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Ariel Taverner Mar 2014
It's not completely true
you know
Thry say that you have a process you follow
Get born
Go to school
Get a job
Meet a nice girl
Marry her
Have kids
Grow old


But it's changed  
You know
Get born
Have a sweet little childhood till highschool
Start thinking
Become sad
Have the emotions
Become numb
Get the rope
Kick the chair out

Its changed
mikecccc Mar 2016
Symbols of death
At their best
Thry're plucked
And put on show
In the stares
They perish
by Second
Maybe you
Should just
Leave them alone.
Viv Clark Feb 2016
Professor, professor
I'll be a professor.
I do my homework as I proclaim
That education is the fundamental need yet has become a want in our society today.

Professor, I'll be a professor.
I will fail the students who aimlessly only does things for average numbers to show to make their parents squeal
For It is useless for one to pay such a high amount for school
And aim only for a passing grades and compliments without learning any useful tool.

Professor, I'll be a professor.
I'll give the answers yet leave them with questions.
I'll engrave the lessons into their souls for they need to pass it on in their lifetime as thry carry on.
I'll be fun and exciting for them to welcome me but I'd want then eager to leave knowing that the information I have given is not enough so they set out to find more.

Professor, I'll be a professor.
But for now I am a student,
With the privilege to learn, and the need to educate the world.
Starry Sep 2019
The *****
I thought thry
Were like all baodings
That they
Had a
Bell singing to me
But no just
S I l e n c e
weronikaokaro Feb 2021
What is silence?
Im not talking about the sudden silence in a room full of people,
Or the sudden silence of the class that makes many uncomfortable,
Im not talking about the moment of silence requested when I wake up,
Im not talking about the moment of silence you get when you finally turn off your phone and toss and turn to sleep,
Im talking about the ability to silence your thoughts so you can think straight,
Im talking about the ability to silence the vioces that keep you up at night and control daily activies,
Im talking about a moment just a second of silence,
Just a moment when they are not shouting at me,
Just a moment when they are not trying to **** me,
Just a moment without internal torture,
Just imagine yourself standing in the middle of  a full football stadium with each and every person screaming at you,
Thats exactly how it feels in my head,
The vioces shout over eachother while I try to sleep but they always have something to say,
They always tell me what to do and what not to do,
How to sit, stand walk and even talk,
But most of the time thry shout at me for eating even if i didnt eat that day,
I am sick surrounded by invisable abusers,
I am a victim in my own mind,
And all i ask for is for silence

— The End —