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SassyJ Jul 2016
Glitters and red meters
givers and received perceivers
usher the gift of illusionary display
vision all the aspects of reality

Signal the surreal posts on trees
yank and spotlight my dreams
walk and split the glass panels
wagon us from societal ice

Glitters and red masks
course every vein of our being
pour the red wine and misplace
protrude every nautical sense

Read my palm, contact the wizard
grab my sight, take me to the moon
contactless,eventful and tasteful
contactless, easy and resourceful
Written in a theatre over a performance of burlesque, live magic and comedy (cabaret live entertainment June 2016)
Guy Random Nov 2010
She’s the end but still not the aim;
All the paths lead to her, may be with different stops;
Though she is unstoppable, will come and is inevitable;
Colours of life draw us away from the truth, diverging our thoughts;

The god of death! Unwelcomed, in spite of being god;
Worshiped! but, prayers are request to delay his arrival!!;
Life and death differ, being known and unknown experience;
As we love life why not to love death?;

Death alone makes person alone, exploring the unknowns;
Death alone ends the curiosity of her being unknown;
Is she the end, and all the worldly secrets would be revealed?;
Or is it an invitation to another world, which then to other?

Spells on her perceivers, realise it her arrival, stopping it on the last stop;
Some worship, some do good, a few remain same 'ignoring it';
Bribing god, trying to avoid painful end, a few 'challenging it';
Other few confident from outside, inside hoping little bad to be overlooked;

People memorising their past, impart their suggestions;
"No point doing this, at this point you will feel all unworthy" says olds;
"We command the whole world, he is commanding us" feel young;
A few analyse correctly and shrink their sack of mistakes;

She treats equally, every living thing, over social discrimination;
Forgetting the end, gathering luxuries, she will apart them!;
Time will make us soil, mortality is thing we will experience;
Our ideas, deeds if useful enough, will be used and remembered;
these are my views about mortal law of nature.
All your views are welcomed, and i will love to discuss about them.
You are also welcomed on blogs.
Take Care
Eternal Dreams Apr 2017
It's hard to slumber when your not here
without you I feel so obscure
Stagnant in heartbreak, rooted in pain
I endeavor to move on but my life's full of rain

Aeonian cerebrations of you in my mind
Transitory fine-tunes are all I can find
No one can even commence to supersede you
Despite the poor endeavors to embrace few

Desperate for your heart to open for me
Pleading for your ocular perceivers to open and visually perceive
That I can be the one to make me ecstatic
So my love is what you require so lamentably

Yet, for us, I stand alone in my mourning
The fire for me is no longer burning
I require your love so i can smile again
I optate all of you so I can feel whole again

I can't make you dote me but I will endeavor
Until the day you do
Maria Etre Dec 2020
They told me to battle my demons
so my angels can make a presence.
Is this true?

They told me to settle
so my age doesn't leave me alone
Is this true?

They told me to value myself
so my perceivers value me.
Is this true?

They told me to love responsibly
so the right lover shows up.
Is this true?
Save My Soul
Arastas Feb 2018
Deployed in retention
Ensued with belation
Contain the remittance
It’s a conveying of detention
I know more than the knowing has held for us
Knowing is but a contemporary insecurity
Redefine the concept of insecurity
I am nothing but the moment you lost
Inside the absence, I refuel the abscess
Do you want to know more?
I doubt you could even realize
The perception you create
From now to then
From then to now
Realize how little you know
How little you have to know
So you can know

Debate with me again
Tell me what is right
I’d like to know
Not because its right
Not because your true
Not because I want to know
Simply because
You need to express yourself
You need to rid yourself of this perception
Speak to me of it
Tell me all the things
I will tell you what I think
Evolution of the individual will occur
Evolution of thought
Find the reason and the fallacies
In your perception
Pick at the bad parts
Eat them
And learn

Debated in conveyed restriction
I am nothing but the moment of insurrection
Tell me again where I left the content
Where the mind of the moment delayed
I am nothing but your true self
Your delayed self
Can you tell me what I am?
Tell me where I am?
Tell me who I am?
Try again
It might work
Maybe I’ll become what you envision me to be
But to me
I am nothing
I am everything
I am the abscess
I am the whole
I am the void
Tell me where to go
And I will devour it whole
With my little eyes
My little perceivers
The tools at my disposal tell me
That I need to reinvent the perception
The conception
Birth me again
In your mind

Are you repentant?
Inside the mind of yourself
Don’t lose it
Don’t get lost
I can’t tell what is going on in there
I want to know
Please tell me
Please help me understand
I want to help
I want to learn what is going on inside the universe of your mind
Share with me the troubles you experience
Allow me to partake in your perception

I know how long it took
I know nothing of how long it took
Share with the pair
I tell a tail of sharing sharers
Insight of the denial
I combine the telling contraband of retroactive contradiction
Tell me again where I lost my soul
Maybe I’ll find my mind too
Lost in the seas of the sky
Floating among the dirt of the clouds
Dusting in the space of our abscess
Continue for me
In absence of me
With me
I want to show you the stars in our puddles
The grains of sand in our hair grind a song of continuity
Sleep tightly so they may gravel out the notes
Grind and grind the grits of doom
You are telling of a certainty
Continued in absence
I want to retell the tale of telling
Do it again in the absence of abscess
Share the wound with me and I will spit in it
I will mend it with my hate
Tighter than any bottleneck
I will captivate the death of your soul
Share with me the light in your death
Share with me the continuity of your mind
I will delay the momentary perception for you
I will love you from the rinds and mends and molds
I will devour your soul
Walter Alter Aug 2023
dialog with myself invariably involves others
we are all perceivers nobody escapes
no really and truly trust me on this
no manufacturing of childish evasions
maybe it is best to be born into a family
able to generate family values
ablaze with comfort and sanitation
lost in a forest of memories
amusingly arrayed for shoppers
exactly like the TV version
fortunately I was in touch
with my inner juvenile delinquent
unlettered by any known normalcy
nor crazed by the expectation of gold
or even gold paint from a rattle can
our default addiction to pleasure
is no random Darwinian accident
we really do learn to act from movies
no really and truly trust me on this
our tune is a complicated little number
bassooned in several keys at once
upon your mother's pedestal is one of them
between cognition and reflex is another
in the clue farm keyhole universe
I may need an ax to free my thoughts
just so I can play dumb
in a trail blazing effort to avoid
media suppression by the CIA
the Clairvoyant Intelligence Agency
chronically in for interrogation
OK let's play who's more paranoid
if this poem is minus the above line
then it has been tampered with
a million hand sewn Humpty Dumpty
vital nerve connections later
sutured like Frankenstein's test dummy
a bungee cord full of existential tension
I seem to be strapped to a microscope
behavior can also be modified
by better info if you let it
how's that for mind warfare
pretty propaganda pretty pretty
for the young and the innocent
left screaming in a gas station toilet
wrapped in today's newspaper
comics section puzzle page
how long can the charade continue
when autonomous is still an illegal word
this is an audience participation piece
from the Federal Pencil Council
and for the terminally nostalgic
the night arched quietly above

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon

— The End —