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Jill Tait Sep 2020
Tattered and torn like tumbleweed I take what I want from the land with strength is strong as I surge and flow..for I am the seminole winds that blow..Stealing and pilfering everything in sight..amidst my boisterous battle of blight..destruction and doom is my delight, blow seminole blow

I can cause chaos betwixt my cringe..with whining, wailing, weary, whinge, beggar’s belief will be my binge.. blow seminole blow.. Seas shall swell and hills will howl from my gasping, grunting growl, swooping thru the night like a nocturnal Owl..come seminole and go..subtly silenced or fierce with force without regrets nor no remorse..I shall spill ocean’s watercourse.. blow seminole blow
John F McCullagh Jul 2013
The verdict has been rendered
And George Zimmerman goes free.
(I still would not bet money
On his life expectancy)
There is anger in the streets this night
in our divided land.
One mother’s son was shot and killed
by this George Zimmerman.
The Jurymen have heard the facts
and ruled it self-defense.
Far too many in the streets
Take acquittal as offense.

Long ago, in Boston town,
were British redcoats tried
for the ****** of six colonists-
“A massacre!” folks cried.
John Adams got the soldiers off
with a plea of self-defense.
He must have had great courage
and, in Justice, confidence.
How difficult it must have been
To face his neighbors’ angry cries
The principles he fought for live
Unless we let them die.
Some thoughts on the Zimmerman verdict. In my mind it reminds me of the traila and verdict of the soldiers in the Boston Massacre case.  If we don't believe in Justice and the rule of law we are on the eve of destruction as a civil society
JJ Hutton Aug 2012
In the stands, down 35-3 with two minutes left in the fourth,
Fred Carson picks at the sticky, white remnants of a Coke bottle's label.
He leans over to me,
"Do you mind if I talk to you again?"
I don't, and haven't since kickoff.

"You know, I played running back on this same field."

"Oh yeah?" I say, allowing the story to commence.

"Started all four years. Rushed 1,000 yards as a freshman."


"It took five guys to bring me down by my senior year."

"That's insane."

"I probably still hold the record for most rush yards,
but I doubt they keep up with things like that."

He takes a sip from his drink. It's half empty.
His hair -- greasy, most likely on its third unwashed day --
parts to the left and clings to his skull.
He's wearing a long sleeve, plaid dress shirt.
The shirt is buttoned to the top.

"Hell, that was back in 1968," slows, "I graduated in 19-68. Jesus."

Fred retired from the post office six years back.
He claims he's never missed a game of Blue Jay football since 1970.
The high school band starts playing in the section next to us --
a misshapen cover of "Louie, Louie".
Fred raises his voice,

"You know, I've been to every football game since 1970."

"Yeah, you mentioned that last week."

"I apologize. Yeah, if it wasn't for that first year of college.
I got a scholarship to play ball at Florida State.
Couldn't be there and here at the same time, you know? Kinda hard."

He runs his big-knuckled right hand along his khaki'd thigh, checking his pocket.
He checks the left thigh -- nothing.
Reaches into his shirt pocket and reveals a lighter.
Then a soft pack of Marlboro Lights emerge.

"You know, I ran the fifty in less than five seconds."

To the dismay of cheerleader moms sitting behind us,
he lights the cigarette.
He stares at the Bic lighter with some NASCAR driver -- number 88 --
I don't recognize.
The cutout of the NASCAR driver's scraggly face
sits atop a navy blue and spiraling purple backdrop.
He starts to scratch at the label on the lighter.
A screech from a clarinet rises above the rest of the band,
Fred grimaces, takes a drag, continues,

"The coach at Florida State said I was the fastest boy he'd ever seen.
He said I was going to go pro. Sure thing, he said. I rushed for nearly
300 yards in the first game my freshman year. After the game,
the coach was like, see boy, I told you. You are going to tear it up
this season."

The NASCAR decal comes completely off. Under that purple and blue label,
Fred uncovers a white lighter.

"Would you look at that. I wouldn't have bought the **** thing if
I knew it was a white lighter. That's bad luck, you know. Hendrix and
that--uh--Janis Joplin lady both died with a white lighter in their hand.
Bad luck. A white lighter is bad luck."

