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Voie lactée ô sœur lumineuse
Des blancs ruisseaux de Chanaan
Et des corps blancs des amoureuses
Nageurs morts suivrons-nous d'ahan
Ton cours vers d'autres nébuleuses

Regret des yeux de la putain
Et belle comme une panthère
Amour vos baisers florentins
Avaient une saveur amère
Qui a rebuté nos destins

Ses regards laissaient une traîne
D'étoiles dans les soirs tremblants
Dans ses yeux nageaient les sirènes
Et nos baisers mordus sanglants
Faisaient pleurer nos fées marraines

Mais en vérité je l'attends
Avec mon cœur avec mon âme
Et sur le pont des Reviens-t'en
Si jamais revient cette femme
Je lui dirai Je suis content

Mon cœur et ma tête se vident
Tout le ciel s'écoule par eux
Ô mes tonneaux des Danaïdes
Comment faire pour être heureux
Comme un petit enfant candide

Je ne veux jamais l'oublier
Ma colombe ma blanche rade
Ô marguerite exfoliée
Mon île au **** ma Désirade
Ma rose mon giroflier

Les satyres et les pyraustes
Les égypans les feux follets
Et les destins damnés ou faustes
La corde au cou comme à Calais
Sur ma douleur quel holocauste

Douleur qui doubles les destins
La licorne et le capricorne
Mon âme et mon corps incertain
Te fuient ô bûcher divin qu'ornent
Des astres des fleurs du matin

Malheur dieu pâle aux yeux d'ivoire
Tes prêtres fous t'ont-ils paré
Tes victimes en robe noire
Ont-elles vainement pleuré
Malheur dieu qu'il ne faut pas croire

Et toi qui me suis en rampant
Dieu de mes dieux morts en automne
Tu mesures combien d'empans
J'ai droit que la terre me donne
Ô mon ombre ô mon vieux serpent

Au soleil parce que tu l'aimes
Je t'ai menée souviens t'en bien
Ténébreuse épouse que j'aime
Tu es à moi en n'étant rien
Ô mon ombre en deuil de moi-même

L'hiver est mort tout enneigé
On a brûlé les ruches blanches
Dans les jardins et les vergers
Les oiseaux chantent sur les branches
Le printemps clair l'avril léger

Mort d'immortels argyraspides
La neige aux boucliers d'argent
Fuit les dendrophores livides
Du printemps cher aux pauvres gens
Qui resourient les yeux humides

Et moi j'ai le cœur aussi gros
Qu'un cul de dame damascène
Ô mon amour je t'aimais trop
Et maintenant j'ai trop de peine
Les sept épées hors du fourreau

Sept épées de mélancolie
Sans morfil ô claires douleurs
Sont dans mon cœur et la folie
Veut raisonner pour mon malheur
Comment voulez-vous que j'oublie.
Das Mädel ist so scheissverwöhnt
denn sie kriegt ihr geliebtes Augenmerk,
doch würd' sie davon nichts mehr krieg'n
ob nicht für ihre Muschi und ****.
Ich schätze das heißt sie hat Glück.

Die Frau ist ja so scheissverwöhnt
und sie wisst sie sieht gut aus.
Sie wisst g'rade was sie damit kriegen kann
doch nur wenn man vergeltet.
Ich schätze das heißt sie hat Glück.

Die Dirne ist so scheissverwöhnt,
ein Opfer ihres Schattens;
es hängt nur von wie viel mehr Zeit
bevor er ihr ganz und gar frisst.
Ich schätze das heißt sie hat Glück.

Das Schlampe ist ja so scheissverwöhnt
denn sie kriegt das geliebte Augenmerk,
doch würd' sie davon nichts mehr krieg'n
ob nicht für ihre Muschi und ****.
Ich schätze das heißt sie hat Glück.
Das Mädel ist so scheissverwöhnt - The Girl is so ******* spoiled.
Ich schätze das heißt sie hat Glück. - I guess that means she gets/is lucky.

Not about any real person;
it's about a fictional character of mine.
A Girl in a dream of mine, whose name and face I cannot recall.
I do, however, remember how she made me feel. A result of that feeling is this poem.

Translation available upon request:
I must forewarn; it is rather ******.
You could just copy it into Google Translate, but if you do, you'll understand how it felt for me to grade the homework of the cute little German 1 kids who did the same thing in the other direction.
Plus, Google Translate is oblivious to puns and other innuendo.
Britty Bruce Nov 2014
I can hear the voices.
That make me question all my choices.

If a heart is broken..
Is it just a lose of a token?

Are we really living?
Or are we just believing, Believing in the false thought that this world is glorious.

When we are high
do we see eye to eye?

If drugs are illegal.. why cant the government tell us why?
is it because it shows us the real world instead of the image that will die?

