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Lerato May 2015
I know you think my heart is a playground,
Shaped with love and cascading laughter from swings, slides and turnarounds.

With excited and exhilarated screams piercing through the thoughts of torturous reality.

With giggles masking our tiredness of life
and rejection from giving up on it.

I know you feed from my soul.

I know.

But perhaps it stands good to remember that: swings and slides do break;
turnarounds do stop;
Playgrounds become barren with light and love.

Stripped of all their sheer and happiness....
When people take advantage of the Love you have to offer. Always coming back for more. Yet all they offer is pure distress and heartbreak, on a silver platter...
Alex Leeper May 2013


Your bedroom leaves you behind,

Remembering a blurry background.

You’re not in your world anymore.

Look up, look down.

Blue sky, and a green floor.

Look in between and another color

Strikes you like a knife,

And then another color, and another.

You've been stabbed by a tree.

First Verse

You're vision is the clearest it's ever been,

Each individual crease on every leaf.

The trunk is a clear brown, the browniest brown

That brings back blips of brainwork that believe to be begotten.

Crystal-like yellow leaves,

As if someone took the image

And manually added the color.

But you know it's a physical object,

You can walk around it and see the back of it,

And soon

You gain

The confidence

To touch it.

Second Verse

A pulse deep in the tree as you run your fingers across it.

As you recline yourself,

The knife turns gray

And the once eye-catching yellow

Silver leaves dance tauntingly towards another color,

A slow-moving car that tapped you on the back.

A hill overlooking a hill,

With a forest of grey trees.

You notice one is lit up,

A carbon replica of the previous chromatic timber,

And is begging for attention.


You almost fly down the hill,

Isaac’s first helping you descend.

You alight beside the single resplendent floral,

Its chromaticity illuminating its ashen brothers.

Brush its rigid shell,

The lights fade in its core,

But analogously,

Its closest neighbor is afire,

You now understand,

You are following a circuit in the wilderness.

Third Verse

You start to gain impatience now,

You flow through the achromic forest

Touching every blush of color you see,

Following the maze of crayoned woods,

Journeying, immersing, submerging deeper

Into a blank woodland.

You soon come across something,

Hidden in the bright green grass.

A mirror, a flat, square plank

Of cooled and melted obsidian rock.

A light ray reflects off it.

You pick it up, the ray

bouncing back and forth,

And store it in your pocket.

Fourth Verse

You almost loose hope,

Not to mention interest,

About your current predicament,

But something, something about the atmosphere-

You stop.

You know to stop, just for a second,

An epiphany.

You look once, twice, three

Quick turnarounds until it glimmers in your eye.

A barely gleaming church door.

And you realize.


You realize so intensely,

You almost can’t perform the action.

You pull out the mirror with glee,

Catch a small ray through its skin,

Aim the ray towards the door,

And you spray

The sunshine

Onto the


Second Chorus

Your mouth agape as the perfect light

Reflects onto the invisible passageway,

Causing it to enamel the door with a beautiful shade

Of orange.

You spray the door planks with your infinite atomizer,

Covering the small blotches you missed

Until you drop the mirror, turn around,

Say goodbye to the gloomy forest,

But discover an luminous explosion of color.

Each tree has awakened for your departing.

You smile, and turn around,

Pull the doors open and walk into the white.


Blurry background.

You recognize it as if you never left.

Because you didn’t really leave,

You see yourself asleep on your bed.

It’s everything you remember but just a hint

Of chromaticity is left behind the walls.