"What happened at Florida State?" I ask.

"Well, we were playing Notre Dame during the second game that season.
Down by five with three seconds left on the clock.
We were on our own thirty, and the coach of Florida State was like,
run the hail mary play. But in the huddle, I look the quarterback
square in the eyes, and I say to him, captain -- he was team captain --
I say, captain, I'm hungry for that ball. He knew I could do it.
He took the snap, the receivers rushed down field, and I bolted toward
that line of scrimmage, took the handoff and I was gone, baby."

The crowd begins to cheer as the Blue Jay quarterback throws a long pass
to a wide open receiver. Fred freezes mid-story.
The cheer blurs into a silence, as each person in the bleachers
watches the ball ascend.

For the first time all night, the band lowers their instruments from their lips.
Just a ball floating.
The buzz from the stadium lights becomes audible.
One person gasps.
Then like dominoes the stadium follows suit.

The high arc of the ball betrays the distance,
and the pigskin plummets sharply.

"Interception!" the announcer cries through the speakers.

"That's a **** shame. I thought he was going to have it.
What were we talking about?" Fred asks as he drops his
finished cigarette into the nearly empty, naked Coke bottle.

"You were talking about Florida State. You were down five and--"

"That's right. So, I break up the middle. I dust that noseguard.
I stiff arm a linebacker. I looked like a Heisman trophy in motion.
I travel 69-yards down the field. I'm slowing down at the endzone,
thinking nobody is around, and sure enough -- plow -- the cornerback
dives right into my leg. I broke all kinds of bones and tore all kinds
of muscles. The doctor told me, he'd never seen anything like it."

The band plays the fight song as the clock winds down and the Blue Jays lose.
I try to disappear in the sea of blue and silver exiting t-shirts,
but Fred slows me down,

"It sure was good talking to you. I'll have to tell you more about Florida State
next week. Be sure to sit by me."

"I will," I say as the band director, Mr. Morton, steps in front of me.

"Hey, Fred," Mr. Morton says. He looks at me, then back to Fred.
He's trying to decide whether or not I'm of relation.
"Son, I went to Seminole State Junior College with Fred here
when we got out of high school."

"Really? Did you guys play football together?" I ask with innocent inquisitiveness.

"No, we weren't really into that. Though, we were at all the games.
We were in band together. Until Fred's wild streak got the best of him,"
Mr. Morton laughs, "am I right, Fred?"

The fight song came to a close.
With a lowered head, Fred walked into the silver, blue crowd
with a plaid dress shirt buttoned to the top.
Brandon Walus Oct 2011
Wait a minute Black man
If I understand you right
Theres an enemy you fight
Whose skin is light, and grips you tight

So you’re stuck in the hood
Misunderstood, drugged up, junked out and up to no good
he throws you in jail, for the same **** the ****** man gets out on bail

Paying 250 dollars were his biggest fears ,
While you don’t even sweat
12 generations of slavery; two fifty years.
So I ask…………………..

Why do you …….swallow promises from a….. promise breaker?
What makes you……. think you can receive life from a…. life taker?
These words are
nothing new,
its all in the family
Death IS Uncle Sam’s Nephew
Poverty his Cousin and Exploitation his brother
I want to cut ‘em from the *** of, yes, hypocrisy his Mother.

So when I look at this country and say “your mothers a *****”
Don’t get me wrong I mean nothing more
I’ve just figured out what my history’s for

So when I say “wait a minute Black man”, once more
What I’m really saying this for
What I really mean, is that you and me
We got a common enemy
The ***** of America—Hypocrisy.

