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Nina McNally Feb 2011
Come here,
And together, we can do this!
Let's start the

Beware for others do not agree, as
Everyone has their own                    opinions.
From now until eternity, we are all
Others," (like in LOST) just trying to                   survive.
Ready..Set.....Stop! What are you doing?
Everywhere you turn there's guns..Does anyone   remember

The world as a peaceful, beautiful place?      *No?*     Well
Hate and Fear, has consume us and took over
Each one of us.....But there are

Still some out
There, where Hate and Fear hasn't consume them, but yet
Only fueled them to stand up against          Hate and Fear.
Ready..Set..Let's stop this Hate and Fear from growing any-
More-I mean Hate is only hat with an 'e' & *Fear is an ear with a 'f''.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
written as it came to me. each word going from mind to page..not really thinking about it.
-title from Fall Out Boy-
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Silence is
Everywhere, even
In the middle of the night,when people are dreaming and going
ZZZZZzzzzzz..." all night long.
Every day is a new day. ---

Time to change and start something new.
How can we bring peace to this world?
Each day--little by little-

Day by day; We can do it!
And to wrap this up, I want to say, Happy Birthday to
You, Jimmy Sullivan.---You truely live foREVer!** <3
copyright; February 9th, 2011 McNally, Inc.
written on The Rev's birthday and just flowed from my pen.
Title from an Avenged Sevenfold song.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Then I wake--
Having the *worst nightmare of my life.
Either it was about *losing
my mind, or my touch of
Reality. I know I'm already on a fine line with reality, anyways.
Every night I have this

Same nightmare.       What am I to do?
How can I make it stop?               Who do I call?
Everywhere I look I see people being               corrupted,

Going nowhere fast.     When is this going to stop?
Only time knows the answer.      I'll just have to wait.
Eternity should come soon and together we can
S****        a               new                   *beginning.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
written; words to the paper, not really thinking about it.
-a Good Charlotte song (title) for the inspiration-
Bree Apr 2015
My mind is spinning
Lovers of math, how?
Kerosene, my desk.  
Just kidding. Or no?
I** am falling to the floor
Help, no signal… Dead.
Gather the marbles!
For why don’t you flow?
Everywhere I look,
Dumb numbers look back.
Call it what it is?
Bothersome old foe.
Lemuel Apr 2019
M ightily the sun shines,
E verywhere, flowers are blooming

A ll over, colours are changing
L akes are being filled with fishes
O ver the fields the critters are crawling
N oisily, the bees make sweet honey
E ating away at my soul.
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Let us have just
One more night together before this all ends. From the
Very moments when I first looked into your
Eyes, I thought that this would be                              forever.

Isn't that how first loves goes,       *anyways?
Searching for love and longing for that                
true love.*

Down in the valley; I won't stop searching.
Everywhere I go, I'll look; I will find you         someday.
And when that
Day comes, it will be wonderful.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
-For now, it's a dream, but I will never give up on my dreams no matter how silly there are. And maybe that's because I'm a writer, poet, Pisces....
...whatever the reason may be, it's who I am! We should never give up on our dreams, no matter how silly there may be. Dreams are great. Keep on Dreaming. <3
I write a lot of acrostics from bands' song's titles. This one happens to be from Tokio Hotel.
Victor Tripp Oct 2015
Colored leaves of fall, come down on the square,  lovers seem to be
E verywhere, I want to show you some tender care, just whisper my name
Just whisper my name on the phone,and i'll be there, I'll be the friend to protect you, never treat you mean or disrespect you, just know that all times, i'll be there, waiting patiently when all others , have turned away
And gone, my love will be the anchor, that keeps you hanging on
Just whisper my name, on the phone, and i'll be right there
When I begin thinking
About the
Nights we will talk about our
Desire to travel
Everywhere, just wanting to
Relax with you and I,
Longing for
Us to be
Something again when
T**he right time comes, so we can begin our journey
Renae May 2014
Optimism for
j a connor Dec 2020
A bsolute
L  ove
I   s
V  isible
E  verywhere

— The End —