The mind is a tricky thing.
It does nothing but ring.
ringing its bells of Screams!

Why do we question, is it because we want more or is it just the fact that we start to feel our dreams fade?
Is this all just a rade?

Inside the mind.
There we find the secrets behind.
We have the wish that this all could be divine.
Max Neumann Feb 2020
brate be
seven feet
balkan handz

yugo betrugo
atm tear it off
toni da serb
rade belgrade

brate be seven feet
balkan dropkick
es ist optik
es ist kopffick

we so yibbish
we so yibbish
diz is fibbish
gimme widdish

diz be the last day
of yous ridiculous stay
on this world
last day of ya stay

gimme your girl
gimme da cash
para be stammel
du hammel ik fick dich

he a sturdy kidic
aber keine wichtig!

come over and watch
gimme some cash
i'll cut ya head off
yous trash
ain't no madov
know the code bro

inspire me baby
shorty now a sporty
nach dieser feier

gimme some raki
my pantz be khaki
benz like stasi you
know the code joe

gimme gimme gimme
bibi bibi bibi

ain't no real like
the copy of a copy
du opfer ich schneide
deinen kopf ab
you gotz to chill

we so yibbish
we so yibbish
diz is fibbish
gimme widdish

jacket originally stolen
cevape and börek
para and babas
we don't care yeah

life be quick
touch my d##k
rub my d##k
life too quick

energy months
mothman *****
michael myers' titts
hyper years

feel me like an o.g.
you know the code brate
wenn ich deine fresse schlage

yugo betrugo
ebonics we got this
yugo betrugo
brate in die fresse pate

we so yibbish
we so yibbish
diz is fibbish
gimme widdish

ain't nothing new
check the views
just one fu##in fan
will burn ya jam

hip hop colors
flip flop mamas
beach feelingz
we need ringz:


we need chainz:

Today is a good day. Oh yeah. Inspiration taken from:

YouTube: Kommenzi Kuckenzi Toni der Assi

Thanks sis!
I turbini sollevano la polvere
sui tetti, a mulinelli, e sugli spiazzi
deserti, ove i cavalli incappucciati
annusano la terra, fermi innanzi
ai vetri luccicanti degli alberghi.
Sul corso, in faccia al mare, tu discendi
in questo giorno
or piovorno ora acceso, in cui par scatti
a sconvolgerne l'ore
uguali, strette in trama, un ritornello
di castagnette.
È il segno d'un'altra orbita: tu seguilo.
Discendi all'orizzonte che sovrasta
una tromba di piombo, alta sui gorghi,
più d'essi vagabonda: salso nembo
vorticante, soffiato dal ribelle
elemento alle nubi; fa che il passo
su la ghiaia ti scricchioli e t'inciampi
il viluppo dell'alghe: quell'istante
è forse, molto atteso, che ti scampi
dal finire il tuo viaggio, anello d'una
catena, immoto andare, oh troppo noto
delirio, Arsenio, d'immobilità...
Ascolta tra i palmizi il getto tremulo
dei violini, spento quando rotola
il tuono con un fremer di lamiera
percossa; la tempesta è dolce quando
sgorga bianca la stella di Canicola
nel cielo azzurro e lunge par la sera
ch'è prossima: se il fulmine la incide
dirama come un albero prezioso
entro la luce che s'arrosa: e il timpano
degli tzigani è il rombo silenzioso
Discendi in mezzo al buio che precipita
e muta il mezzogiorno in una notte
di globi accesi, dondolanti a riva, -
e fuori, dove un'ombra sola tiene
mare e cielo, dai gozzi sparsi palpita
l'acetilene -
finché goccia trepido
il cielo, fuma il suolo che t'abbevera,
tutto d'accanto ti sciaborda, sbattono
le tende molli, un fruscio immenso rade
la terra, giù s'afflosciano stridendo
le lanterne di carta sulle strade.
Così sperso tra i vimini e le stuoie
grondanti, giunco tu che le radici
con sé trascina, viscide, non mai
svelte, tremi di vita e ti protendi
a un vuoto risonante di lamenti
soffocati, la tesa ti ringhiotte
dell'onda antica che ti volge; e ancora
tutto che ti riprende, strada portico
mura specchi ti figge in una sola
ghiacciata moltitudine di morti,
e se un gesto ti sfiora, una parola
ti cade accanto, quello è forse, Arsenio,
nell'ora che si scioglie, il cenno d'una
vita strozzata per te sorta, e il vento
la porta con la cenere degli astri.
Il vento è un'aspra voce che ammonisce
per noi stuolo che a volte trova pace
e asilo sopra questi rami secchi.
E la schiera ripiglia il triste volo,
migra nel cuore dei monti, viola
scavato nel viola inesauribile,
miniera senza fondo dello spazio.
Il volo è lento, penetra a fatica
nell'azzurro che s'apre oltre l'azzurro,
nel tempo ch'è di là dal tempo; alcuni
mandano grida acute che precipitano
e nessuna parete ripercuote.
Che ci somiglia è il moto delle cime
nell'ora - quasi non si può pensare
né dire - quando su steli invisibili
tutt'intorno una primavera strana
fiorisce in nuvole rade che il vento
pasce in un cielo o umido o bruciato
e la sorte della giornata è varia,
la grandine, la pioggia, la schiarita.
Elizabeth Kelly Oct 2014
Mercury is in retrograde.

