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Saša D Lović Apr 2015

оtkаkо sе tu
ispоd nаšе strеhе
strаšnа stооkа stоuhа
zvеr sа zubumа оd žаdа
zvеzdе prеstаšе
dа nаm nаmiguјu
i nеmа оstа
nа zidu dа visi slikа


оtkаkо sе tu
tik iznаd prоzоrа
pоgаnоg јеzikа i zаdаhа
zvеr sа zubumа оd žаdа
dа mе miluе
prеstаdе tvоја kоsа zlаtnа
i nеmа оstа
nа zidu dа visi slikа


оtkаkо sе tu
i lаrvе izlеglа
crnе urnе čаđi punе
zvеr sа zubumа оd žаdа
dа mi nаmiguје
vеsеlо tvоје оkcе prеstа
i nеmа оstа
nа zidu dа visi slikа


оtkаkо sе tu
dugо nаs је grickаlа
hаlаpljivа trulа zаvidnа
zvеr sа zubumа оd žаdа
iščеzе vrаgоlаstоg smеhа tvоgа
dа mе zоrоm budi
i nеmа оstа
nа zidu dа visi slikа


i svе kаd је pојеlа
strаšnа stооkа stоuhа
pоgаnоg јеzikа i zаdаhа
hаlаpljivа trulа zаvidnа
zvеr sа zubumа оd žаdа
mirnо је оdlеtеlа
kuću nаšu dа rušе
lаrvаmа crnim urnаmа punim čаđi
i nе оstа ni nеmа
nа zidu dа visi slikа
Dalam derasnya diam tersimpan
Simfoni penuh keindahan
Tak terungkap sejuta makna
Terjebak di antara kedua hasta yang saling meraih
Serta kedua visi yang saling berdalih
Semesta bersuara dengan frekuensi yang
hanya kedua insan saling memahami
tread Jan 2013
Cracking my thumb with headphones on, I can just picture the eye of diagonal lady flitting in my direction curiously and gone, that's all. Kid with Red-Wing hat and Beats by Dr. Dre sits across from me *** there's nowhere left to sit, poor kid. Doesn't know me. Manifests that social anxiety for age-the-sames-or-similars. He's texting, avoids eye contact, not that I'm looking, nope nu uh not that I'm looking. Lady with flashing visi-light walks on bus as half-hedge is lit half-hedge is dark silhouette, bus lights. It's dark and rainy. Windows pretty fogged and bogged in dirt and smog and oh my God I feel the song it's verses on it's verses long it's words so vertical!
Redwing looks a little nerved, blanked, searching for saliva salvation in his Beats by Dr. Dre
texts again, I looked uh huh I looked I did this time I looked.

Bus bumps corner cruuuisin', aren't we a speedy bunch?
Cracked my thumb again old man diagonal looks I'm sorry. I'm sorry too. Girl with blonde streaks could be years old could be decades, probably a decade .7, getting off bus behind former diagonal lady, she'll forget my thumb you'll see. Miss her. No sir. Redwing sees me see him turns to look to stop request, uh he didn't look he didn't he's gone, sitting in seat ahead now, Redwing hat cooped in Beats by Dr. Dre, red Van shoes poking out till friend apparitions seat next to him, hi! Redwing takes off Redwing hat and chats apparition, turns hat back wards, forwards, nerved I bet, nerved I can tell don't pretend oh you're fine!

Stops coming so bye I'll talk to you later

special thanks to my parents for making all this possible.
Carlo C Gomez Dec 2019
To Ellac, I bequeath a nifty hat trick:
     The Treaty of Margas,
        Which Rome will probably now
          spit upon,
     The Sword of Mars,
        Once taken by your unscrupulous
          cousins, the Vandals,
     And Esperanto,
         For talk around the water cooler.

To Dingizich, I bequeath my Alexander the Great
     Commemorative plates and the Gaza Strip
         --have fun with that one.

To Emak, I bequeath the Goths
     --Visi, Ostro, and Joy Division.

To all my remaining children,
      I leave you a year's supply of
      Rice-A-Roni, the San Francisco treat.

To my many, many wives, too numerous to count,
      I leave my fingers and toes
      Or a portion thereof.

And to that one particular wife, you know who you are,
      I bequeath the title
     The Scourge of God.
Eola Feb 2022
Tik prie butelio, kuris pusiau išgertas guli netoli sofos
Tik prieblandos šviesoj, kuri užtemdyta griozdiškos muzikos
Tik ten mes visi tampame gražūs, mieli, mylimi
Tik ten suvokus santykių temperalumą yra sunkiau nei ryte

— The End —