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Robert N Varty Jan 2013
geht alles gut.

Deine Augen, die hübschesten.
Dein Gesicht, das schönste.
Dein Lächeln, das hellste.
Dein Lachen, der glücklichste.
Dein Geruch, der beruhigende.

(Alles geht mir gut)

Dein Umarmung
Deine Stimme
Dein Kuss

(Alles geht mir gut)

Meine Anerkennung deiner Liebe
Deine Anerkennung meiner Liebe

(Alles geht uns gut)

Aber dann gab es die Zeit,

(Alles geht mir fremd)

Mein Misverständnis deiner Liebe
Mein Misverständnis deiner Anerkennung

Aber ich verstehe.
Verstehe ich gut.

Die Anerkennung ist nicht so.
Die Anerkennung gab es nicht mehr.
Die Anerkennung wird der Verlust

Der Verlust des Trostes
Der Verlust der Ruhe
Der Verlust der Freiheit

Der Verlust der Liebe.
CYN Dec 2013
I know.
Heaven is running out of angels.
They are searching for new one.
And they chose you.
What an angel's son.

My dear acquaintance.
Though we do not know each other well.
Rest in peace.
My deepest heartfelt condolences.
Ruhe in Frieden.
WordsOnly Jan 2018
imagine you are sick
sitting in a coolish train
thinking of your soulmate
train departs
scenery flahing by
thoughts flashing by
too numb to cry
ice-cold nausea
smile on the lips
eyes closed
searching for rest
music on
your song playing
promising solace
pulls and drags on my inside
i'm holding on tight
too numb to cry
searching for rest
smile on the lips
don't want a song
but a warm embrace
too far away
too far
and distant
scenery passing by
thoughts passing by
inside passing by
too fast
too agitated
not tangible
too numb to cry
ice-cold nausea
smile on the lips

(original: )
stell dir vor du bist krank
sitzt in einem unterkühlten zug
denkst an dein seelengeschwisterkind
zug fährt los
vorbeisausende landschaften
vorbeisausende gedanken
zu taub zum weinen
eiskalte übelkeit
lächeln auf den lippen
augen geschlossen
ruhe suchend
musik an
lied von dir
trost verheißend
zieht und zerrt in mir
klammere mich fest
zu taub zum weinen
ruhe suchend
lächeln auf den lippen
will kein lied
sondern eine warme umarmung
zu weit weg
zu weit
und fern
vorbeisausende landschaften
vorbeisausende gedanken
vorbeisausendes inneres
zu schnell
zu bewegt
nicht greifbar
zu taub zum weinen
eiskalte übelkeit
lächeln auf den lippen
This is going on in my mind while listening to one of my boyfriend's songs called "Trance" (he makes electronic music, see "Winter's come"). The sitution in which I listened to it for te first time was not so good, as you can guess ;)
when is a work of art not just a work of art?

at what point does it stop
being only a thing of beauty
and transform-
the self
the society
the Universe
                                                                when does it transcend the real
                                                                and become something magical
                                                               helping one fall through –
                                                               the rabbit hole
                                                                the wormhole
                                                                the black hole
                                                                                                                                      when does it become
                                                                                                                                     an unstoppable force
                                                                                                                                     and cause –
                                                                                                                                     a revolution
                                                                                                                                     an evolution
                                                                                                                                     an absolution

                              and at which moment does  it make you stop in your tracks
                                                          stop breathing and exclaim
                            “Gar Firdaus, ruhe zamin, hamin asto, hamin asto, hamin ast!”

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
  Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish,
"If there is heaven on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here!"
Ich will dass ihr mir vertraut
Ich will dass ihr mir glaubt
Ich will eure Blicke spüren
Ich will jeden Herzschlag kontrollieren

Ich will eure Stimmen hören
Ich will die Ruhe stören
Ich will dass ihr mich gut seht
Ich will dass ihr mich versteht

Ich will eure Phantasie
Ich will eure Energie
Ich will eure Hände sehen
Ich will in Beifall untergehen

Seht ihr mich?
Versteht ihr mich?
Fühlt ihr mich?
Hört ihr mich?

Könnt ihr mich hören?
Wir hören dich
Könnt ihr mich sehen?
Wir sehen dich
Könnt ihr mich fühlen?
Wir fühlen dich
Ich versteh' euch nicht

Ich will

Wir wollen dass ihr uns vertraut
Wir wollen dass ihr uns alles glaubt
Wir wollen eure Hände sehen
Wir wollen in Beifall untergeh'n - ja

Könnt ihr mich hören?
Wir hören dich
Könnt ihr mich sehen?
Wir sehen dich
Könnt ihr mich fühlen?
Wir fühlen dich
Ich versteh' euch nicht

Könnt ihr uns hören?
Wir hören euch
Könnt ihr uns sehen?
Wir sehen euch
Könnt ihr uns fühlen?
Wir fühlen euch
Wir verstehe'n euch nicht

Ich will
I want you to trust me
I want you to believe me
I want to feel your eyes
I want to control every heartbeat

I want to hear your voices
I want to disturb the peace
I want you to see me well
I want you to understand me

I want your fantasy
I want your energy
I want to see your hands
I want to go down in applause

Do you see me?
Do you understand me?
Do you feel me?
Do you hear me?

