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Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
Because there is so much crazy religion
In the United States
You have to make scientific claims
For people to take you seriously

So, if I tell you
I went to Gethsemane Trappist Abbey
When I was a college student
** hum. Who cares?

But if I tell you I wrote a poem like this

               Crossing the Baltic
                young sons sung

And mailed it to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Trappist Abbey in Oregon

And then a couple months later
A telescope called Trappist 1
Discovered 7 new exoplanets
That could possibly harbor alien life:

See, you're interested.
Georgina Ann Jul 2011
I can still see his hand
resting heavy on my right arm
and every night I hear him
begging me to stop the harm
to my own sacred body
warnings ringing like a smoke alarm.

But inside my mind is rocking
and my body's shaking free my soul
I can see myself sleepwalking
like my mind is set on cruise control
and once again I hear him talking
guiding me through this black hole.

I know he's here protecting me
I see his shadow in the dark
I can feel his love caressing me
and helping me embark
on this life-long journey
tryna' find the angel's arc
and I get a little closer
after every blunt I spark.

So before I roll another game
I'll step back from the brink
and I'll open up my mind
so I can hear him think
'*** if I listen carefully
I'll find the missing link
I'll write the answers on this leaf
before I burn away the ink...
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2023
Lois Lowry was written by a Trappist monk
Intriguing to me
Searching. Searching...
For Elsewhere

I taught the Giver in Taipei
Utopia websites
Excellent students
Intelligent. Black hair.

Jonas y Fiona
Seeing Beyond

The struggle to awaken
We more than I
I more than they

          Do and Dare!
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Trappist 1
Searching for atmosphere

Trappist 1
In my ears I hear

Trappist 1
Belgian monks brew true beer

Trappist 1
Aliens appear?
Trappist monks singing                                          s
            ­                                                                 ­   t
                                                          ­                 h
Hymns and incense ascending                g
                                    ­                              i
                               ­                              e
to their very                            *h
This weekend I went to Vina, CA to visit the Trappist/Cistercian monks there. We were able to pray with them during their 7 times daily:
3:30 AM Vigils
6:30 AM Lauds, 6:50 AM Mass
9:05 AM Terce
12:15 PM Sext
1:55 PM None
5:45 PM Vespers
7:35 PM Compline

A very wonderful way to spend the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ! I was able to read the whole New Testament except the Gospels, now on to those!
May God bless you and keep you, and may he let His face shine upon you, and give you peace ~Numbers 6:24
Ronald Jones Feb 2016
Former Presidential Candidate   Adlai E. Stevenson II (Democrat--circa 1950s) was spotted reincarnated as a young trappist  Buddhist monk in a monastery in Saint Croix, U.S. ****** Islands. In the early evening hours he can be seen enjoying himself swinging in a hammock in the monastery's garden while making 12-mile inhalations on a marijuana cigarette and meditating on the possible dire encumbrances due the 2016 election year, though the balmy tinctured breezes thick with naughty **** often dissipate such fustian concentrations.
john oconnell Sep 2010
3 brown, tall, large and stately bottles
of Trappist monks' beer,
each with their own individual and historical label,
stand quietly, sentry-like on a shelf.

Craftmanship in
3 colours and 3 tastes,
7, 8 and 10 percent strong:
from dark robin-red - fresh, soft and a little sweet;
to dark blond - fruity and sweet and sour;
and finally amber - fullbodied and sweet and sour.

Religious beer
the festive season
of Our Saviour's birth.

3 times a heavenly treat, indeed!
I stand before my college class struggling
For the forty-dollar word to replace
The two-dollar one
That inadvertently slipped my lips
You know -
Those words that tell
The skeptical you’ve been there
Done that
Read that and
Know this

Those words have worn smooth
My rugged road from Compton
Words speaking a sub-text of
Silhouetted meanings
The words that bring on the dreaded
Compliment “articulate”
As if I could speak
Any other way

But, it appears I can
I have a way with words plentiful
The two-dollar variety
Like my cheap shoes
Of childhood:
Sometimes embarrassing
Always loyal    

Today, my two-dollar
Words work quietly
In poetic dungeons
Hooded in simplicity
Fooling no one
Laboring, as they do,
Under the
Trappist Creed:
Give up everything
Give up everything
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2020
I'd like to believe in mysteries
But death is certain known

The terrors of American histories
Appear on my cell phone

Mystery brings wonder
Something to surprise

History brings plunder
Death to foreign guys

Space is still a mystery
Life up in those stars?

