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Michelle M Diaz May 2014
its cold here
my heavy eyes droop
the teacher drones on
I blow my nose, so that I can breathe
in, out, in sneeze out in, out, in, out, sneeze
I'm at the back of the room
java 2, the elite
sitting alone in a java 1 class, so I don't have to pay attention
Mrs. is teaching stuff I already learned
She hands me packets to work on, on my own
the trees look so green, I love the spring
may, almost, summer
summer coming soon, not soon enough
tap tap tap tap the keyboards click click click
ugh my nose is so congested
my eyes are so heavy
sleeeeeep I just need sleep
I have to packets I need to work on, but I can't focus.
can't focus, can't breathe
my hands are tired from typing
I'm too tired to focus on reading
so what to do, what to do.
I'm wasting time, but who actually cares
I'll get the work done, just not today
summer come sooner, I need some warmth
warmth, my bed is so warm
this classroom is cold
i'm cold
bed, bed, sleep warmth
how will I ever get through this day?
Lexi lu Feb 2016
Sleep, where for art thou,
Sleeep, I need you now.
Sleeeep, let me feel you,
Sleeeeep, I hear your coo.
Sleeeeeep, caress my face,
Sleeeeeeep, I feel your embrace.
Sleeeeeeeeep, closer you come.
Sleeeeeeeeeep, I am numb.
Maria Mitea Oct 2020
On an old seashore,

you are a monk in sacred clothes,

bowing slowly to forgotten

in the goodness of the night,

giving new life to your dreams

I am your Somnolence Queen,

and invite the sister moon

touch your eyelids, touch your light

drifting, drifting, drifting burdens

golden, golden, golden  stars

falling, fallin, falli, fall, fall, fa, f, ...

on your brrriiiggghhhttt sleeeping

forehead sleeeeeep, sleeeeeeping  deeeeeep,

I am your Somnolence Queen,
PK Wakefield Jun 2015
One dumb ******* mouth speaks
does eat
the face by

two thin chords
of pink sweating
easily .

it yammers it says
something about
the weather whether

or not
it might rain

heaping into
the pinched

the fat trill
thinness of
its head:


— The End —