I’m trying to say that I am not numb to where you’re coming from
For I’ve been there too
You thought I was another ******* hypocrite
HaHa The jokes on you

Cause I can see the invisible hand that guides the economics of life and death
Of hearts I break
And of breath’s I take
Of dreams I make
And the money I rake

I am no fool, there is no wool over my eyes
I am no tool to my peoples own demise
250 years under the yoke
But exterminated I will not be
Forever a thorn in the side of hypocrisy

So when I say “wait a minute Black man” for the 3rd time
This is what I want you to hear from me
Do not fornicate with that ***** hypocrisy
And beget children who will forever be
Just out of reach of the American dream

But most importantly, and especially to those like me
Those called the Penobscot, Mohawk, Seminole and Shawnee
Forget about your reparations,
Uncle Sam’s bank account has been emptied
The collateral was truly……trails of tears and Cherokees
And to demand from one man that which he took from another man is Hypocrisy

So when I say “wait a minute Black man” for the 4th time
Hear this,
40 acres and a mule promised you are still mine.
Native American heritage boils in my blood, but you can’t feel it
If I ink it on my sleeve, you neglect to see it

But the EARTH is ours, and a globe will show it
Theres a place called Africa, of this you know it

Lets you and I take a boat ride
across the sea
Fight on one more front in the war on Hypocrisy

Liberate your people unto whats entitled them
Let’s stop losing brothers to the lust of gems
This precious piece of our earth, this is where it ends

It’s still a rock, a stone
We’ll go back home,
halt the broken hearts and bones
that are caused by the greedy man
Who forces the needy man
To dig speedy through the sand
And find the tedious ingredients that make wedding bands
For the mother of the man who forged this plan
For hypocrisy and her favorite son, Uncle Sam

We shall raise our voices and object every time she marries
We shall, without remorse, abort every fetus she carries

A poets weapons are metaphors and similes
With these we can forever be, thorns in the side of hypocrisy.
JJ Hutton Apr 2015
The slam poet in cords, in denim,
rambles from neon beer haven
to flybuzz brothel, cracking quiet
jokes about soup to shiny junebugs
in the relentless moonlight.
One hundred dollars in thirty-five bills
slowly retreat from wallet
toward water-cut whiskey.
He’s got a chapbook widely
available at frozen yogurt shops
across the metro; he’s got a
tour in the works, tri-county,
every middle school from
Shawnee to Seminole; he’s
got a collection of ex-girlfriends,
made up almost entirely of wizened lesbians;
he’s got an MFA from UNC Wilmington,
and he shouts this more than speaks this
from his treacherous barstool to the sleepy bartender.
One of the girls, she takes him upstairs,
and to her he says, Your freckles—islands
in the sea of your milk-white skin.

The night passes, warehouses are razed,
and he watches the loft apartments emerge.
The food trucks come. He parks beside them,
typing poems made to order out of his trunk. The
money flows in, crumpled and sweaty and
in one-dollar denominations. The Old Fashions
transfigure into Old English. And in his pocket
thesaurus he looks for a word. It’s not vagrant,
nor vagabond. It’s not homeless, nor wayward.
He lies in the long shadow of a Midwestern sunset,
starved and shaking. Up from the blackened
city shrubs comes an indifferent breeze and
just as he thinks the word Pauper, he dies one
on the corner of 23rd and Western.
JJ Hutton Dec 2012
I'll probably go visit my parents on Thanksgiving. I'd hate to miss the way my father nods at my mother's sisters and brothers then steps backward into the shadows until he becomes them. We're having the mess at my aunt's in Seminole. Dad always drives separately. He makes his escape without saying goodbye. Leaving my mother, my sister, my brother, and I to explain the hermit.

I never ride with him. Haven't rode in a car -- just him and I -- since high school. I would lay my head against passenger window. Listen to tires press gravel deeper into the red earth. He never asked my thoughts on God, though a minister. He never asked about my classes, though a former teacher. He never asked about girls, though my father. Glen Campbell, however, he'd talk about Glen Campbell. Claimed I always looked like him. When I was a child, he'd even part my hair sharply and take pictures. What a good, little Glen Campbell. If he took his eyes off the road long enough to hone in on a power line, "Wichita Lineman" inevitably became the topic of conversation. That song would delta off into "Rhinestone Cowboy," "Gentle on My Mind," "By the Time I Get to Phoenix." Soon we'd be in town, knowing each other no better than before the departure. But we arrived. That's something.

To this day, no occasion could coerce me into parting my hair. With the exception of Mr. Campbell's funeral of course.

