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Fenix Flight Jun 2014
Christmas time wont be the same
not without your adorable face,
and witty loving humor.

I didn't know you all that well
But you've always been there.
For as long as I can remember.
Every single Christmas memory
You love and comfort
are always there.

Rest easy **** Lucile
I hope heaven is beautiful
I hope you are no longer in pain

Watch over me
watch over all of us

I love you
You will forever be
In my heart
My **** Lucile had a stroke a few days ago
and she sadly passed away earleir today
ioan pearce Feb 2010
my bampa was a minergrafting down a piti recall his chesty cough black lumps in his spitdust of  death for pittancelined a throat so dry filthy lungs but clean heartwith love you cannot buytwelve hours down a holetin tub for a bathprepared with love and care nan placed by the hearthbraving winds and weatherto reach the outside loousing daily newspaperto wipe away the pooso sometimes when i'm downand life gets on my **** remember bampa's life...andwhere he worked, washed, and ****
copywright ioan pearce
"Tell me you love me like you used to whisper in my eyes"

She screamed,
Pointing the Glock, a 99,mm luger at Seye
Her Seye, the groom

"Drop the gun ****, let's talk
Let me whisper in your ear just the way you like it"

'No!! no more whispering
I want the whole world to know
I want HER to hear you say to me
She thinks she is special because she is dressed in white"

**** ***** the Glock, waves it at Terrified Girl in white

"Okay okay! You would let her go if I say it?

"Yes my love. So it is just you and I"

"I love you ****!! I love every bit of you even the crazy
I love you"

BANG!!! Down goes the bride

"Ooops! I lied" she said with a laugh
Just like your lies, your 'I love yous'
Take care of the present, they have no future
So why should you two?"

BANG!! Down goes the groom

And IT'S A WRAP!!! yells the Director

BANG!! down goes ****

What just happened?!! that was not part of the script!!!

andrew juma Jan 2016
Hapa ndipo umenifikisha
Umalenga na ujopo
Wa kiingereza tulimudu
lakini kiswahili kitamu
**** la mama litamu
Hata liwe la mbwa

Kimombo kilaini majineno
Kama mayai ya johari
Kuangaza mitima halaiki
Namshukuru Rabuka
Kwa talanta ya kuandika

Tukaumba kwa maneno
Waumbaji nikawaunga
Kama yeye Mungu,
Nguvu za maneno kat'tunukia

Uwezo wa karana hii
Kuwateka akilizo
Nyika na mito kuwavusha
Hadi sayari za ndoto zao
Uswahilini narudi mie
Kitamu kwelikweli

Nashukuru Maulana
Kipaji nilipata
Naye ataniauni
Dau langu lifike kilindini
Nitue kileleni

Niangaze kama Zuhura
Hapa ndipo nimefika
Umalenga na ujopo
N'taukumbatia milele
Kwa Kiswahili na kimombo

Mitima zao kusisimua.
Standby for translation...
Softly spoken Aug 2011
Last night seem to be a bit of a blurr to me
As a matter of fact I have a head-ache and short term memory
Now I know I went to the club had fun and downed a thousand drinks
But I just don't remember how this morning I ended up on this street
I remember a touch so soft and a whisper so sweet
I don't know y my fly is open shirt buttoned backwards and I can't find my keys
I got this smell of a successful take like I got me some lastnight
But my thoughts are all jumbled up , I'm still stumbling and I can't stand up right
Wait I remember a girl but her face isn't clear
So I'll sit under this tree recap last night come on let's go there
I went home with this girl everything about her was on point
Sexc, perfume lit the room and when she walked passed me I felt tingling thru my joints
There was small conversation that led to a uplifting sensation in my paints
She made the first move because betwwen my thighs where her hand
Aggressive kissing excessive gripping and then her front door
Once opened clothes started pealing moans escaped her and we started on the floor
She was on top I know for a fact because her ****'s was just right
As she bounced up and down on me I remember wishing she could do that all night
While kissing her body my finger glides inside
As I took them swimming deep in her ocean ... on the wild side
I was stroking inside of her like I was grinding on a girl in the club
She was yelling screaming moaning and then she creamed ( oh ****)
Turned her around on that ground and started ******* her from the back
She said she felt me in her stomach... but never away did she ******
I gace her unforgettable head I know because that's my signature touch
I opened my mouth wide accepted her and my face she ******
The way my tongue carressed every crevice of her forbidden water
She did every dance ... move to the beat of my tongue that her mother ever taught her
Gripping my hair turned me on even more you could feel my tongue vibrating thru the floor
I knew she would tell me she loved me when I was done for sure
As she came to the peak of her ****** I rammed my face deeper in
Baptised my face in her juices because my tongue just sinned
She was done......
She showed me to the door before I could gather my things
**** last night was off the chain
Well did I get her name.. no that ain't come up yet
What about her number ... it ain't in my call log shyt
I just left her house this morning can I back track where I came from
I turned around looked up the street and sighed cuz I'm still drunk
The only thing I clearly remember is when her legs was up and she had that ****** and yelled
I remember looking at her feet she had
         Pink Toe Nails
Dark lover Sep 2023
Feeling the voluptuousness of the 3am seaside harmonious air, I pen down this, aroused from a brief night rest.
Quasi-her word its all Good.
Everything appears smooth, healthy, fun and apparently romantic in the heavenly format,
the loving, the caring,
the oneness, the rosy nature,
The caresses, the pleasure,
The longing, the soothing And every heavenly romantic embodiment one can ever imagine. But given birth to the statement.
The moth is to the lava, what the Gamin is to the ****, just as the lava gave birth to the moth, this heavenly embodiment begins the birth of things of terrifying nature, there horse riders accompanied each other faces covered like Taliban's in execution
Loving, caresses..
everly Aug 2017
Tio Daniel,

I'm really happy that you decided
to join the Navy.
Just finished boot camp and then off to Japan, right?
I tried to go to your graduation
but my dad wanted to go himself
since he wasn't allowed to be there
for most of his little brother's life..

