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Equivocar el camino
es llegar a la nieve
y llegar a la nieve
es pacer durante veinte siglos las hierbas de los cementerios.

Equivocar el camino
es llegar a la mujer,
la mujer que no teme la luz,
la mujer que no teme a los gallos
y los gallos que no saben cantar sobre la nieve.

Pero si la nieve se equivoca de corazón
puede llegar el viento Austro
y como el aire no hace caso de los gemidos
tendremos que pacer otra vez las hierbas de los cementerios.

Yo vi dos dolorosas espigas de cera
que enterraban un paisaje de volcanes
y vi dos niños locos que empujaban llorando las pupilas de un asesino.

Pero el dos no ha sido nunca un número
porque es una angustia y su sombra,
porque es la guitarra donde el amor se desespera,
porque es la demostración de otro infinito que no es suyo
y es las murallas del muerto
y el castigo de la nueva resurrección sin finales.
Los muertos odian el número dos,
pero el número dos adormece a las mujeres
y como la mujer teme la luz
la luz tiembla delante de los gallos
y los gallos sólo saben votar sobre la nieve
tendremos que pacer sin descanso las hierbas de los cementerios.
JCruz Hernandez Nov 2013
I don’t freestyle. 
I write my things down. 
Though I wish that I could spit when I talk **** and pitch in metaphors so quick they zip right past you with a swing and a miss. 

That’s why I pick up my pen and pad, or my phone if it has a charge, 
Go to the memos app and find a knife that is sharp. 
Crack open my rib cage and pull out my beating heart. 
Squeeze that ***** dry till it bleeds the right part. 

But this prune has no juice now.
This prune has no use now.
Its beats have no sync it looks gray, old, and used out.
It burned out its pacer, and its fuse just fused out,

It’s excuses? 
That I used it when I couldn’t use it.
I abused and confused it.
It gave me all that I wanted but its plasma was useless.

So much material came night after night.
Every time it gave more. I just brushed it aside.
My table was covered with all my insides,
But none of it perfect. None of it right.

I squeezed and I squeezed till my fingers went numb.
The nail on my index was cutting into my thumb.
Desperate for a punch line to make the crowds go dumb.
Screaming and owing these ******* gonna come.

Too caught up on what they wanted I let my heart dry.
Too caught up living their life I let my heart die.
It turned out that turned up turned into a lie.
I turned into some one torn from their real life.

Now I’m resting my heart for a while. 
It’s in the hands of a misses that cares for it now.
That’s why I don’t freestyle.
I write my **** down.

-J.Cruz Hernandez
I spent years of my life in a fantasy world.

Well. Lots of fantasy worlds.

My clothes were cooler
Voice smoother

Choices simpler.

You finish quests, unlock gods, Slay dragons
When my DnD group broke up I thought:

If I'm not the gnome bard or the elven ranger or the dwarven barbarian

Who am I?

The answer:

I'm the kid,

Who was doodling demons in the corners of classrooms.

Who didn't quite make it through the pacer test in one peice.

Who spoke up a little too loud about religion and not loud enough about being bullied.

Who didn't have party's to go to because he was to busy with his party of heroes.

Who will I be now?

I can write my charecter sheet however I want too.

Natural Twenty on my charisma

Critical hit my failures

Damage reduction on Haters.

In real life, I paint my face on blank canvas

I have one simple goal.

I want to levitate slightly off of the ground

While summoning an undead army and shooting fireballs from the sky.

I might not get there.

I'll be ****** though, if I don't roll for it.
Liana Jan 9
And forth
Reach the line

I'm not that bad out of shape
But still struggling

Throat burning
Head pounding as if there's someone trying to bang their way out
And lungs desperately fighting for air

I give up...

I sit down when I reach the line
And try to catch my breathe
Instead of running back

Chest rising and falling
With each gasp for air

Why do you hate me?
Why aren't you working?

Coughs hurt my throat
And make me weak

I take my inhaler
But it isn't working
It's just making me shaky

Panic rising inside me

I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I can't breathe

I take another puff
And wait
Breathe out
And couch violently

I'm going to die
I'm going to die
I'm going to die

No one notices
(this note was written by headphones that plays trombone as if it was a flute)
Chelsea Eldridge Jul 2013
There has been quite some distance between you and I
Not to mention the 5 year span of time that's passed us by.
There were days of recognition
others were idle in focus
When you came back,
it was like a sail boat in a dream
that had once riled in me such a fuss.
I now play with ships and study in trade winds
while leaving my childhood fancies adrift.
Perhaps you mean to bring them back to me
or offer a needed lift.
In this gesture, I felt your warmth,
pleasant to my icy skin
Yet it will not cure frost-bite,
or the frequent chill I feel within.

I see through the cookie cutter concept:
either way the dough will taste the same.
I recall your voice, the mention of our past,
leaves shudders I can hardly tame.
Things have changed and yet you only see the stains in the curtains
Because you remember how they got there,
while the rest is uncertain.
Time is our element, and that, I have no stake in
We rise to the occasion and lay down to rest
only to begin again.