Tim will love your family. As I did. Still do. I thought he might only be a consolation, but looks like he's a trophy. Happy Thanksgiving, Ms. Anna Prine. I thank you. The fowl of the air thank you. The beasts of the field thank you. Tell them they're welcome.
jiminy-littly Apr 2020
Welcome me
To your crude levity
O white seminole

Come clean
Milk me of mine

The god within me
Like cream on top
Hope to god an angry god

Today I made no alliances
All shattered or broken
smiles turned into sneers
Kidding cuddling
All but burning rain
But new kindnesses
are born
you wait and see

A start of new
before his threshold
Awaits us
Has waited
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I ne'er half thought of you as best
Painted, frozen on canvas, still, set?
Static & unmoving...  but I do rest
In my bet you feign'd it. The man Thus, he is as a criminal! If hold he Must you as possession -Beauty's Pageant.
A sun proving to ne'er grow Stagnant.
Go'th then, swept in wind, smooth &
Seminole, with no frame to so seal In
YOUth within his lines -rather reel In
Lines of my rhymes to sustain YOU Ever
Both A's & Q's. No pause, Sure Forever.

Inks & links rather than oils soon Cracked &
Dried out, faded with careless Neglect
And old Time, proving Spell checked
Words, ripen'd on a vine, (freely repro-
Duced,) is better than stretchers 2 show
In one place, wired/hooked on a dim wall
Of your captor. His penchant 2 refuse call,
Or to face, why your smile wert so small.
Unbeknownst to the brushed up painter,
Who with gobbledygook stained your
Heart, but took you as his Sitter bitterly.
So if your Silence art your bitter Mystery,
Then book Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
As my pen chants only 4u -a wonderwall.
Wonderwall- Barrier which separates the mundane from a transcendent Reality which has a slit where the observer catches a glimpse of what lies beyond.

Not a reference to an imaginary friend who saves you from yourself.

A's=Answers Q's=Questions or (Cues.)

The Argument: Writing is a better way to sustain a person, because when copies are made of the original words, they still have the same value as opposed to copies of a painting. Also, a portrait locks the Sitter within the parameters of the frame, whereas the lines of verses set the subject free.

Or perhaps she is better painted now that I put things in perspective, if she is both the canvas and the paint -I will let that sink in for a while. Update* Did anyone fig it out? I  half-implied she is self absorbed... Lol
Arcassin B Jun 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

"Amazing Lisa"

**** all your evil intentions,
I want your love and your wishes,
Not a victim of manipulation,
But I can't control my desiring thirst for you,
Latching on quick,
Falling head over a ledge for you,
6 hours go by and you just won't shut your mouth,
But I'll stay and listen for you,
More power to you lovely one,
You deserve a ******* Oscar,
By the way how is he?,
Heard he bought you car and it was bently,
Forget that,
I'll love you gently okay,
Pull your hair,
Should I say more that I'll display,
Still don't care about all your evil intentions,
Brass decisions,
Harsh mentions,
About ******* that you work with for the moment,
Love you Lisa.


"Ghost Rider"

Muddy boots,
Biker jacket,
Flames everywhere,
Watching all my enemies seal their fates,
Like cut steak on crystal clear plates,
Wash it down with the bubbly,
Ain't a **** thing funny,
Killing you with my bare hands,
Send you back to hell with daggers all in your tummy,
Skid marks in the streets,
With a side of broken windows,
Hell coursing through my veins,
How you figured,
Step on the gas a little harder,
Due to my anger,
I hate changing into him , they see me as stranger ,
And just when you thought things in my life couldn't get any stranger,
I should have never signed the that God dammed piece of paper.


"Community Service"

Seminole stickers on the wall,
And their not even mine,
Scratching my skin,
Starry eyed at the static tv sitting on my floor,
I have no door,
So privacy is limited,
Life takes a toll,
So I gotta pay it,
Although , I don't believe everything comes with a price,
Barricading the corners of mind,
Bordem strikes hard,
Letting down all your guard,
Sometimes I wonder what It would be like to be on LSD,
Will I break into tiny glass pieces all on my mothers floor,
Enter different relms by opening doors,
Life's not easy when part from yourself,
That's why you know yourself,
To be in the comfort and arms of someone you love,
please don't kid yourself.