Can you hear me?
We hear you
Can you see me?
We see you
Can you feel me?
We feel you
I don't understand you

I want

We want you to trust us
We want you to believe everything from us
We want to see your hands
We want to go down in applause - yeah

Can you hear me?
We hear you
Can you see me?
We see you
Can you feel me?
We feel you
I don't understand you

Can you hear us?
We hear you
Can you see us?
We see you
Can you feel us?
We feel you
We don't understand you

I want
CYN Dec 2013
It was a shiny day.
In contrast, I was shattered.
What news.
Directly broke my heart.
Tears could not stop flowing until now.

I may love to shop.
But I am not buying *******.
Dear Paul William Walker IV.
You will be so much missed.
Race in paradise, Paul, Brian.

Ich weiss nicht warum.
Aber die guten Menschen leider oft zu früh gehen.
Ruhe in Frieden.
ilias Jul 2023
Ich renne. Lautlos. Meine Füße berühren abwechselnd den Kies, ein paar Steinchen nehme ich kurz auf meinem Weg mit, danach bleiben sie einsam neben Anderen liegen.
In meinen Ohren ertönt der nicht endende Bass meiner Gedanken.  
   müde. müde. müde.
Es ist das Wissen um das Ankommen, das mich weiter antreibt. Ankommen, da wo der Wald den Himmel trifft. Ankommen, da wo der Regen unter mir immer noch fällt. Da, wo ich Ruhe finden werde.
Links und rechts wiegen sich die Bäume zu meinem Rhythmus im Wind. Alles pfeift mir zu. Das Rauschen des Flusses ist mein Applaus. Er gilt mir, und nur mir. Weil ich es bald geschafft habe.
Da wo das Brummen lauter wird, wird das Rauschen leiser. Die Menschheit ist wieder spürbar. Und ich laufe, laufe laut. Meine Arme strecken sich aus nach dem greifbaren Ziel.


Einatmen, ausatmen, tief einatmen.
Meine Gedanken fallen vor mir. Und mit mir fällt das Leben.
Es kommt unten an und zerbirst in Millionen Scherben. Ich tue es ihm gleich.

Willkommen Unendlichkeit.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2022
whenever uneasy i have to escape into the deutsche zunge...
i could escape into *****... but i rather not...

among shadows and beasts...
i bellow a whimper... a sigh of relief...
among shadows and beasts...
i lay my head upon a stone...
in the darkest of night... darker than any
possible revitalizing sleep...
       in my night of nights...
                   among shadows, beasts, echoes...
i find my hand tricking me with "speaking"...
as i find my tongue, also, tricking me...
with licking ice...
                 as i also find my eye glued to
grieving with a blinking imitation of sight...
my ears are allowing my brain to dance...
because i married the four winds
and became: focus... i became praxis...
the ad hoc...

                what a painful experience for anyone
to supplement any other,
of the settled crown of all things unsettling...
what little bores become great
obstructions... what i feel when drunk:
stale... adherence to sober intellect is
such an empty quest...
                me? i feel i'm being a boor...
being sober...
          i need to be hindered...
FAUN: alba II...
         now i don't feel like writing in dojcz...

unter schatten und biester...
ich brüllen ein wimmern...
ein seufzen von hilfe...
     mein hertz kann splitter...
       und: es muss!
             ich kann nicht liebe aber
                        eine sein!      

all that is night is: calm!
           alle das ist nacht ist: ruhe! das ist mich!

ich legen mein kopf auf
ein stein wie ein blutegel...
    blood-draining concentration...
                im (die) am dunkelsten... nacht...
dunkler als alle möglich
                                revitalisierend schlafen...

my hope: for the whiteness of
the skull that's the moon and his half...
and his innermost fullness...

mein hoffnung: für die weiße von die totenkopf
das is die mond und seine halb...
und seine innerste vollständigkeit:

gravitating toward: scarce: by dictate of
  this height of the summer months are
impossible for me!

    unmöglich für mich!

