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azriel domingo Jun 2015
No. I don't hate you. I just pretend to be, it's easier I guess. No. I thought it would be easier.

No. I don't hate you. I'm just trying to. Or I guess I was prentending to. But I didn't.

No. I don't hate you for doing all these things. All those unnecessary emotions. I guess that love wasn't really for us.

No. I don't hate you. It's just that I can't love you anymore so I'm finding ways to stop this unnecessary feelings.

No. I don't hate you. I just thought you were that one but I guess I should still be looking for.

No. I don't hate you for doing this to me. I guess you were kinda right but if you still wanted to talk, I'm here. I'm always here.

No. I don't hate you. I just hate the fact that I can't look at you the sameway again. Cause I can't fall in love with you again.

No. i don't hate you. i just hate the circumstances that no matter what we do we can never talk to each other again.

No. I don't hate you. I just hate the fact that I can't even get near you. You feel like 10,000 fet away from me everytime.

No. I don't hate you. I just hate the way everyone looks at us that they wanted to tell something really insulting.

No. I don't hate you. I just wanted those few broken peices of myself that I can't find within me anymore. I just wanted those back.

No. I don't hate you. Because if I did. That wasn't love..
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Father, your love was the toughest kind of love... It was the kind of love in which doubt played a huge part.

You doubted my abilities, you doubted my strength. You always thought that mother's love was making me weak. And that Mashmellows and PlayStation can't teach me to be brave.

Yet each denial or doubt has made me stronger! Each harsh word,(Bastured, *******) made me realize that some words are made to be ignored!

I don't listen, Yes, you were right...
I always complained that You never understood me. But yet again, I never understood You.
Perhaps the father of your fathers father raised You the sameway that You are raising me! (With a rod, belt and endless shouting)

#With me not being your favorite child of the family. I vow not to follow your footsteps as Father oneday; I'd rather start my own footsteps.(Support, loyalty and endless love for my kids)
Inspired by one of the best poets I know: Yacov
Jon Holmes May 2018
Life with no legacy to carry on makes for a sad song. No one to share the pain no one can relate the sameway you do just cant explain. life with the consequence  from your loss love. Time can’t bring back what was lost you just need to bury the past regrets you hold on to thoughts that you have no one you can trust to share they just wouldn’t understand the consequence of your loss. The feeling surfaced now and again how do you base worth with no legacy to carry on your name lost in time but you curry on and live you life a lone and one day at a time.
Seema Jul 2017
A blown kiss,
Makes my day
A thrown bliss,
I catch on my way
A word or two,
I utter in reply
That's what I do,
And it's not a lie
At times I smile
Thinking of life
It's been awhile
I guess its a rife
Most people think
Maybe the sameway
But few do sink
Others halt at a bay
I am at a shore
The waves reach my feet
Touches my hearts core
And all my feelings meet,
Within my realm
I plague my emotions
My senses exists to claim
And draws all the solutions
Yet we complain
About our issues
And deliriously proclaim
While wetting tissues
Calm oneself and focus
The answers lies within
Believe in positive forces
And you will finally win...


— The End —