"Che­rish You"

So much to take,
please be awake,
Before love,
There was you,
And for that,
I cherish you,

Digital characteristic gal,
I would make you smile,
Who knew one day you'd be my pal,
And even the one,
Looking for fun,
We could see the rising of the sun,
That's today in society,
Don't care about things just the love and gleaming irony,
Screaming love me like you do when you're high!
Up in malibus,
Ripples dancing,
Making compilations,
We're not use to,
This isn't what you use to,
But there really only.....

So much to take,
please be awake,
Before love,
There was you,
And for that,
I cherish you,
Another mix of new **** lol
wehttam May 2014
I took everything
all of it.
Ischemic tangeniency had offered
me the souls of my Christians?
I deferred to poetry and rhapsody.
Like a Vampire Weekend concert.
Oh, without magic wands,
or tutilage of mystery.
I took everything.
It feels like an ancient rain.
Like an old president as our king.
He and she had to tell a few lies
before death and then took the
truth to sleep.  She of course
was a Bonaparte, and he of
course was from Oxford.
He wrote Frankenstein because
of their affair, she wrote the
crowned prince a diamond of Hope.
And his family lied in the mote.  
From the Battle in Boston, to the
French and American and The Seminole
War.  How would I ever know that
crossing the Patomic ment
King George the Third
lying on my floor.
To this day, I swear
The First President
of the United States
is the King of England.  

How dare you? Know the truth.  
He wrote the whole book
and that we had taken
everything they want
as an Oath.
wordvango Mar 2016
take into account the entire picture
of the world, men being cruel and inhuman
on the large scale, wars, nuclear annihilation threatening,
genocide most recently in Syria,
in the history looking back
that is what I see, the gas chambers in Germany,
the Congolese under the rule of Leopold,
the Seminole, my peoples the Cherokee mostly dead,
mass murderers, such as
Stalin, Mao, Islam and Christianity,
campaigning slaughter, inhumanity to man,
like a wild animal, the beast is us. Then
let us look at us. We, in our actions, our wanting at all costs to win, our
genetic makeup our striving to survive,
all bred and taught into us just continues it all. And we ask why?
Look at Hello Poetry. For a year a war has been fought. And no one is winning.
But both sides are unable to say enough. To say you too are of my kind, human, And
here, we are supposed to be the best of our kinds, the empathetic feeling ones in this crazy ****** up place we call Earth. ******* it.
Poets fighting each other as reckless as one sided as ISIS against  Bashar al-Assad .  Or Kim Jong-un threatening the world.
I am beginning to like animals
more than people.
They love unconditionally or **** for food.
There is no mistaking, no middle, no rationalizing,
it just is nature. Man is different. He kills because of words and mistaken ideals, no animal does.
Poets , in my ideal, are to use their words for love and peace.
Not mirror the rest of this ****** up world!
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
I wasn't blown away
By the Duino Elegies
But he's right about beauty and terror
Was in Vienna for 3 days

I like German food
But I'm pescatarian now
Only vegetarian sausage
Never drank much beer

The doc called it Meniere's disease
Vomiting, vertigo
Comes a Rattle and Hum
Tinnitus in my right ear

Arapahoe. Seminole. Apache.
Shawnee. Pawnee. Stays.
Thomas Builds the Fire
Burning, yearning quays

Jonathan Moya Jul 2020
What is the land
but dust
but mountains
but forrest
but mud
but lost sorrow

What is sorrow
but torn soul
but wounded skin
but a trail of tears.

This day
the Chickasaw

wipe the
white mans dirt
off their right foot
with their left foot

wipe the buffalo’s blood
off their right hand
with their left hand

walk ******
bare right foot
to wounded left foot  
on the dust
of their ancestors
their sacred hills

walk away from
The Great Spirit
to the not greater
white man’s God
slow sad right foot
to slower left foot.