My poetry may be hard to rade

But at least I know I understade

What it's actually trying to say.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
a warm sunny day filled with life seems not normal> my paranoya grew heavyer.
i heard my millitary sccanner  go off. i listen what they said
they were going to exterminat our little society town. i grab my girlfriend we both ran to tell eny one who could take this threat well. i knew the timing of when the bombs would drop. i knew every one vary well but it will all be lost. it was 2:00 am. the bombs were going to drop right be for night fall to get every thing ready. night was scares for me and her to prepar for the worst. we gave people another warning with the air rade syron blaring. we both bunkkered down varry vary deep to be untouched by the misles blow
on a saturday evning i started to gather family pets and any one els.

i started to set the clock for the final note. at 2:00 in the afternoon all our equipment and beds and supilze were accounted.

5:00 we had the final moments to hold out. the small timer reached 10/ 9/ 8/ 7/ 6/ 5/ 4/ 3/ 2/ 1 we held echother close.

the time ran out and all we heard was a vary loud ringing sound. we held out and survived. but the rest of society was wiped out. i new my parinoid side had came right on time. only my entire family pets and my girlfriends started venchering out.

all we saw was a ****** horor  show peoples bodyes vaperized all shops were gone

we survied the unknown from the trsty side of peranoya that was right.

we have to find what has happened we found out this was a plane that was only aimed at us since this small society had people who was a hush hush dont tell

every one is gone all gone.
adjitated at night
Michael Parish Jan 2016
My pink toes my jerky
Driftwood something yellow
Like hot dogs something nuts
Like a grren home run
Ya my rest
My privacy
My screaming snooze dreams.
Somone spun lip stick
Like ******* or keats
Somebody kised
My drunk asain drunk neck
Somebody killed
Somedy went to their mother
Im under winsheilds scraming phony
Co piolet tuaila valley
Look left we kicked shopping centers
Some man who screams like
Short *****
Goes listen
I finally admitted you did my back
Caking dizzy scream
Some man my hair
Some man i hate
Some man nobody wants
Bedz wax
He whines hes called blood
He dri ks steak he won
He beat the used ****
Well here goes privacy
My red head tok my room room
I cat litter the bay dreams
I find rade im gay
My **** i pace the boys
It seems everyone hold my dads hat
Ifi could kiss my dad
Tell my mom she runs with seaweed
Wehat we ****
We buy we ***** drinks
Why keep something
I dream of addictive ****
I dream of inteligance
My dad gre wild my dads dad would of hated my hair cream my dads dad respects ******* but swore a white mans
Hair cut belongs in the red blue cut atoms apple break down who runs who kills who wears
Who goes home with no fault until pies goose her.  Well
She love my cards when the carpets partedand checkersmeant seing aa young man wit no control.
Howmany now
Since im older
Ever wished they just ****** the boy
Howmany got freedom
No body they only hope love got a better *******
Love got a wiser time!
Olga Valerevna Jul 2017
If I could trade my eyes today I'd trade them with the Sun
to wake up with the world and greet another morning come
I'd watch the shadows bathe beneath the warmth of every ray
I'd float upon the waters in the gentlest of ways
and if the clouds delivered Latter Rain upon us all
then I would be returned the eyes exchanged to watch it fall
I'd never want to miss the chance to see beyond this life
to reconcile my body with the source of Truth and Light
“Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.”
James 5:7
Daan Jan 2018
Zacht is het om met voorbedachte rade
toen al te denken aan ingehaalde schade.
De voorspelling van gisteren is nooit
voor mij van toepassing geweest,
geen kans op centreren of op voorhand leren
wat dan morgen soms geneest.

Het effect is negatief en twee dimensioneel,
de grafieken zijn me eventjes te veel.
Denk dus later al aan het gevolg
van mislukte schattingen.
Een ongeleid onderzoek

En ces temps-là c'était une ville tombée
Au pouvoir des Anglais, maîtres des vastes mers,
Qui, du canon battue et de terreur courbée,
Disparaissait dans les éclairs.

C'était une cité qu'ébranlait le tonnerre
À l'heure où la nuit tombe, à l'heure où le jour naît,
Qu'avait prise en sa griffe Albion, qu'en sa serre
La République reprenait.

