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Ahmad Cox Apr 2012
Sometimes we get railroaded
So we move to the right tracks
jeffrey conyers Jan 2019
Matt Lauer, former employee of a  big broadcast group.
Isn't facing time behind the walls of prison.
A nice settlement makes some stay quiet.
If they was paid.
Do we see the PEACOCK group interviewing his victims?
Like they were doing the comedian accusers.

A former executive of the EYE network accused and unemployed.
Isn't considered anywhere near going to prison by even his accusers?
Strange justice.
If they pay or have paid they get better treatment of justice to avoid time.
Did we see his network interviewing many upon 6o minutes?

A sitting president taped and recorded as grabbing females by their private parts.
Like a wicked boy does when they have wealth.
Pay them off and later they cry about it seeking attention.
We can't nominate him for honorable mention.
He admitted his guilt on tape.

Now, here come the truth.
A comedian sits behind prison walls held to higher standards than any of the three mention above.
And many males feel he got railroaded.
By women with a little guilt of their own.
Even according to the some the Temple instructor.
What made her take the be quiet settlement?

Heck, we can't come hard upon this infamous soul singer.
His past with youth has been well known.
Some ladies went along blindly.
Some went along as groupies like fans.
And you best believe we not seeking guilt of various white men that rival him.

And all cases isn't decided by courts but by many with public opinions.

Judge not, that you be not judged.
For what you measure anyone against?
You might later be found guilty by public opinions.

Isn't this what decided the case against Jesus?
Nina Messina May 2014
My life is a battleground
I’ve led thousands of recon missions to reclaim the parts of me that in my younger years of captivity beneath tyranny’s reign, were ripped from me by the velvet gloved steel palms of my father.
I have been trapped beneath crumbling buildings of my own deteriorating self image, railroaded and betrayed at every turn
There is difficulty in moving forward, when years of debris weigh heavy on your back
Not the wreckage of my life, only his, burdens bestowed, yet not belonging, I was convinced were mine.
I made attempts to be smaller to fit into the shape of what was expected, to abide by his will
Belief, blossomed that perhabs, if I was small enough I could escape their notice,
Shrinking, I've found, is impossible,  instead I grew. Unfolding like each arc of the universe, too myself, and what he made me, to escape discovery
My father fed into my problem and let me expand
He wrote his mistakes into my skin, sunk an arrow of shame deep into my heart, until the pain was too great to remove it, he kissed his sorrow into my forehead and told me everything would get better, though poison of his actions had set my blood, my thoughts

Playing favorites, professing conditional love, I was made to fight, as if I was not worthy enough oh my own.
Simultaneously his reassurances made life all the more difficult, while my brothers and I, struggled against one another in hopes of catching his attention...
His approval....
His love
the wounds I was given me made me wise, it's best to believe that suffering does not make you kind.
It offers only a mirror, to hold up beside your past self, a means of reflection.
I’ve learned that struggle is how nature strengthens us, to humble myself and rid pride from my existence in order to hone my edges
That the twisted way he loved, was the only way he knew how, the only way he was taught. It gives perspective, and no comfort.

He never delved into lessons of battle and strife, but the art of war was not lost on me.
I waged wars with my brothers, raised my resolve, fortified my defenses, barred doors and closed hatches, rained verbal airstrikes against them. Fighting back was never a question of strength, only desire, the strong pieces of me, that grew when no light could be found.
I have taught myself how to hold a gun to my enemies intellect, to cut skin with the blade of my tongue, brandish a knife to my own skin to cut out the destruction of a dysfunctional youth, I catch razors between my teeth as I fought off, as I continue to fight off the onslaught of my own self hatred that rolls over me like tidal waves, uprooting foundations.
I am a rock to break the rushing wall of water, I will rise again, my islands will drain themselves of the bitter taste of sea salt and blood

If you look in the debris of my youth, my heart will show you
The lands of my mind and my body will be mine again, I am the king of myself,
I will reign again.
My rebellion is one incapable of being quelled
I will fight myself until I can take back every part of me that I lost.
To die?
how dire,
send her a wire and
buy her a ring.

I take the wrong lane
yet again to be

In sequential notes that I know that she notices
my motives outline the truth.

She hits the roof
but forgives me my trespass,
a biblical lass in a class of her

If the gentry had leant me a horse,
the Kingdom was mine,
I learnt that in time, but
it was mine all the time.

I wish I'd known that.
(20 minute poetry)

I'm being fast tracked,
loaded in
fired out,
stacked like a tower of dominoes
and I don't know what anything's about.

'Is it 'cause I'm' working class?

The background check wrecks any chance for me,
I see a future through the looking glass through which I
the double blank cannot pass,
what passes for justice is just this and just this is nothing at all.

On the railroad track when treated, observed in and deleted from memory there's a part of me remains in the looking glass, looking back.

I suffer and fall
while the crystal ball
tells me nothing.

In this end where no end is in sight
I light several candles
say a few prayers for the dead,
Hoping that someone out there in the vacuum will hear me.
Tasman Suitor Sep 2017
To what though?
Happiness? Reward? Regret?

Unchecked though, time now still advances.
Leaving me to find the answers.

What task today have I completed,
What time today have I fleeted?

Railroaded though by time it seems,
Only ticks bring closer dreams.

