili per la galantina
un cane alano urla dall'inferriata
di una villa ormai disabitata
le ville furono costruite dai padri
ma i figli non le hanno volute
ci sarebbe spazio per centomila terremotati
di qui non si vede nemmeno la proda
se può chiamarsi cosí quell'ottanta per cento
ceduta in uso ai bagnini
e sarebbe eccessivo pretendervi
una pace alcionica
il mare è d'altronde infestato
mentre i rifiuti in totale
formano ondulate collinette plastiche
esaurite le siepi hanno avuto lo sfratto
i deliziosi figli della ruggine
gli scriccioli o reatini come spesso
li citano i poeti. E c'è anche qualche boccio
di magnolia l'etichetta di un pediatra
ma qui i bambini volano in bicicletta
e non hanno bisogno delle sue cure
Chi vuole respirare a grandi zaffate
la musa del nostro tempo la precarietà
può passare di qui senza affrettarsi
è il colpo secco quello che fa orrore
non già l'evanescenza il dolce afflato del nulla
Hic manebimus se vi piace non proprio
ottimamente ma il meglio sarebbe troppo simile
alla morte ( e questa piace solo ai giovani)
callie joseph Mar 2020
Lives in the poems in the margins
of dogeared second hand books
Her hair curls in the volute of the s
she inscribed eloquently
in the hair-lined second hand paper
in black ink
smudged by her finger
or a tear

she watches me through the screen
of an old crime movie
on a rainy day
her whispers are the spaces in between the words
the gunshots couldn’t say

She kisses me whenever I see the moon
for her bones twist like Diana
leading the nymphs in a dance through the woods
resplendent and divine

I will meet her between dreams
when it feels there is water in your mind
but she will be forgotten by the morning
lethes kisses made me blind
no matter what our distance
of her god will remind.
our souls are intertwined
David R Apr 2021
there was a time
when i beheld
the spirit of eternity

he was aged
silver hair'd
shone with an integrity

beyond spiritual
beyond celestial
he was immortal friend to me

but now i see
as i've grown old
i turned my back on certainty

i've chased after
things i lack
cause of spirit insanity

i look back
at childhood friend
see his smile, his beckon to me

and long to swear
with heart declare
to beauteous infinity

i am yours
as you are mine
forever, for posterity

as the water
in my eye
as my heart's
silent cry
my love for you shall never lie

but i have rode
the road o' debauchery

has been companion
snake entwined on branch of tree

he offered fruit
i took the loot
and he volute did learn from me

now's twilight
ere the night
the blanket of uncertainty

the snow's too deep
for me to leap
to spirit of eternity
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
Aditya Roy Feb 2020
An emotional wreckage
She brushes her beautiful hair over her ear
Frantic talking ensues in movement of careless hands and lips
All the world is a stage
And world merely a din and a prayer to your quips
Walking in the night of starry ammunition
She is the green light of Auroras
She is my life without contrition
Engrained with intellect she does not please
At least she is not distant darkness
That ensnares purple hearts in entirety
And dwells on love's flaws
She appreciates the imperfections
Therefore she is royal beauty by law
Like the numinous clouds
So far from sad skies with herons
If I fainted from the height of love
She'd enshroud me in her passion with poetic precision
It is in good fashion not precociousness
Volute waters swirl like bokeh
Offering a sacred picture of voluptuousness
Where she semaphores to her inveigled face
An emotional river of gold
She is one who needs to be dredged for industrial progress
Without question or answer such is her worth
It is a shared with the paupers scuttling nearby
Abstracted eyes study mademoiselles
With glühwein and drunk glaucous cocktails
In panem et circenses
Where we share bread we need romance
Such is her glad fairness of my mistress

— The End —