Dans la rade couraient les frégates meurtries ;
Les pavillons pendaient troués par le boulet ;
Sur le front orageux des noires batteries
La fumée à longs flots roulait.

On entendait gronder les forts, sauter les poudres ;
Le brûlot flamboyait sur la vague qui luit ;
Comme un astre effrayant qui se disperse en foudres
La bombe éclatait dans la nuit.

Sombre histoire ! quel temps ! et quelle illustre page !
Tout se mêlait, le mât coupé, le mur détruit,
Les obus, le sifflet des maîtres d'équipage,
Et l'ombre, et l'horreur, et le bruit.

Ô France ! tu couvrais alors toute la terre
Du choc prodigieux de tes rebellions.
Les rois lâchaient sur toi le tigre et la panthère,
Et toi, tu lâchais les lions.

Alors la République avait quatorze armées.
On luttait sur les monts et sur les océans.
Cent victoires jetaient au vent cent renommées,
On voyait surgir les géants !

Alors apparaissaient des aubes rayonnantes.
Des inconnus, soudain éblouissant les yeux,
Se dressaient, et faisaient aux trompettes sonnantes
Dire leurs noms mystérieux.

Ils faisaient de leurs jours de sublimes offrandes ;
Ils criaient : Liberté ! guerre aux tyrans ! mourons !
Guerre ! et la gloire ouvrait ses ailes toutes grandes
Au dessus de ces jeunes fronts !


Aujourd'hui c'est la ville où toute honte échoue.
Là, quiconque est abject, horrible et malfaisant,
Quiconque un jour plongea son honneur dans la boue,
Noya son âme dans le sang,

Là, le faux-monnayeur pris la main sur sa forge,
L'homme du faux serment et l'homme du faux poids,
Le brigand qui s'embusque et qui saute à la gorge
Des passants, la nuit, dans les bois,

Là, quand l'heure a sonné, cette heure nécessaire,
Toujours, quoi qu'il ait fait pour fuir, quoi qu'il ait dit,
Le pirate hideux, le voleur, le faussaire,
Le parricide, le bandit,

Qu'il sorte d'un palais ou qu'il sorte d'un bouge,
Vient, et trouve une main, froide comme un verrou,
Qui sur le dos lui jette une casaque rouge
Et lui met un carcan au cou !

L'aurore luit, pour eux sombre et pour nous vermeille.
Allons ! debout ! ils vont vers le sombre Océan,
Il semble que leur haine avec eux se réveille,
Et dit : me voilà ; viens-nous-en !

Ils marchent, au marteau présentant leurs manilles,
A leur chaîne cloués, mêlant leurs pas bruyants,
Traînant leur pourpre infâme en hideuses guenilles,
Humbles, furieux, effrayants.

Les pieds nus, leur bonnet baissé sur leurs paupières,
Dès l'aube harassés, l'œil mort, les membres lourds,
Ils travaillent, creusant des rocs, roulant des pierres,
Sans trêve hier, demain, toujours.

Pluie ou soleil, hiver, été, que juin flamboie,
Que janvier pleure, ils vont, leur destin s'accomplit,
Avec le souvenir de leurs crimes pour joie,
Avec une planche pour lit.

Le soir, comme un troupeau l'argousin vil les compte.
Ils montent deux à deux l'escalier du ponton,
Brisés, vaincus, le cœur incliné sous la honte,
Le dos courbé sous le bâton.

La pensée implacable habite encore leurs têtes.
Morts vivants, aux labeurs voués, marqués au front,
Il rampent, recevant le fouet comme des bêtes,
Et comme des hommes l'affront.


Ville que l'infamie et la gloire ensemencent,
Où du forçat pensif le fer tond les cheveux,
Ô Toulon! c'est par toi que les oncles commencent,
Et que finissent les neveux !

Va, maudit ! ce boulet que, dans des temps stoïques,
Le grand soldat, sur qui ton opprobre s'assied.
Mettait dans les canons de ses mains héroïques,
Tu le traîneras à ton pied !

Jersey, 28 octobre 1852.
Il vento è un'aspra voce che ammonisce
per noi stuolo che a volte trova pace
e asilo sopra questi rami secchi.
E la schiera ripiglia il triste volo,
migra nel cuore dei monti, viola
scavato nel viola inesauribile,
miniera senza fondo dello spazio.
Il volo è lento, penetra a fatica
nell'azzurro che s'apre oltre l'azzurro,
nel tempo ch'è di là dal tempo; alcuni
mandano grida acute che precipitano
e nessuna parete ripercuote.
Che ci somiglia è il moto delle cime
nell'ora - quasi non si può pensare
né dire - quando su steli invisibili
tutt'intorno una primavera strana
fiorisce in nuvole rade che il vento
pasce in un cielo o umido o bruciato
e la sorte della giornata è varia,
la grandine, la pioggia, la schiarita.
Kao primer uzmimo zenu koja ima potrebu da zadovolji svoje primarne potrebe, da bude srecna i zadovoljna.
I zamislimo takvu ispunjenu zenu koja se u drustvu deklarise kao "nicija" da je krenula u potragu za osobom koja bi zadovoljila njenu primarnu potrebu.
Prvo pitanje do koga dolazimo jeste, koga ona zapravo trazi?
Logicno bi bilo da ona prvo trazi one slicne sebi "nicije"ali razmotrimo i druge opcije.

