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Karijinbba Jan 2019
Not all tree roots
need to be long or thick
to be strong mighty ever lasting.
trancending time and space

The strongest tallest trees
have SHORT roots tightly close interconnectedly
with many tree roots
by one amazing fact

being rooted from underneath very close to one another
Huddled in short proximity
it's how the strongest tallest trees thrive stronger live longer.
across time and space
lungs on earth for humans.

Nature teaching showing why
even poets lost in solitude
are as derooted weak trees
they shrivel and die

Here at Hello Poetry
we may willfully become stronger tightly rooted together
to grow taller stronger mightier
or perish for lack of unifying interconnectedness.
huddled root to root

I perceive a disconnection on H.P, among many poets
with thick long roots yet unable to stay connected with
one another in rampard discord  
some expecting benefits without any other concern but arrogance
and selfishness

Trusting unison powerful
indestructible succeeds interconnectedness.

Why not huddle up together
closer so noone deroots us.

i hunger for your view on this.
Nature is teacher at best
intermingling tightly
so closer in proximity
poet to poetess poem to poem
so that i may follow you
confident follow me
huddled up
root to root.
revised: 01-07-19
Union is power
I thank everyone who reads
very few honor me with your reposts
and i feel like a star when your own awesome impecable poetry
ignite brain storm magnificence
pure mind bending magic
i am learning from your greatness and i feel honored. In fact i learn even from those who jump the gun to judgements instead of asking me questions i am very sociable.
Vampyre Kato May 2016
I Got Roses For Her,  I Got Roses  For Her, I Got Roses For Earth, Growth  Occurs, Just Be,
Love Is Within, Just  Wrapping Me,  No Depth Can Trap Its Wind, Just Breathe
Beautiful Beach, That Warm Breeze, Purple Sheets, Iced Tea
Love Is So Free, I Hold You , You Hold Me, ‘Togther  , We Hold We ,
Flowers On Trees, Magik Mushrooms IN Our Teeth,
Infinie , Galactic, Theres No Attachment, Naked ,Dressed Like Aladin,
In A Forest Full Of Magik , Dancing In The Creek, I Don’t Sleep In A Cabin,
No Chains, Love The Rain, No Violence, Violin Tears  Washes Silence,   , Pure No Sinin,
I’m In Bliss, No Titles OR Idols It Just Is, I Am 1, I Am Sun, I Am Darkenss,
Never Apart From MY Heart, Aligned With The Spark,
Wings Span Universal, Dna Code Gold Swirl,
I’m An Alien Ghost Peral, Well I Am That I AM,
My Imagiton Doesn’t End Nor Begin,
The Now Is So Precious, I AM Compltey Free & Open I’m Oceans, A Poet In Simationus Motion,
MAgikal With Hold IT, Relax With The Potion,
Moon Light Kisses Like Roses,
Your Freucny Is Reaching Me, We Both Know It,
Sacred Type, Make The Night, Elctric Light,
Trippy Existenice , Mystical Vison,
Indigo Star Seed, Silocybin Bar ****, Don’t Drink No Bar Scene,
Just Romance & Hold Hands,
Psychelic Acesion , Free From All Tesnion,
Illumanited With A Sphere, Here To Raise Questions,
Grave Yard Seconds, Immortal Stepping,
I Have Energy Inside Of ME , I Don’t Need No Weapons,
I’m Remedy Trancending Into Purity,
Tabs To Get A Lift,
ON Hearth To Heal For Real Raise The COnsoisness,
At My Highest Vibration , Government Hate It tHey ON To This,
**** It The Galactic Dimesnions SPonor This,
Honored With To Gift To Conqor Midst,
Strong As ****,
I Let MY Ego  Free To Fly  Now Im  Accomplishment
Ricky J Jan 2017
You're trancending at every turn
You evaporate my troubles into mist

Your smile entrances the angels
Your elegance stills the roaring giants

It is you that bekons my fate
your mind sharpens the mighty sword of wisdom.

For time has treated you well
A beauty embellished with grace

Your essence sparkles like majestic jewls
your presence so precious, so warm yet so cool.
Spoken into a beam of light;
A lifted weight of eternal might.

Trancending toward expansion's core;
Awakened in whom we're carried for.

A uniting in breath at deep request;
As the rhythym of longing inside our chests,

Becomes a symphony of tympany pattering the sky,
Releasing intent in the dissention of I.

In the embrace of all, in Love, as one;
Truly then has prayer begun.
love, a chemical, love, chocolate

tresten tray deny defy, travesty trancending

******* bubbly bursting

interesting enough, a somba, met in march

making beauty, cellphone curiosities

Good times, good times, loved ones who made makers

dulce de leche, jive jive

boomering, blame, none, no no no, sake for sake, for curiosities sake, lots of that, a-floating, a wondering, a wishing

televisions pronouncing, ba ha ha ha
toot toot toot to that you old goat

love?  more, chocolate, dripping, ecstasy, dreaming, delicious!!

sentiment, sappy, taffy, the kind at the boardwalk, almonds, more, talk

tales, arcades, simple sayings, sorted out, soothing, sounding, surrender, the aesthetics, why why why, are they, projected, yet shunned?  

ugliness, the frailty, beauty, the majesty, why to all of these things?  

Ugly the, pronounced, the, proud, accentuate the, not nakedness, the, known, the pronounced, the political, in an undertone, understatement, no no no

taken up with projects of, bie bie bie

frail, your a ghost, with your camiseta, you're something else, go ahead and be

that something else, hahaha aha haha , smoke is clearing your lungs, fascinating, when the curious blends, meshes, cleanses your soul, why why why

bid farewell to your late fresh husband, he's off goodbyeing to power, which is easier said, power fresh in hands, power of statues standing time, however, power, loved by many, simplified with sentiment, body, release, taken over with the right mix, the right.... set

power, none, other, no, non, power, pulsing, bothered, hot, no

eased up again by mix, mix mix

— The End —