MAGER?! this world will be inherited
by Arabs... Asians and Africans...
i don't want to live in this world...
     i plan... to not live in it...
                       i'm ******* off...
but? i'm planning to **** as many Turkish girls as possible...
Turkish... ****-     + -stani...
     Sari donning willing to send you nudes
without actually meeting up with them...
i guess you'd classify me as a ****-boy...

in German...
                     i'm out...
better ******* playing Blackjack than
playing Poker... Blackjack was always more fun...
oh look... **** me... no Zeppelins...
a more cleverly orchestrated "take-over"...
a "take-over" that also required the entire
world to come and... ahem... "have a look"...

it lasted longer than i expected...
it's those revealing eyes of a "Judas" / Brutus...
they're looking elsewhere...
forward... you're orientating yourself concerning
a newly established fathoming of a circle...
but her eyes speak: STRAIGHT LINE...
i'm moving on...
    really? as a *******? there's someone...
ahem... "behind" me?
              someone willing to perform oral ***
on you?
cling your arms... while ******* on a well performed
oyster squeezed... mmm... mmm...

really?! i'm not the Jack the Ripper type...
i don't believe in hierarchies...
but i do believe in the hierarchy of giving pleasure per se...
you go against that...
we're having to experience problems...
why would i go against my way
to perform oral *** on a *******...
give her an ******...
to later receive arguments: oh... maybe...
this that... and other...
she wanted to go on a hotel date with me...
**** me for free...

that's when she refrained from the supposition...
that's when i decided to have a *******...
**** it... i'm not: WAITING!
come to think of it... i had to check...
threesomes are unlike pornographic ventures...
i could only summon a hand-job and
being ****** off into the other girls cleavage...
no... two women at the same time
is too distracting...
you need chemicals to give you a split awareness...

personally?! i abhorred ******* two girls
at the same time...
you're sort of ultra-schizophrenic... pulsating wrong...
you're stroking a cat
while... attempting to attach a leash to a dog...
it's ******* wrong: in the ******* most sense
of ******* sense of wrong...
sure... most men lie:
oh... i managed to **** two girls at the same time...

i had problems... dictating what's the grandest allure
of attention for simply one...
because?! that's what was missing!
i want one! i was like Solomon with Queen Sheba!
i just wanted one!
but i guess Solomon was lucky... paradoxically...
i try to laugh... imagining...
King David and that only Psalm he would ever write...
so? no more constipated creativity...
or just... sitting one's *** on laurels?!
what then?!

             the impossibility to stop writing the impossibility
of the possibility of: oops! wasps! ****!
octopi! ****! giraffes! drunk geniuses!
hippos! Greenland blind sharks! dolphins!
             Kosher salt... Kashmiri chilli powder...
cumin... ******... i.e. poppy-seeds...
                                     big Pharmaceutical Kicks & Kings...
music! silence! a Somali pirates' smile...
a European 20s girl psychotic self-importance...
glass! windows! winter and her winds!
lollies... and lilies...
lilac and lavender! purple and all that's auburn...
the history of perfecting making mistakes!

for the love of dreaming about teeth!
last few dreams that's what i only dreamed about:
either chattering... jaw-line or
standing proud like Colossus of Rhodes!
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2021
i've made a runner from modernity...
some presence with new mediums was a requirement,
obviously: to bypass the old editorial scrutiny
and enter the domain of platforms...
of something that can only be whispered about...
such "petty" freedoms they need
not bother attracting too much attention:
actually... it is essential they do not attract
too much attention... since... sooner or later
the said whisper would have to survive on shouting
and if not shouting then... the megaphone...
throughout my twenties i contemplate
entering a monastery... i guess i still do...
mein gott: wie viel liebe frieden...
  und!         das tempo auf ein schtillgeist...
i've succumbed to German, i believe:
        there's a theory that suggests that...
there's no need to take a d.n.a. test when you
can have a cultural d.n.a. test unravel before
you with the things you are drawn by...
my maternal surname... Bátůk...
my grandfather (peace be upon him) used to always
stress that it wasn't... that it was
diametrically opposed to a standard slavic
Batóg i.e.: U zwykłe: K'ah...
from the stories he told... i have some ancestry in
Bohemia... Bohemia being... the Czech Republic
being once under the domain of the
Holy Roman Empire...
   disease... once an old man who worked as a
radio DJ started walking with me
in a park while i was drinking a beer...