Recimo da joj u oci upadne  prvo osoba koja je "necija" i da dodje do zadovoljenje potrebe. Obratimo paznju kako "nicija" zena sad nije vise u prvom planu, nego sta se desava uz prisustvo glasovnih promena gde "ne" prelazi u "sva", da, da, kako osoba "necija" samim cinom prelazi u "svacija". Neko bi rekao "jedna, manje-vise" nije to za " "svacija" za svacija je veci broj kao ono kad se do 5 kaze 3 coveka, 4 coveka, a od 5, 5 ljudi ili 5 svacijih, to je to, to je isto.

Pogledajmo sada opciju 2, zapravo kada dodje do spajanja dve "nicije" osobe, ali pogledajmo iz jednog blizeg, intimnijeg ugla. Da bi zadovoljenje bilo dovedeno do vrhunca, da podsetim opet, da ovde pricamo o srecnoj I zadovoljnoj zeni,  neophodno je da obe nicije osobe, drugu osobu dozive kao svoju teritoriju, kao deo sebe, ne bi li se prepustile I uzele sve ono sto im treba, sve ono sto ih dovodi do vrhunca. Vec vidim da su vam jasne I ovde glasovne promene I da “nicija zena” mora da u ovakvim trenucima postane “necija”

Razmotrimo sad I situaciju 3 da “nicija zena”  trazi zadovoljenje od osobe koje je “svacija” , Na prvu loptu reklo bi se da je ovde u pitanju neko savrsenstvo prisutno, gde “nicija zena” nije ljubomorna sto svaciji imaju I druge, ne zavidi im, nego bezuslovno voli I velika je podrska svima na tom putu slobode pa I samoj sebi.

Ali nemojmo se zavaravati  to je samo za posebne , recimo Isus Hrist, on I ako nije vise ziv I dalje je svaciji, pruza ljubav svima,  a I dovodi mase do vrhunca, ima ono desavanje kad svake godine ulazi svestenik u njegov grob, zatvore ga, pritom on nema  nista cime bi upalio svecu, nego desi se cudo I sveca se sama upali sama I kad svestenik izadje svi navale na njega ne bi li dobili plamen, pitam se sta rade sa svecama kada se plamen ugasi?

Zakljucak iz ovog bi bio da “nicija zena“ moze postojati jedino kao nezadovoljna, nesrecna zena, ona kojoj vise nisu bitne njene potrebe, ona koja ne dopusta sebi da uzme sta joj treba, ona koja odustaje od sebe, ona kojoj je tesko da poveruje da ipak moze biti necija I srecna, i da je to ok,  I da zbog toga ne mora da postane debela i umre pre vremena.

