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niamh Dec 2015
The lies
like dirt under
Call on your inner
Lady Macbeth
but no amount of scrubbing
can cleanse them.
They lie thick
on the tongue
tainting tastes
with blistered buds.
A thousand ants
marching on your
Unscratchable itch.
Descending into
Only truth can
set you free.
Only you can
free the truth.
He'd be more
than one page in your journal
this man, Yorkshire-born,
anthropology at Pembroke,
the one who wrote
about a fox and a song.
Piano music in the room,
You, enthralled,
wonderfully drunk
among turtle-necked boys,
friends of his
and then him,
the unscratchable diamond
you wanted bad.
     'Then the worst happened.'
Earrings like tears in his palm,
two accents mixing,
new paints in a ***.
Before long
he'd be chucking
clods at your window
though you wouldn't be home.
But his name would spray
from your mouth for good.
Written: February 2014.
Explanation: A poem (work in progress) that is likely to be part of my third-year university dissertation regarding Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath, and the follow-up to previous poem ‘Her’ (please read.)
On Saturday 25th February 1956, Hughes and Plath met at a party celebrating the launch of Saint Botolph's Review, a literary magazine that Hughes contributed to. This meeting occurred at Falcon Yard, an inn that was located very close to Petty Cury in Cambridge, England.
Ted Hughes studied at Pembroke College, switching from English to Archaeology and Anthropology in his third year. The poems referenced are ‘The Thought-Fox’ and ‘Song’ from his debut collection.
In her journals, Plath mentions how there was piano music and boys in turtle-neck sweaters - she also says that she became ‘very very beautifully drunk.’
‘Unscratchable diamond’ comes from Hughes’s poem ‘The Casualty’ and was quoted by Plath to Hughes that night. According to Plath, Hughes removed her earrings and said he’d keep them.
As described briefly in his poem ‘Visit’, one evening Hughes threw soil-clods at (what he believed) was Plath’s window, accompanied by his friend Lucas.
Feedback is most welcome.
KT Feb 2015
Every morning, right at dawn
this happens before I even yawn.
Day after day, day after day,
before I even wake,
before light with my eyes I take,
the same way it goes.
Over and over and over again…
It starts with this sudden rash on my skin,
like when someone is bothered with some very deep sin.
I taste of something unpleasent, sour.
If I spit it, steel I think I’d devour.
All stiff and sore,
I get up, unwillingly I’m mumbling something gore.
I look myself in the mirror,
sheet after sheet, it just gets thicker.
My eyes ****** and black,
inside them I see, a dent, a small crack.
Day after day, day after day,
while everyone sleeps,
I pity that soul that down in the crack slowly weeps.
I watch as it gets wider and wider,
that *****, that empty hollow ditch.
I see away, try to hide the disgust.
There is no place left in me, where I’d put my own trust.
There’s no border more, between reason and lust.
It was taken by some passing windy gust,
some swarmy pile of useless dust.
Vigorously I feel fire building up in me.
Hell got upstairs again, in me I see.
It burns I can feel it,
that unscratchable itch.
I stay still, I don’t move,
only with my left cheek I twitch.
Adeola A Jan 2014
You think I don’t see
The way you lean away from me,
as if my Blackness is catching.
I watch your eyes, watch your things;
Taking inventory in preparation
I see your smile get the tiniest bit tighter,
when I park myself next yourself
and ourselves are no selves
Yeah, I notice the way you begin to shift,
like an unscratchable itch is inching inching inching
across your skin.
Or is it just my skin?
Those whispered words between you
and your little blond-haired friend
are not as soft as you’d like to believe
But I think you already know that
and I know that you know that I know,
not like
And I am left to bear the brunt of your discomfort
Saying my bad, my fault, it’s on me
But it isn’t, is it?
You think I can somehow ruuuuuub my
all. over. you.
Besmirching your not-so-fair skin
(you’ve got a little something right there).
Am I condescending on your privilege,
invading on your right, not my right, to be you and not me?
Well guess what?
You can’t catch my blackness.
It’s not a disease,
coughing and breathing and bleeding you in.
It won’t wipe off on you if I touch you (yeah I said it)
Breathe easy home girl.
Besides, I wouldn’t give it to you if you begged me
hands raised, knees bent, eyes welling, swelling, filling and spilling.
I didn’t catch my blackness. You won’t either
But maybe if you could,
you would
understand how your actions make me feel
And wouldn’t that be progress?
The Noose Nov 2015
Conjure up prismatic realities
To pacify
The Unscratchable itch
Of want
With words doused in artifice
Fervour in the palm of hands
Brimming in fingertips
Lay awaste

The horizon gleams
With the sight of burgeoning despair
The halt of calm
Reason devouring the
The ephemeral mist of utopia
Razors edge has always cradled
And contained
The incorrigible dreamer