The human race -I wish to see
Out in this universe of ours

                Trappist bars!
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2019
to disappear forever
     sound and fury
          silent ring ...


Qualyxian Quest Feb 2021
the pain ends in death
so for that I must be grateful

the sadness in each breath
the ignorant, the hateful

2 weeks in Tokyo
jazz club full of wonder

lightning over the Atlantic
La Florida in thunder

my children are my greatest joys
though tonight I call from far

twinkle twinkle exoplanets
how we wonder what you are!
you cannot leave                          
the boundaries
of your cloister.

and yet, you have
crossed them a
thousand times.

writer. trappist.
human being.
adventurer.  seeker.

may you be free,
may your restless heart
be still.

may the Divine Lover
hold you in
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2019
12:37 and I’m still in bed
      drifting, drifting
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2019
Cliff Pickover tweets
   young sons sung
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
Fr. Peter says saw nothing
And was filled with Easter joy

I can see beyond but not the grave
Emptiness? Nitnoy.
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2021
and again the darkness coming
again i am alone

again the isolation
again the Twilight Zone

me in the Bangkok temple
the Pope on the phone in Rome

Trappist monks in Belgium
could Trappist 1 be home?
This city is lost in the wilderness
Our Trappist souls to discover
Our billowing needs stripped down to less
A chance inwardly to recover.

Let us not lay waste this time to reflect
Let the sigh of the wind lift our thoughts
Let snippets of kindness expand and collect
Let us love, for our time here is short.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
A visiting teacher comes to a joint
Hindu-Catholic ashram in India
And asks the children:

Where is God?

The Catholic kids all point to the sky:
Above me (Our Father who art in Heaven)

The Hindu kids all point at their chests:
Inside me: Brahman and atman are One.

The moral of this story, he tells me,
Is that all of the children are correct.
Brian McDonagh Jun 2020
I wanted to voluntarily give my time
in 2011
without any parental/outside influence
to build my own heart
and my own destiny.

I’m sure people have had plenty of dates
with Destiny,
leaving Fate to pay the tab.
What Destiny didn’t tell me
at age fourteen
are that churches that mingle together
are still different populations
with different works of focus.

In the Catholic tradition,
any Catholic can go to any designated church
for holy communion,
holding constant how anyone can attend anywhere.

I received more than the church
when I wanted to go to camps
with another church outside my family’s church.
Rather, I got a helping of obedience, discipline,
work, teasing, trouble, uneasy fellowship,
and a deacon who I believe was never true to the words
he preached.

This deacon, Dave Galvin, was not a personal
heart-to-heart person.
All he did, at least to me,
was assign me to loads of work,
answer my problems by pooling for other people’s answers,
and keep camps and youth of his church
[yes, not even being the lead pastor]
on as inflexible of a schedule as possible.

I almost think some days
he wanted me to starve,
because suffering makes him smile.
Most times around this minister
I would take my life as a failure
if I didn’t understand his instructions
Or didn’t have a faux homily lined up
in less than a minute
for a homiletics competition among
other high-school guys at the time.

He rarely smiled during services
unless the priest made a joke.
Gossip says that his family cheats
with religious obligations.
It wouldn’t surprise me
if this man’s family were another
cover-up story.

There’s no genuine fun with this man.
Being around his church and his mannerisms
almost trapped me permanently from recognizing life
outside being pruned as a seminary prodigy,
trapped as a Trappist.

And yet most people mimic him
and reference his motives and leadership.
Being the only one at most church activities
with Dave
from an alien church of another town,
I tried so hard to keep my mind from being controlled
and of being intensely Catholicized
to the point of breaking down.