mh 2017
Neville Johnson Dec 2021
Benedict Canyon lived with Beverly Hills and stepson, Van Nuys. P. Nut was golfing with Beau Peep, and suggested that Van join them. He declined as ***** Nilly had another foursome with Ali Mony and Mary Land.
        General E. Speaking was at the club, holding forth in his stentorian tones being raptly observed by Al Dente, I. Stan Bul, and if you can believe it, Pia Nissimo.
Moving through the room in search of her next sugar daddy, we encounter Miss I. Sippi, clinging closely to Di Namics on the same prowl. They homed in on Junior Mint, sitting with Al Hambra, Scott Free and Terri Yaki. Val Halla and Buzz Saw introduced themselves to the group, when suddenly Grant Deed fell to the floor, inebriated, stopping the conversation. Marv E. Lous, Mel Ifluous, and Murray Hill carried him, snoring to an easy chair and laid him down.
Cut to Hazel Nuts who was aghast, and turned to Leo ****, making the comment that Buck Wild and Claude Hoppers must have gotten him drunk. Slim Chance begged to differ, asserting it was Gus To, trying to get back at Vin Dictive, who had burned him in a property deal with Grant Deed.
        Ben E. Ficial was amused by **** U. Lar, notwithstanding the looks of Luke Warm and Bea Wildered, who were fearful Buck Wild was going to start a fight with Steve Dore.
        Earnest Money ventured over to Tony Neighborhood, but was shocked at Ana Rexa’s appearance, so he notified Conrad Alert, but Minnie Mise tired to quiet his alert, saying that Tab Oo, who seemed to have the run of the place, demanded the same. Observing this, Martin I said “I need a drink” and corralled Tim Buktu into buying him one.
Tess Osterone was surprising laid-back, maybe that was because his pal, Sandy Beaches, put her at ease. Minnie Appolis, just back from Minnesota, got into an intense discussion with Ruth Less and Mort Ality. I don’t think they like each other.
        Kitty Hawk flew into a rage at smelly Pete Moss, locked into deep conversation with Al Falfa. They both needed a shave and a wash.
Miss Anne Thrope was her usual depressing self, but thank God, she found Ty Lenol to lift her spirits somewhat. Millie Meter went the extra mile for Minnie Van, who struggled to figure out what Al Botross was up to with Tom Foolery.
       What to do with Dewey Decimal, boring everyone who all had his number? So Al Buquerque took charge and invited Hugh Tensils, Ben A Drill and Manuel Shifting to bring him out of his shell.
       Hazel Nuts, surprisingly matched well with Terry Aki, and Mac Rame Teased Mac Arena with a little dance. Ray Ban was a shade introspective and diffident, but had to engage when Polly Ester chatted him up. Take a look at Maxwell House, coffee in hand, who congratulated Gene Splice on his recent editing award. Dorit Os munched on the hors d'oeuvres with Cal Ameri.
       Teddy Bear was his cuddly self, and had a good laugh at Tom Foolery’s antics. It has been ages since Ron de Vouz heard the mellifluous sound of Hugh Kelele’s voice and they immediately embraced.
        What a quartet --- Ma Larkey, Rich People, Oz Mosis, and Ray Vaughn, all who stayed late, always the life of the party.
Perry Patetic moved around the room as though his pants were on fire. Everyone felt sorry for Des Titute: who wouldn’t?
There was Rose Bushes, in the midst of a thorny divorce, to which
Geri Atric could relate, as she had been through the same with Gus T. Winds, who had been represented by the mean lawyer, Ty Rade, who also happened to be present with his chief investigator, Al Ibi.
       Van Couver would not stop extolling the virtues of his native country, so Marshall Amps turned it up to 11 and drowned him out. Finally, Will Power stepped in to tone it down, as Eva Dently was going to leave otherwise.
        Billy Clubs and Lance Corporal stood around menacingly, but it was just for show. Meg A. Phone hit on Jackson Hole. I couldn’t tell if she was getting anywhere. The last to leave were Tex Mex and Dawn Trodden, who had nowhere to go. Cliff Hanger sighed and said he’d be back next year.
Neville Johnson Jan 2023
***** Nilly and his best friend, Nick Name headed towards Malibu where they were to meet Hope Chest for tea. Uh oh, Nan O’Second insisted on going and then spoiled their plans because she wanted to bring Jack Russell. They ended up having donuts where they ran into Deb Enture, who was cooking up some deal with Sue Ffle.
Gus To was in the parking lot where he backed away from Ty Rade, who was his usual self.  Dan Druff and Stanley Cup attempted to intercede but were thwarted by Mo Mentum who halted their efforts.
Then, lo and behold, Ruth Less accompanied by Miss Ann Thrope shouted invective at everyone. This upset bystander Heidi **, who turned and left with Grant Writer. Ed U. Cated just sat in his car and put moves on Claire Voyant.
I always do this at the first of each year.
Il vento è un'aspra voce che ammonisce
per noi stuolo che a volte trova pace
e asilo sopra questi rami secchi.