When we met for the third time
in San Diego, we spoke for
a while and I told you about
how I write and
how my mom is really tough on me about grades.
and you just sat back in your chair for a little bit
then looked at your girlfriend
and started telling me of how much I look like my father
but I'm like **** krystal because she always kept
journals when you and her lived in the group home
and that was her outlet
to get away from everything.
And through it all she turned out just fine.
A single teardrop made its way down your cheek
going right over your smile and then
you hugged me
and told me I'll be better despite everything.
Despite our family's past.
Despite what we still go through.
Despite our fear of the uncertain and uncharted waters.
must be why you joined the Navy.
I love you so much, even though we've only met 4 times I feel like I've known you for so long..
everly Aug 2019
tender childhood piraguas
borinquen place
bbqs on the sidewalk
ice from the dollar store
gleaming on our necks till the
skin glows green
knee scrapes
Vicks to solve all
problems thoobies and
missing bobby pins under
rugs a neighborhood i’ve never-
yet always known, a glimpse of it and
it takes me back the cousin
always spiking my
Malta the **** that never
leaves the kitchen the smaller
cousins that lived in the park around
the block
the older cousin
that was always on
the phone with a different
boy, and kept a blanket over
the body mirror and refused to
explain why, we’d get a
shipment from our
family de la isla
aguacates and
quenepas fly out
the box while everyone
calls dibs and i’m home.
everly Aug 2017
the first hour
all i could do
was think about him.
i would think about
how cold it is outside
and i wonder what my dads doing right now
was it hot or just warm
i mean it is the middle of may
what happend to **** barbaras fiancee
whyd they part?
id think about when the wifi connection'll get up and running
because i want to post this on my page successfully

the second hour
all i could think about
was him again.
what was he doing now.
did he miss me?
its so rainy and windy outside the plane
what if there's tubulence and i never see him again..
id think about him
then his little brother
then his dad
then Edgar.
ugh when that word comes out
it has an automatic ****** connotation to it
ugh i really ha-disliked that man.
whyd he dislike me so much?
he wont even look at me

the third hour
its seven from where im from
and where im going its
four o clock
how does time work like that?
who came up with that?
so is it that if youre on the eastern side of the country
and you had an argument
and you travel to the western side
was it as if it never happened?
of course not so then
why is everything so complicated?
thats a generic question for sure.

the fourth hour
gosh this aircraft is small
so miniscule compared to the world
isnt it so odd that some people seem so prideful and big while seen from outer space in a plane
the plane looks like a moving ant
a moving ant to us
and as kids
we'd slowly torture them under a
on those extra hot days.
oh the days

the fifth hour
isnt it terrible
to be torn between two people?
forced to make a decision
about whos better
or whos more this and that.
the only dilemmas that i have are
choosing between
nutella or whipped cream
if i was still nine.
things just get more complicated as time progresses inevitably.

the sixth hour
we'll be making our descent soon
well hasnt this been an interesting ride.
now i know to never ever sit with
riley on an airplane
5.13.17 did a little digging
Safana Jul 2020
Kalli kallin kalla, Kai kace kalar kayan kakar kalla kaka ta kau, can kuma Kukan kurar kaka ya kori karen kalla.
Tafi tafi tafin tafawa tabawa ta tunfafi tun tuna tutar tuka tagwaye tanko takai tankarkar tun talatainin taba tabarmin **** ta tibiri.
Hausa ba dabo ba
Ashly Kocher Sep 2018
17 years ago our world endured tragic events
12 years ago my sister endured love at first site
Giving birth to a 6 pound baby boy, we call Dante
I have called him my little monkey since they day he was born
I am **** to him
Every year we feel sadness and joy
As we lost so many during those events
But gained an angel ourself
Happy 12th Birthday Dante Alexander...
If only i could say the right words and it'd bring you back
You always kept the family on a righteous path

I wish we could have done more of the same for you
All the craziness we've put you through
You were the most loved now that you can trust
You had the strongest heart out of any of us
The kind of tough love some of us never get you always gave
Some of the things you've done are the reasons why I'm brave
never scared to tell it like it is
To your own or someone else's kid

There are so many things I never got to ask you
Like what's the recipe for keeping the family together as you do
Something so special, like a homebrew
It was your own special family glue

You always made sure we stuck together for better or worse
I think this is why your death really hurts
I'm far from speechless
the things I never got to say to you has to be my weakness
I never got to show you how I grew into my own uniqueness

I got a lot of my love from you and my mom, I'm not here to throw shade
I just want to make sure the words I never got to say are paid
In full, consider this an I owe you
Youll always be in my thoughts until the day I go too

I love you **** Dilfia

— The End —