Now, what I make of my former interactions
with Dave’s church
is meat for my resumes
and stories to recount.
I thought I was free-will from the Divine
not Dave’s puppet.
To be honest, I followed Grammarly's edits on some lines slightly before I published this poem.  Prompt 5 was the strongest prompt for me to write on...about someone that stirred aggression in me.  I may sound like an innocent church boy with how I word this poem, but the feeling has been real to me.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2023
so im in my early twenties pretty lost not yet diagnosed with bipolar at the Trappist monastery monk dies his name is Brother Thomas I wear the robes chant participate in the funeral lay him down and the next day a monk says they found a note next to BrotherThomas's bed say that despite living as a monk for 60 plus years God in His sublimity and greatness remains forever beyond his reach the agony of it devote your life to God pray work seek every day for more than 60 years and still - can't find.  I'm not a monk, not exactly, but I also seek and cannot find Trappist 1 exoplanets i live alone know only prayer is silence and protective spirits - please keep my boys safe - please don't let the Trumpfucks win - the meditation hall all wood and glass this little library quiet will i die alone bangkok boston budapest rome

                                              Roam Rome!
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2019
research begun
    young sons sung
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2019
to see once more the ocean
     to gaze the glowing moon

to ponder Trappist-1
     aliens arriving soon?

to see my sons a-swimming
     in July,  or maybe June

to rest at last in peace
    Elsewhere (like lovely Lina and daring Doon)
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2019
alone, unknown, asleep
       Trappist 1 tantalizes
             dreaming of the Deep
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2019
one must go on writing
and one must have prime patience

I’ve lived a time in Europe
and longer among the Asians

if I could I surely would
take Venetian vacations

but tonight I think of Trappist 1
and ponder benign divine invasions
sandra wyllie May 2022
on a three-dog night
as the cracked shades pull down
around my shoulders.
The moon is plucking

older. Morning stealthy hums
like a Trappist nun. And I’ll
trudge out of this bed like I’m pulling
a sled of bricks. Stumble into the kitchen

to fix my morning coffee. The chair
is cold and hard as toffee. But I
plunk into it like a stone. And mull over
this day with feet of clay falling

asleep in their fuzzy slippers,
as I sip on the sludge in my mug. I can’t
budge out of this chair to wash my face,
brush my teeth and do my hair. So, I stare

into space and wonder how I got here. Yesterday
I was spry and could fly out the door. Today everything
hangs like the dust on the ceiling. And the only thing
that grows is the mold on the bathroom floor.
Qualyxian Quest May 2019
tracking Trappist-1
      coincidences come
             discoveries in sun...

            Alive out there!
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2019
Into the Spiderverse
My children with me go

Is indeed a wondrous show

Young sons sung again
Trappist 1 we know

Curious coincidence
As above, so below
Third Eye Candy Mar 2020
it’s early morn and the air is barrel-shaped
with burgeoning twilight wane
and the shuffle of chickadees in the snow;
while gathering wood for the fire -
I’m surrounded by porcelain shadows
crunching underfoot like packing peanuts
made by Trappist Monks.
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2023
More than one life only
New York, the other side
Curious coincidence
Susan. Trappist 1.

Knoa in conversation
Navy. Air Force. Thomas More.
The need to battle back
SJ. Thy will be done.

After death discovered
Workin' on a mystery
Maybe business for my son

Guadalupe green
The Buddha olive, brown
When Love Comes To Town
River Eden riverrun

              Sheep. Deer. Nun.
Qualyxian Quest Oct 2021
Thomas in the Matrix
The time comes to return
No need for *******
My soul within me burns

One pill makes you larger
One pill makes you small
One train from lost in London
My sons in Wetheral

One quest that still continues
I do not give up
Trappist 1, Midnight Sun
I miss that Quayzar pup

            Yo dawg, what's up?
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
In Thailand I touched a Tyger
In London William Blake
Denver, Colorado
Lady of the Lake

I am puzzled by predation
Doesn't God ******' care?
Highwater Everywhere

The prey runs to the predator
At the end of American Cosmic
I am you and you are me
Thich Nhat Hanh's Buddhist logic

I read of Korean shamans
Women in the mountains
I listen to Bob Dylan
Yon cool and crystal fountain

I'm quite good at waiting
Not as good at action
Come the kairotic moment
To give me godly traction

Trappist 1 in Baltimore
In Toledo my Uncle Jack
Viva Tel Aviv!
Please help para Iraq

             A Comeback!
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2019
Chartres Cathedral - Vive la France!
           Trappist-1 coincidence
       another world is an instance ...

                       the Rising.
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2018
Crossing the Baltic
     young sons sung

Heading for Helsinki
      young sons sung
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
It's the silence that keeps on drawing me
The silence and the deer

Trappist Abbey in Oregon
Bangkok temple far from here

The beach, but not in summer
Grey skies, misty rain

Unexpectable, she said
The Buddha's female train

         open window pane

— The End —