E la schiera ripiglia il triste volo,
migra nel cuore dei monti, viola
scavato nel viola inesauribile,
miniera senza fondo dello spazio.
Il volo è lento, penetra a fatica
nell'azzurro che s'apre oltre l'azzurro,
nel tempo ch'è di là dal tempo; alcuni
mandano grida acute che precipitano
e nessuna parete ripercuote.
Che ci somiglia è il moto delle cime
nell'ora - quasi non si può pensare
né dire - quando su steli invisibili
tutt'intorno una primavera strana
fiorisce in nuvole rade che il vento
pasce in un cielo o umido o bruciato
e la sorte della giornata è varia,
la grandine, la pioggia, la schiarita.
I turbini sollevano la polvere
sui tetti, a mulinelli, e sugli spiazzi
deserti, ove i cavalli incappucciati
annusano la terra, fermi innanzi
ai vetri luccicanti degli alberghi.
Sul corso, in faccia al mare, tu discendi
in questo giorno
or piovorno ora acceso, in cui par scatti
a sconvolgerne l'ore
uguali, strette in trama, un ritornello
di castagnette.
È il segno d'un'altra orbita: tu seguilo.
Discendi all'orizzonte che sovrasta
una tromba di piombo, alta sui gorghi,
più d'essi vagabonda: salso nembo
vorticante, soffiato dal ribelle
elemento alle nubi; fa che il passo
su la ghiaia ti scricchioli e t'inciampi
il viluppo dell'alghe: quell'istante
è forse, molto atteso, che ti scampi
dal finire il tuo viaggio, anello d'una
catena, immoto andare, oh troppo noto
delirio, Arsenio, d'immobilità...
Ascolta tra i palmizi il getto tremulo
dei violini, spento quando rotola
il tuono con un fremer di lamiera
percossa; la tempesta è dolce quando
sgorga bianca la stella di Canicola
nel cielo azzurro e lunge par la sera
ch'è prossima: se il fulmine la incide
dirama come un albero prezioso
entro la luce che s'arrosa: e il timpano
degli tzigani è il rombo silenzioso
Discendi in mezzo al buio che precipita
e muta il mezzogiorno in una notte
di globi accesi, dondolanti a riva, -
e fuori, dove un'ombra sola tiene
mare e cielo, dai gozzi sparsi palpita
l'acetilene -
finché goccia trepido
il cielo, fuma il suolo che t'abbevera,
tutto d'accanto ti sciaborda, sbattono
le tende molli, un fruscio immenso rade
la terra, giù s'afflosciano stridendo
le lanterne di carta sulle strade.
Così sperso tra i vimini e le stuoie
grondanti, giunco tu che le radici
con sé trascina, viscide, non mai
svelte, tremi di vita e ti protendi
a un vuoto risonante di lamenti
soffocati, la tesa ti ringhiotte
dell'onda antica che ti volge; e ancora
tutto che ti riprende, strada portico
mura specchi ti figge in una sola
ghiacciata moltitudine di morti,
e se un gesto ti sfiora, una parola
ti cade accanto, quello è forse, Arsenio,
nell'ora che si scioglie, il cenno d'una
vita strozzata per te sorta, e il vento
la porta con la cenere degli astri.
I turbini sollevano la polvere
sui tetti, a mulinelli, e sugli spiazzi
deserti, ove i cavalli incappucciati
annusano la terra, fermi innanzi
ai vetri luccicanti degli alberghi.
Sul corso, in faccia al mare, tu discendi
in questo giorno
or piovorno ora acceso, in cui par scatti
a sconvolgerne l'ore
uguali, strette in trama, un ritornello
di castagnette.
È il segno d'un'altra orbita: tu seguilo.
Discendi all'orizzonte che sovrasta
una tromba di piombo, alta sui gorghi,
più d'essi vagabonda: salso nembo
vorticante, soffiato dal ribelle
elemento alle nubi; fa che il passo
su la ghiaia ti scricchioli e t'inciampi
il viluppo dell'alghe: quell'istante
è forse, molto atteso, che ti scampi
dal finire il tuo viaggio, anello d'una
catena, immoto andare, oh troppo noto
delirio, Arsenio, d'immobilità...
Ascolta tra i palmizi il getto tremulo
dei violini, spento quando rotola
il tuono con un fremer di lamiera
percossa; la tempesta è dolce quando
sgorga bianca la stella di Canicola
nel cielo azzurro e lunge par la sera
ch'è prossima: se il fulmine la incide
dirama come un albero prezioso
entro la luce che s'arrosa: e il timpano
degli tzigani è il rombo silenzioso
Discendi in mezzo al buio che precipita
e muta il mezzogiorno in una notte
di globi accesi, dondolanti a riva, -
e fuori, dove un'ombra sola tiene
mare e cielo, dai gozzi sparsi palpita
l'acetilene -
finché goccia trepido
il cielo, fuma il suolo che t'abbevera,
tutto d'accanto ti sciaborda, sbattono
le tende molli, un fruscio immenso rade
la terra, giù s'afflosciano stridendo
le lanterne di carta sulle strade.
Così sperso tra i vimini e le stuoie
grondanti, giunco tu che le radici
con sé trascina, viscide, non mai
svelte, tremi di vita e ti protendi
a un vuoto risonante di lamenti
soffocati, la tesa ti ringhiotte
dell'onda antica che ti volge; e ancora
tutto che ti riprende, strada portico
mura specchi ti figge in una sola
ghiacciata moltitudine di morti,
e se un gesto ti sfiora, una parola
ti cade accanto, quello è forse, Arsenio,
nell'ora che si scioglie, il cenno d'una
vita strozzata per te sorta, e il vento
la porta con la cenere degli astri.
Vidim prionulo se odmah danas na oblikovanju zelje, sto pohvaljujem. Savet, nikako ne zamisljati u celosti dok Deda Mraz ne da odobrenje za zelju se postuje, sto pohvaljujem takodje.

