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Natasha Teller Dec 2013
surrounding us: a billion stars
in a time when a trip to mars is like walking around the block
and captain kirk and mister spock are arguing
about the prime directive.

we’re beaming to a planet’s surface. now listen:
i know about inverse tachyon beams
i know about coded klingon screams
i know about going to warp factor eight
i know about redshirts' survival rate.
(no. chance.)

i’m beaming down with the main crew
to the surface of minerva II
we've got a malfunctioning interstellar transceiver which is distressing-- dysgraphing? dismantling…
…i don't know.
scotty said it was defective.

so we’re on this planet,
standing on one side of a thick forest packed with monster janeks,
starfleet says we need to fix this thing yesterday, and we’re in a panic—
and **** it, mccoy is a doctor, not a lumberjack,
and kirk says we should just burn through the middle with phasers,
and spock says we must preserve respect for all life forms no matter the situation.

now please remember kirk’s the captain.
that means he runs this show
but kirk always listens to spock,
we spend two days walking through the forest.

surrounding us: a billion trees
in a place where a strange disease is rare as feathers in a flock
and captain kirk and mister spock are arguing
about the prime directive.

halfway through this dark-lit trip
things go wrong (obviously)
and an alien with shellac for skin captures the captain.
said alien grabs a vine, ascends into the canopy of the trees,
and for one glorious moment
i believe kirk’s the dead guy in this episode, not me!

but spock, in his calm and logical vulcan voice,
orders us to exercise any necessary force to recover the captain.

we reach the janek village.
being a good redshirt, i rush in, phaser blasting, ready to complete the heroic rescue of our captain—
and get killed instantly.

as i was dying, i heard the sound of thousands of janeks dying beside me
saw spock help kirk off the ground
and the last words I heard were theirs:
“captain, are you in need of immediate medical attention?”
“nah, spock, i’m fine—”
“mr. scott. the captain is hurt. beam us aboard immediately.”
one’s arm over the other’s shoulders,
they vanished.

surrounding them: a billion stars
in a time when a trip to mars is like walking around the block
and captain kirk and mister spock are arguing
about the prime directive—

but the prime directive
was never the real objective.
My very first attempt at slam poetry, back in the day... this was written for a sci-fi slam. Live long & prosper.
softcomponent Nov 2013
i have always been farther
away than the last moment
spoken between + the label,
yet there is nowhere beyond
my mind that i know how to
reach. it was a sadistic run-of
-the-mill that allowed me to
bring light upon a beam of
light shadowed in a corner
and hiding in hyperspace,
speedier than a tachyon yet
delicious in a red-wine finish..
i skip labor as proof that i am
free but who in the actual ****
is your leader?

there are moments i can supine
from the words you write in direct
reference to the life i've lived since
September.. but the proof is that i
have streaks of euphoria and clam
ouring happiness amidst a dull ball
-park surrounded by the Lost and the
******.. a new list of habits would
have to include my rampant affair with
alcoholism, my flirting with a boardwalk
death-wish in the form of Dunhill cigarettes
(*******, Sigmund Freud) (all because a
friend discovered Dunhill's to be the favourite
choice of Hunter S. Thompson
) and a lack of
physical exercise beyond the legs which leaves
me brain-atrophy construction-zoned & & &
there’s more
than 1 theory
in string theory, more than 1 dimension too
sometimes 4, others 26
all of which but few
are flat

genus 2 donuts would have less dough
some things are super
symmetrical, quarks
didn’t exist ‘til 1968, my attention span
to 5 feet 2 inches, when a String smiles back.

it’s intuitive
that 2 quarks attract
when pulled apart.  a tachyon
fits cross legged
in a chair.  gum pops sing
and the theory is boring without fermions.

strings absorb in the D-branes
of blue eyes
and matching glasses. stray
hairs, electrified with brilliance
warrant cats
that even Schrodinger knows are alive
The lecturer didn't have my full attention... someone else did.
Ron Sparks Dec 2015
E equals
    -- the tachyon laughed
Simbarashe1 Nov 2016
As brurrly vision becomes more transparent
The hard humming disappearing from my head
The uneasy pain becoming more and more apparent
Senses returning to their normal carriculums
Bit by bit my memory recovering to unveil
The simple truths of the tragedy i was in,  
I realized i had just cheated death

Everything happened in tachyon speeds,
One minute i was alive and happy as a lark
The next minute i was recovering from the boarders of death
One minute i had friends,  enjoying the trip to a popular resort
The next minute they changed route to heaven or hell
As death had just bumbed unto us,  .
Leaving me on the boarders of this world and another

I dont know whether it was because i lived,  or the memory of my friends
My face insrantly flooded with tears,  
My heart aching and my head twirling,  
Wishing it was one of those scarry meaningless dreams
But my sanity assured me it was more real than it seemed
I couldn't hold,  this was too much
Although i had just cheated death...
I felt weak,  and fell down
First on my knees,  then cascaded to my whole body,  ...darkness fell over me
Michael Marchese Jul 2022
Undoubtedly real
Just can’t make it here
And ending up
Back on the streets
Is my fear
My last tachyon
Of potential
Resentment incarnate
To her
Anchored to love’s
Pulling the petals of lust
Just a few thoughts
Confidence slain where it stands
And I’m hindering
Any constructive
Like prodigal sons
Of the oneness

— The End —