oh: you mean... dis-ease: the negation of ease?
but he said the word: disease with such effort
that... he wasn't expecting me to itemise the word
into two parts...
IGREK... i.e. Y... the only letter in the western slavic
alphabet of Polacks that has a noun-association...
it's not like in Greek where A is α-lpha...
B is β-eta...
             λ is λ-αμβδα...
      bemoan this & that...
apparently i have a Greek nose... i once talked with
a psychologist who was looking for
a Greek... if the ancient Greeks appreciated
theatre and art...
       then the ancient Romans appreciated sport...
none is the other sort of distraction...
but some ancient languages had units of sound
that were also attached to nouns...
which is why Greek was used for scientific constants...
while... the Romans missed out
having no noun association with their letters...
we were supposed to sing!
syllables at best...
     but no letter in Roman is elevated to be given
a name like L is L-ambda...
no one beside me is writing about it:
of that i'm sure...
   i'm trying to return a favour to Nietzsche...
at the zenith of this downfall he thought
himself to be a ******... comparing Polacks
as being... the French of the Slavic world...
- i have truly made a runner from modernity...
so much so that even the music...
classical music... has slowly bothered me...
Bach's polyphony is no longer somehow exciting...
i'd had to go back to 14th century music...
of course i'm glad it's still alive!
Llibre vermell de montserrat...
  hesperion ** jordi savalll...
all the way through...
                  polorum regina omnium nostra...
one can speak of the ancients...
but... the 14th century?
they're not the ancients...
just clueless as we are...
i've heard that same excuse... bothersome excuse:
but it's the 21st century?!
is that some excuse?
was something to happen in the 21st century
that wasn't supposed to happen in
the 20th century?
      what was supposed to happen?!
what is... supposed to happen?

i'm sitting here... trying to grasp something nostalgic...
from the end of the 20th century...
sure... the birth of the internet...
custodian... what has happened?
too much but also too little...

translate some Horace... read some more...
to make thinking synonymous with doubt...
is to enjoy the same plethora of emotions
best associated with
not thinking when in love...
i like the idea of woman...
as much as i like the idea of love...
but... Gregorian chants...
a sensation only associated with
carving up a brotherhood: literally sings to me...
to imitate the absence of nature...
nature abhors waste...
to sing in a choir is to fill the vacuum of space
and at the same time...
one's time searching this: impossible...

two places of interest comfort me...
forests... or... rather.... whatever's left of them...
and graveyard...
at least in forests i can practice some
pareidolia... i don't believe scientists these days...
no less than journalists...
they have no authority...
in the world of fake news there's no need to trust
there really isn't...
i was studying to be a chemist...
i make my own wine...
i drink 70cl of whiskey almost every night...
i greatly appreciate Edward Hopper...
blah blah...

if there was a "game of thrones" with me in it...
oh hell... i wouldn't be a knight errand...
i'd be the inn-keeper!
modernity is lacking beauty...
esp. in music...
i'll begin with: i'm not all for Bach's polyphony...
i like simpler things... 14th century music...
since it's still made available!


as much as i'd love the deaf-man's
technicality: bridge... for salvaging / creating
polyphony... a simpler melody...
just melody: per se: will do...
i've long lost forgotten women in the modern
sense of... appealing to their "weakness"....
i'm glad i'm no some supposed "alpha"...
omega... last of the last...
we need the entire compliment of
the alphabet... don't we?

mein gott: wie viel ich lieben ruhe!
there's no need to mention architecture...
beauty... enough time will pass...
enough of time needs to pass...
no... all of time is required to balance out
the space provided...
i scratch my beard pretending it might
conjure up a violin!

those ancients had names for their lettering...
beside the borderline Latins....
which didn't... keep a house in order...
everything else: hopes are high...
will follow suite..
               oh m'ah: i'ah?
               you take 70cl of whiskey for a party...
you end up with a pint of beer...
there's not much fun... unless...
visiting a brothel...

   there's nothing new concerning what i've
written... but since i've written so much...
some things i've written..
ought to become lost..
time yawns.. space... applauds:
sentence served.
silvervi Sep 2024
Im Ozean des Vertrauens tanze ich, schwebe ich, verliere kurzfristig den Halt und finde ihn wieder,
Der Ozean ist endlos, nur die Sicht kann ich verlieren, aber die Ruhe kehrt wieder ein, sobald ich loslasse...
Ich schwebe und schwebe und es ist ruhig, still und klar um mich herum. Ich sehe dann, dass es sich ausbreiten möchte.
Der Ozean ist und war immer sicher für mich.
Die innere Panik hatte mich verunsichert und den Ozean gefährlich erscheinen lassen.
Ich darf hier atmen. Ich kann mich bewegen. Ich werde mich nicht verirren. Ich bin und bleibe frei.
Mit dir. Und das ist ein Wunder, das ich hiermit zu würdigen und zu fassen versuche.
Ich bin hier. Ich verbinde mich mit meinem Herzen. Das ist alles, was es braucht.
Du schwebst auch. Du und ich zusammen im endlosen Ozean-Universum.
Es fühlt sich immer leichter an, je mehr ich loslasse. Das ist Vertrauen für mich.
Loslassen. Hier sein. Glauben. Wissen. Fühlen.
Wie es sich anfühlt, endlich zu vertrauen und frei zu sein.

— The End —