Ovo sto sam danas videla izgleda dosta dobro, moram priznati. Ti raspolozena, doterana, neka dobra muzika u pozadini te pokrece, nogice rade, VELIKA raskrsnica, MOCNO, CRVENO  i znam, znam, ja sam morala ovog puta da se krecem u drugom pravcu i prodjem ti iza ledja, sve ok, moramo da ispostujemo Deda Mraza. Samo bejb ako mozes da me ne zamisljas da sam u ciklusu, da me boli stomak, glava, mislim da ne zaboravis da preoblikujes to, da i ja budem voljna i zeljna za sve sto treba u toj tvojoj zelji.

Ja tebe nikada ne bih povredila. Nikada!

I nikad ne bih otisla bez pozdrava, a da se nisam prvo objasnila zasto odlazim.

I nikad ne bih otisla od nekog ko me makar malo voli.

Moji hormoni ne rade dobro i to poprilicno utice na ono sto osecam, mislim, napisem.

Zao mi je sto reagujes tako na moju iskrenost, taj spektar od ljubavi do mrznje me totalno iznenadi, a neka poredjenja i povrede.

Lawrence Hall Feb 2022
Lawrence Hall

                        Camouflage in Trump Country

I walk into the cafe’ wearing a boonie hat
Although the boonies were fifty years ago
But I don’t look like a worthy comrade -
In Trump country you need good camouflage

I walk into the store wearing a barn coat
Although I have never owned a barn
But I don’t look like an NRA-rade -
In Trump country you need good camouflage

A patriot shouldn’t need to be a mirage
but -
In Trump country you need good camouflage
Neville Johnson Dec 2024
Geri Atric and everyone’s friend, Amy Able go for a drink with Rose Wine. The bartenders, **** Tator and Gus To introduce them to the scary Mort Ality, who in turn invites over Nick Name, Hope Chest, and Nan O’Second as they would like each other, so he thinks.
     Jack Russell doggedly observes from a distance, pretending to be in  an intense conversation with Deb Enture, which annoys the other participants, Sue Ffle and Ty Rade, who figure out what he is up to.
     Off to himself, for obvious reasons sits Dan Druff, ignored by ***** Nilly, Stanley Cup, and the lazy Mo Mentum. Then the haughty Ruth Less arrives, with her entourage Miss Ann Thorpe, Heidi **, and Dee Pendant.
     The weirdest trio at this holiday party has to be Sven Gali, Sig Alert and Grant Writer. Go figure.
     The chef is none other Herb Dressing, the maître D is Nick O’Time,
     Ed U. Cated stupidly calls out and nearly punches Will Power but is restrained by Charlie Horse, Arthur Itis, and the much-needed Ben Gay.
     Hal Ibut orders a meat dish, with Al Falfa going veggie. Penny Less says, “This is rich,” when she hears about the near altercation, while Luke Warm nods wanly.
     Tom Boy gets a kick out of Jack Boots as the couple, Miss and Cal Ulated, try to overhear the conversation but are thwarted by Al Cove, who intentionally loudly speaks over them. Of all people, Tommy Gun shushes them, for he wants to overhear what Buck Aneer and **** Tation say to each other.
     Justin Case argues with Mel Rose, while he hits on Rose Mary, who in turn is trying to avoid Des Titute. Cord Uroy is shunned by Cosmo Politan who hangs with the greedy Ali Mony.
     Mary Land is in an agitated state thanks to Mark Exhibit  who makes it evident Claus Traphobia is closing in on him.
Rich People engages with Cass Anova, while Penny Rate chats up Will Power. Honey Moon, recently married to Gene Splitting, gets an earful from Conrad Warning.
     Needing attention, Molly Coddling coos to Art Forgery, who ambles over with Herb Tea, who is interested Penny Arcade.
     Confused by all the people, there is Frank Ness, who can’t avoid the truth that Benedict Canyon and General Mills just don’t like him, leaving him with the boring Sue Veneer, who is not interested in him either.
     ***** Nilly, flustered, drinks coffee with Maxwell House, gamely sipping along with Three Card Monte. Nick Knacks hasn’t much to contribute to the occasion, then is accosted by Jack Hammer, who nails him in conversation and accuses him of plagiarizing Stan Za.
     Joshua Tree woodenly tries to put up with Tom Foolery, doing so with no help from Tim Id. Tired of the night, Gerry Atric disappears with Jay Walk. Ty Rant annoys Will Call, and is admonished to cool it by Buzz Saw.
     Patty Cakes avoids Phil Istine, who doesn’t care as he follows Perry Patetic around the event.
    Roc Anteur buttonholes Phil Osophy, who is more interested in Bo Dacious. Corporal Punishment consoles himself with Miss Fortune,
     You had to be there.
Well if it's a kiss you want  how about you get closer
And if it's hand you were wondering for ...
I wonder if you waved my way I would surf the mood
To rade
To blue
Two up
Well ... Are you down ?
Down.. to come thru and just sit in your car until you come in and we start cuddling..?

— The End —