Walk dragging their
dead still right foot
to still left foot
far away from the sun
of their monumental land

to this country
of bullets and blood
marching, running
blue right foot
towards gray left foot
in a frenzy to *****
bronze monuments
to all their dead

And when they cry it’s
the prayer of the white man
buried in Indian pain

May the wind
that is blowing
now and always
the dust of our memory
blow beyond your
fear of us
and all different
colored spirits

May the wind
turn from you
and only return
until you love not
the scars you
put on our backs

May you open your
eyes to unbuilt land
and see finally
The Great Spirit
calling every one
to share the
sacred hills
even the dust
with all that
have always walked
right foot to left foot
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
Our Middle Ages are Indigenous
Not knights and castles
Rather, tipis, long houses, totem poles
Hunting, gathering, fishing

Ghost Dances
Vision Quests
The Great Spirit

We drove from Santa Rosa
To Antelope Canyon
Walked with the family from Japan

Seminole resistance
Chicago in the winter
Genocide and Persistence
Lakota, Dakota

              Hey, Victor!
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
Desantis says he'll take the arrows
So give him poison darts
I like Dash Incredible
Not Napolean Blown Apart

Seminole resistance
All through Florida State
She persisted with persistence
Must have been something she ate

Vegetarian burritos
Sometimes a tuna sub
I like it Jersey Mike's way
She and I talk in the tub

Salvador Dali Museum
Dylan sings of Key West
My fingers in her ...
My mouth upon her breast

           You know the rest ...
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
I think the Buddhists are right
We have mysteries within
I can feel them at times
But she doesn't say a word

Kamakura Buddha
Softly cedar snow
One man to Overthrow
I think she probably heard

Cristobal Colon -izer
Statues gonna fall
Names are gonna change
Men on first and third

Arapahoe among us
Seminole resistance
Navajo ignition
Boundaries get blurred

         Yo soy un Theonerd
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
The American mind tosses up Nixons
Trumps, Bushfucks
The schools kinda ****
Gotta study in the night

Seminole resistance
Tecumseh in Ohio
Prince in Spain
Sunday, ****** Sunday

Fo Guang Shan was quiet
The nun talked with Q
Continued South for Spring Break
Taoist inner light

I said I'm addicted to poems
He said there are worse addictions
The torment of it
March Madness. April May ...

           To suffer is to pray
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
Our politics is Absurd
My father's house is calm collected
Yo soy un Protector
Who also needs to be protected

Navajo. Seminole, Arapahoe.
Sitting Bull. Crazy Horse.
Helped her out of a jam I guess
But I used a little too much force

San Francisco Zen
Edamame for my son
Taipei 101

Jesus was a Sailor
Shiva does his dance
Heidelberg, Germany
Thai singers in Paris, France

         Wishin' for a little romance
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
Salvador Dali Museum in La Florida
Lincoln and the Mediterranean Sea
John Brown's Body

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah.
Somethin' comin' after me
Night train to Chiang Mai
Beauty Baltic Sea

Seminole resistance
Ah! The Trail of Tears
Cherokee people
Turnin' back the years

Flush by Carl Hiaasen
Will I die at night?
Jewels are Ruby red
Two green lights

Qualyxian Quest Jul 2023
Libraries and Bookstores
Quiet. Sad. Ache.
Ms. Susan Meek
Please do not forsake

Thomas Builds-the-Fire
Sleeping in Seattle
Smoke rising higher
Salmon for the battle

Seminole resistance
Sadly the Trail of Tears
Crazy Horse, of course
Extinction always nears

My brother Sam is Dead
My brother Scott is not
Portland: Als Ick Kan
Cabela's parking lot

Qualyxian Quest May 2023
Alex, Susan, Mark
I can see their goodness
I can see it

Our politics is pitiful
Our music un pequito hope
Long live Gordon Lightfoot!
Seminole bus a rope

Didn't know I was a writer
Woke up from a dream
I miss basketball
Still play for my team

Florida is ignorance
And lightning, sunshine, rain
Salvador Dali Museum
I sometimes smile at the pain

Alex, Susan, Mark
Their goodness, please protect
The Darkness and the Light
Oblivion y Resurrect

             El Futuro!
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
His shirt is John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word
But to me it's all Greek

Dee Ann Reeder
Heather Harrison
Wendy Towson
Susan Meek

The Eternal Feminine draws us on
She sings
When She cannot speak

Temple of the Dawn
Arapahoe, Seminole, Navajo
Comanche, Apache, Creek


— The End —