How can I fill the expanse life gives
From outside will others say “he lives”?

For now I live each second given,
Allow my life by time be driven.

And maybe one day find the path
That will bring me to my last.

I'll choose to use my time set

Insomnia blows. Mocked by the clock
My inheritance,
a hobo tramping through my head
my eyes are red
my heart is calm
he means no harm to me
there is no malice
no challenge I see,just
the hobo
making tracks
shunted aside
sleeping in sacks
railroaded,loaded and
see how he bends as his legs lend a hand
to the band round his chest
best before end
trending now?
somehow I
doubt it.
Anguish hid within sinister orthodox crosshairs
   wherein target to wreak psychic havoc without means to escape the crushingly feted incisors as if mauled by an unseen yak
this emotional state impaled between the maws of pincers –

   no exit except being squeezed to the maximum point
   of non-existence into the black
whence once corporeal complex
   fleshy edifice becomes slurry akin to shellac
or railroaded outcome no better nor worse

than being tied as a fast approaching train on track
a most offal emotional state,
   where the nursery rhyme of jilted jack
Childs’ play when inevitable doom and
    gloom one cannot hack

free – and options to secure safe
   and Soundgarden place to live doth lack
plenitude duet to penury,
   and subsidized housing a pipe dream
   asper surviving time of warfare

   between Iran and Iraq
but the lo…a crack
of hopefulness dawn most unexpectedly
   when this day-tripper hove ah slacker found salvation
   just in the nick of time
   when renting lease about ran out – back
twas cause to ******* alas and alack…
when tandem forces nearly coaxed self-destruction
   from coke kin conspirator ******
   ready to ambush and take aim
ensconced clattering red bull pawing the earth

   with a fury of a madman playing the Glockenspiel
   opportune moment to unleash fury n laid claim
thwarting salvation from psyche teetering
   on the brink of abysmal hopelessness to exclaim,

where suicidal ideations on par with Russian roulette
   ransoming life sans permanently deadly game
hellacious tongues of the underworld
   hungering to inflame

kept at bay from divine intervention vis a vis a cool
   out of the blue downy
   faux heavenly transgender angel Jame
me Dutton, appeared as thee bottled Genii,

   with limbs temporarily lame
being hermetically sealed gingerly
   placed upon tarp of lam may,
   a lifelike emoji emoticon meme
bur of a secret society of LGBTQ
   brotherly sorority sisters,

   which angel joined the coterie
   of Good Samaritan name
   outwitting any stealthy fleet of foot Equus
casually, earnestly and modestly suited
   to boost civic, and emphatic and
   graphic curses of doom to tame.
Kelly McManus Dec 2019
Recording you is
invasion of privacy
not implied consent

       Kelly McManus
Star BG Dec 2017
Humanity has been hijacked.
Taken prisoner
by controlling powers.

Humanity has been railroaded
as people
are trapped in routines of life
unaware that tentacles of control have infiltrated
every aspect of life.

But there is hope...
AS PEOPLE awaken
to know their foods are poisoned and eat better.

AS PEOPLE stop being brainwashed by watching
news and go to alternative news stations for truth.

AS PEOPLE stop taking the vaccines that have chemicals in them  that get us sick to stay healthy.

AS PEOPLE begin to let go of set religions and their rules from altered bibles to align with God what ever they feel it is.

AS PEOPLE stop destroying the planet and take responsibility to our precious Mother Earth,
Father sky, and Animals.

AS PEOPLE stop accepting war
as an alternative for anything
and align with love our true nature.

Humanity is awakening
as more people learn truth
and are aided by our galactic visitors.

Hope is now sewn into the fibers of our timeline.
To be cultivated with the blessings of God.

StarBG © 2017
This is going to be an amazing new year of 2018. Where truth is going to surface and people can rather than be angry align With love, With light, abundance and with the force of grand Divine energies  to bring their dreams into reality. Happy New Year All.
Michael John Jan 2022
after a nonchalantly
night dreamily
like crying lamps
what said she
i said
it is our sacred
flying in the
tomato purree
what a do
i hope we die
reflected in
a plastic spoon
is it morning
far late
i just inscribe
what is mind
is it light
no not yet
we wait
we circle
why not
mind our own
cruise true
what is missing
why a stone
we create our
and how do we
do this
i sit in my room
and you..
you sit in yours
what is for
and when
is seven
try not to hate
i say
a waste of smarties
i can´t say
i like the blue
i think i am
(but that is us)
poet to
the pagans
i was railroaded
baby shmp
can i book
no luck
five day
Not sure that Halloween is a good idea this year,
there's more than enough masks being worn,
and are we being worn away, eroded, railroaded?

I'm downsizing, saying my byes in one letter or less
someone has to try it if only to see if it's possible.
Kelly McManus Jun 2021
Training us to be
people who are railroaded
and tracked easily

                   Kelly McManus
Maddy Nov 2020
Look what they have done to Democracy
Look what and who they took from us
We have lost so much and gained anxiety
Toxic and tyrannical no news is good news
Yet we remain persistent
You can’t put a band-aid on what we continue dealing with
As we await a vaccine
As we await the results of an election that might very well be life changing
Look what they have done to souls and spirits
Waiting to accomplish and rise again
Until then we deal with change
The one constant thing we have

— The End —