Not wanting the feeling to end,

Waiting until just the right time

To finally elope from your now distant memory

And regenerate to another adventure

In which you hope will have meaning.
Xander King Apr 2015
Street lights illuminates your tired eyes
Cigarette smoke envelopes us
Distorting our lies
the guitar in our hands
the only thing keeping us alive
we pass it around like a tired lover
In this concrete suburbia
Steal beams wrap themselves around our throats,
tonight we'll scream until angels hear our mournful serenade
and write letters to God demanding that he save us.
The susurration of these strings set us free
These leaves fall around our heads
making us remember the times they made us bleed
Silence is the only thing we fear tonight
We need to escape this cookie cutter prison
So we hit the pavement
driving into whatever gust pulls at us
Wind in my hair
breath in the trees
We streak down the street forgetting the definition of control
Tonight we'll leave an epic story of
Love and defeat.
The breeze drags us to your old home town
The one that beat you down then questioned why you bleed
We stopped at your old house looking up at the battered blinds
Dragging our feet in the midnight breeze we wander the town
and I listen to stories of bravery and deceit.
coming across the tea light battered gazebo in the middle of town
I spin underneath letting the world around me fade into a blur of faces and trees and light
It feels as though I've spiraled out of this destructive planet
into my own galaxy
One where no one can touch me and we can be free.
The hands of the night push me forward to a child's play structure
ripping me back into our stratosphere
I run to it letting myself be young again
forgetting the anxieties that plague my waking hours
I climb as fast as my arms will carry me swinging to the top
Laughter erupts from a place inside me i forgot exists
As I scream obscenities into the darkened sky
screaming to the stars like they give a ****
but I'll make them care
we are all born to die
but tonight oblivion wont find me
I'm crossing my name off of the tombstone.
Rickety swings call my name as I pump my tired legs
willing myself higher and higher until i feel as though I'll fall into the darkness above me and become one with the beauty around me.
That night I did not fear death
I did not fear that I would run out of time before I lived
But I know people who were not so lucky
At 3am we all snuck onto the elementary school grounds
that you went to for 7 years
to pay homage to a dead boy I never met.
Philip, I never met you
but you sounded so brilliant
and I’m sorry that light had to be snuffed out prematurely.
I’m sorry you never got to run around at midnight
with people who make you feel alive.
I’m so sorry you never got the chance to live like you were dying.
I decided that night to live for both of us.
I’ll explore this world
Wrap my experiences around this realm
So that way maybe when I join you in yours
You’ll be proud.
When we leave I smile
Tonight we are alive
I jump on a strangers back
riding off towards a sleepy city
And even when we tumble and stumble down
Pavement biting into our sides
I feel no pain
Just a rupture of color and light.
This world may drag us down
But it isnt the end
We sit on an old bench
trading stories of lost loves
and broken promises
Maybe this is a shout into the void
and maybe no one will hear this
On the ride home we cranked up the stereo
Spinning out of control in turnarounds
sliding into each other
and when we get back
I know we all won’t forget this night.
We won’t forget each other.
We are tied together with a red thread
binding us for life.
Tonight we were eternity.
Wrote this on myself, Roadrick, Grant, Arik, and Austin with a dying pen while going on a crazy adventure with them.
indigo chandler Apr 2013
the quick turnarounds are cute 
tangible tension 

the thrill of the rush
jawbone shadows killing me
take off your flannel

i like when you're mad
i like it when you hate me
i like when you stare

smooth brush, quiet gasp
*** burns going down your throat
but makes you like me
Michael McBride Apr 2012
Stuck in this reality
Which only feels a fantasy
Felling home and safe
in such an awful place
Nothing to do
Nowhere to go
Only ups and downs
no turnarounds
I don't belong here
Life to you is near
To me
it seems so far away
Its out of touch
But to touch just a bit
would toss him a fit
Its no longer mine
Its all his
No longer can I think
No longer I need to
But the more
I feel the need to
reconnect with myself
I loose myself
Day by day
I gain the might
Night by night
I loose the fight
Second by second
I cant amend it
Longing for reason
I cant stand it
Time just breezing
right past
I must defend it
and gain the strength
to beat it
and defeat it
this demon inside me
who controls
right by me
To him
whats right is wrong
and wrong the right
In the end
I will win this fight
Gain my might
To amend this
And defend my right
as a human being
No longer
doing his bidding
This life is mine
no longer his
I shall not listen
And from now on
forever glisten
In my own pride
and shine
to ride
this ride of a lifetime
on and on
**MY OWN **** WAY
Cedric McClester Jan 2017
By: Cedric McClester

Braille for the chief
Who’s hard to debrief
And despite our grief
Won’t turn a new leaf
At our expense
He remains intense
Hard to convince
Even with the evidence

Braille for the chief
Who to our disbelief
Creates beef
Like an aperitif
Loves all things Russian
For the sake of discussion
To the point of gushing
Without repercussion

Braille for the chief
The election thief
With little to bequeath
Once they lay the wreath
We’re all aware
There’s no substance there
He doesn’t even care
About our despair

Braille for the chief
There’s nothing underneath
His clenched teeth
But an empty sheath
Despite the way it sounds
Like the Baskerville Hounds
His ego knows no bounds
Or has no turnarounds

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
Emilie L May 2010
Every now and then, my world spins around
Giving rise to a myriad of turnarounds
At the junction of two roads
I can't help but hesitate
Where am I to go?
In this world of nothingness
Vacuum, emptiness
I feel a part of me is so shallow
I am so hollow
Struggling to find a future ahead of me
Confused by the indecisiveness haunting me
Back there, I used to be so brave
Now here, I am but a coward
My inner self is shivering with dejection
For there's no answer to this fight
Endless as it seems, nobody knows
While I want to reach the stars
Dreaming of the wonders of a utopian life
I'm ****** into a zone of utter disgrace
Greed is not a virtue
To counter it, I have to be strong
No matter how long it takes
I know I can and I will...

© eMs' silent poetry. All Rights Reserved.
Rose Amberlyn May 2016
A single rose sits in its pearly vase,
Merely resting on the wooden table,
With the crooked leg.

And here you sit.
In today. This very moment.
This is now.

If life is a story, then mine is a song.
And I'm only in the second verse.
Waiting for my chorus.

And this is it.
This is your life.
It's ups and downs and turnarounds.

And how beautiful is today.

— The End —