Saudade knocks on your door
Whispering September's forgotten promise
A spring that blooms
Palpable authenticity.
Dylan Halvorsen May 2016
It feels like sand on my breath
Like dunes in my chest
They are silent
But they are not still
Heaving gross quarter
Leaking for most water
The unscratchable itch
Can it be denied, of which
I am left outside, neck twitch.
Hands force paint in from closed 4 seaters
It subsides
As do my words
Am i anything without my words
Would i choose words over feeling
He said, as all the dry paint dripped from the ceiling
And there was love.
Nestled in the corner
A concave attitude begged no less of what there was to offer.
And we gave and gave.
Stretched innards in closed fists
Adorned by salesman with neat.
With neat.
Withering, neat.
Forgiven heat.
Not much to give
But we must eat.
Die and let live
For the succession of wheat.
Basket bare more than their share.
While the humans are simply denied theirs.
When does this part end.
Soon i hope.
As if there were something.
Something to be had.
Besides the calm. When the calm let's us notice our own distaste in it.
Not that the tree trunk needed that.
That hug.
But it helped the armless. Armless.
Or was it a kiss.
The mouthless.
Something dark.
Force them to spit.
Ask them to sit.
Did that have to rhyme. Did any of this have to. Did it take away. From
Take away from.
Cultured eyed breast sore
Vultures hide crest something
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2015
Love was like,
The most intense,
Loneliness, a scab
Unscratchable, touch
So remote, unmoving,
Love was insanity,
Blue as the moon,
Dry as water, dark
As sun, love was.

Love came new
Like sorrow, like pain
Only newborns know,
Love shamed us, true
As we reached into air,
Not embracing, love hurt
Us and we cried uselessly
To none other than ourselves
In a vacant, potted room, furnished
With leftovers and dried flour crumbs,
Love was the most exquisite torment,
The most lovely delusion we shall ever
Tell to others, how time twists like us, numb
As we fade into the setting sun of a memory
Burning, light falls at daze end, into love was.
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2015
Love was like,
The most intense,
Loneliness, a scab
Unscratchable, touch
So remote, unmoving,
Love was insanity,
Blue as the moon,
Dry as water, dark
As sun, love was.

Love came new
Like sorrow, like pain
Only newborns know,
Love shamed us, true
As we reached into air,
Not embracing, love hurt
Us and we cried uselessly
To none other than ourselves
In a vacant, potted room, furnished
With leftovers and dried flour crumbs,
Love was the most exquisite torment,
The most lovely delusion we shall ever
Tell to others, how time twists like us, numb
As we fade into the setting sun of a memory
Burning, light falls at daze end, into love was.
Jack Aug 2019
We travel so far,
plagues in the jetstream,
bugs in the mainframe,
a glitch,
a worldwide *****,
an unscratchable itch.

We are caught,
like an insect,
beneath a glass,
on a window,
nowhere to hide,
all for the best,
here for scrutiny,
to be examined,
under the microscope,
under the hammer,
under the glare,

and for a minute there...
I lost myself.
James Floss Oct 2017
I want something
A sirloin steak
A piece of carrot cake

I want more than when
Not who but now how
Something more than then again

A purple drink umbrella
A creature double feature
An itch unscratchable scratched

I want something
James Floss Apr 2019
I want something
But I don’t know what; an
Unscratchable itch

Urges deep percolate
That I can’t articulate
Fait acompli? Or No?

Wait? Or tempt fate?
Do, and invite regret?
Heads or tails?

Crap shoot, poker game
**** the zit or not
Spin the wheel…
ghost girl Nov 2024
if i were really honest
i'd tell you about the rage
the angry little girl howling inside me
begging to be let out
how i'm afraid she'd never stop
if i did
i'd tell you about the apologies i'll never get
the apologies i'll never give
all the unsaid things living in my bones
i'd tell you how my friends
drifted away when the Trauma
made me unpalatable
how pulling myself out of the rot alone
was almost more painful
than the Trauma itself
i'd tell you about the days the girl in the mirror
looks so unfamiliar
how words don't seem to fit in my mouth anymore
how the space between
worse and better starts to feel like
an unscratchable itch
but not nearly as unbearable
as the girl living in my skin five years ago
and how i miss her and how i hate her
how she probably hates me
buried under years of therapy and medication
and deep breathing techniques and
have you tried meditation?
yes ma'am, i have meditated myself into a
near constant state of TV static
and once in awhile that girl
tries to change the channel, remind me
of the weightlessness of giving in
to the doom spiral, to the drinking, to the drugs
to the boys who will do nothing but
destroy what we've built

but to tell you the truth i wouldn't go back
not to that girl, not to the girl we were before
she mutated into existence -
not even to keep the most painful things
i've ever lost

— The End —