Maybe I am bitter;
by your selfish intent,
it is justly proven so.
You can't hurry me along;
I am a pacer,
something I'll bet you didn't know.
We aren't playing with old puzzles pieces;
I put those together long ago.
I hate the way I hate you;
after all,
you're trying so hard.
No matter how much I want you to understand,
my words don't get very far.
The proof will come from whatever you don't let me burn,
whatever respect you can find for me,
whatever you can learn from my distance,
however harsh, it has a purpose.
I'd rather have the time well spent with a good friend;
a two-week lover is unrealistic
and altogether worthless.
If the choice bestowed by your actions remains:
Enjoy the weeks here without me:
from this visit, I have nothing to gain.
mark john junor Nov 2013
hall pacers dominate the morning
sandle feet shuffle back and forth
eyes cast down travel the floor seeking the droppings
of the pacer before
the riches are in the mind
baubles of plastic and paint
the remains form a graveyard
bone thin white shards baking in an
imaginary summer sun
the unshaven huddle in the corner
watching with avid eyes
watching for the silence that follows
like a shadow... like a sad memory
weaving rhyme spoken at first attempt
he stands perfectly still in the midst of
all this random wandering
staring out into the distance of his mind
eye on the devolving thoughts
of her turning to go
turning to go
to go
Anais Vionet Jul 2023
(Leeza, my roommate Lisa’s little sister, was off-tha-hook earlier this summer)

peach flesh
fabuk buster
nu-metal priss
sexless *******
bitten fingernails
***** babyskin feet
mirror mesmerized
straight-eyed honesty
without analysis
corollary sister
wide eyed
hot mess
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Corollary: something that naturally follows another  (like sisters)

off tha hook = out of control
fabuk = rotten banana
buster = acts like a punk-b*tch
nu-metal = new generation heavy metal, hated by purists
priss = baby
grouchapottamus = someone perpetually grouchy and edgy
hot mess = a handful, a piece of work, a colorful character.
pacer = very smart, hard to keep up with, sets the pace
bella = someone to handle with care
doe = girl
Krispy = super exclusive

*Leeza tested into some krispy mathcamp and that apparently calmed her down.
I'm a pacer.
It gets me places.
It gets me out of my head.

I walk
I turn
I walk some more,
And I calm down from what was said.

Ze said it's self soothing.
I say it's just anxiety.

I say it's torture because I have to choose,
Do I let my feet ache,
Or my head.
Sí, tu niñez ya fábula de fuentes.
El tren y la mujer que llena el cielo.
Tu soledad esquiva en los hoteles
y tu máscara pura de otro signo.
Es la niñez del mar y tu silencio
donde los sabios vidrios se quebraban.
Es tu yerta ignorancia donde estuvo
mi torso limitado por el fuego.
Norma de amor te di, hombre de Apolo,
llanto con ruiseñor enajenado,
pero, pasto de ruina, te afilabas
para los breves sueños indecisos.
Pensamiento de enfrente, luz de ayer,
índices y señales del acaso.
Tu cintura de arena sin sosiego
atiende sólo rastros que no escalan.
Pero yo he de buscar por los rincones
tu alma tibia sin ti que no te entiende,
con el dolor de Apolo detenido
con que he roto la máscara que llevas.
Allí, león, allí, furia del cielo,
te dejaré pacer en mis mejillas;
allí, caballo azul de mi locura,
pulso de nebulosa y minutero,
he de buscar las piedras de alacranes
y los vestidos de tu madre niña,
llanto de medianoche y paño roto
que quitó luna de la sien del muerto.
Sí, tu niñez ya fábula de fuentes.
Alma extraña de mi hueco de venas,
te he de buscar pequeña y sin raíces.
¡Amor de siempre, amor, amor de nunca!
¡Oh, sí! Yo quiero. ¡Amor, amor! Dejadme.
No me tapen la boca los que buscan
espigas de Saturno por la nieve
o castran animales por un cielo,
clínica y selva de la anatomía.
Amor, amor, amor. Niñez del mar.
Tu alma tibia sin ti que no te entiende.
Amor, amor, un vuelo de la corza
por el pecho sin fin de la blancura.
Y tu niñez, amor, y tu niñez.
El tren y la mujer que llena el cielo.
Ni tú, ni yo, ni el aire, ni las hojas.
Sí, tu niñez ya fábula de fuentes.
Ahora soy zagala que apacenta un rebaño
De estrellas. ¡Dios lo libre de todo mal y daño!
Y si rondan los lobos, y si amaga la peste,
¡Dios haga invulnerable mi rebaño celeste!

Amor que de los cielos dio fuga a las centellas
Para que yo formara mi rebaño de estrellas,
Las piedras de la senda con sus manos alisa
Y pone entre mis labios la flauta de la risa.

-¿.Adónde vas, pastora de mirada encantada?
-Voy a prados de rosas a pacer ni¡ majada.
Y trina, trina, trina la flauta de cristal
Y se apiada la gula del lobo y el chacal.

-Mañana... -Mas, ¿quién piensa de veras en
-Tu rebaño de estrellas pastora sobrehumana...
-¡Oh. cállate, profeta! No adelantes el mal.
(Y da una nota falsa la flauta de cristal).
Lawrence Hall Jun 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                The Hanging of Jake Spoon

                 Nothing in his life / Became him like the leaving it

                                         Macbeth I.iiii.7-8

At dusk. Heat. Heat and dust. Jake’s last slow ride
Words through a fog of fear, last words, slow words
Old pals and dead enemies on either side
Slow cooings and callings from unseen prairie birds

Smooth Jake, always good for a laugh and a drink
A ladies’ man, a gamblin’ man, a man of charm
Unreliable, yes, not one to pause and think
Tho’ he never meant nobody no harm

He suddenly spurred his pacer, making amends
His moment of nobility, to spare his friends
*Lonesome Dove" might be the national Book of Texas.
kfaye Nov 2023
The loves and fears of
Make small mood-rooms
To bathe inside .

Like an egg w/o a chicken-road
Like a path w/o a pacer .back-and-4th
A ghost-mouth  mother of _memberships

Dogfolded maps of exotic lands,where
Its people still have

— The End —