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Sven Croon Jan 2012
We are blind to the present
observers of the past
unknowing of the future
in a Universe so vast

in search of other beings
in search of things like us
to touch the present briefly
to feel the touch of Love


I stride through space and time
I learn the way of things
I act and find reaction
I try to use my wings

I am a little robot
a program with a mission
no clue as to the meaning
no write access permission

my runtime is not endless
few clock cycles at most
I need to find the answer
then turn into a ghost
Spike Harper Aug 2017
There are just too many things that were supposed to have happened.
Arguements lurked behind every door.
Playing hide and seek with sarcasm and distrust.
A recipe to end the book titled Forever.
And even though love was still begging for attention.
The path has ended.
Most have already left the theatre.
Except for those wandering.
Wondering if there will be a tiny clip after the credits.
But the budget has long since dried up.
And the explosives took a lot of the show.
Sadly they are what hilight its runtime.
It's dark now.
The reel just looping black and white.
Waiting for the next show to replace the old.
But there will not be another.
The building has been deemed condemned..
Due to lack of upkeep.
It will remain a historic land mark.
For there is little else one can do.
I'm sorry..

— The End —