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RDR Feb 2015
Sitting alone
I am prone.
Holder of death
Watching his last breath.

*Protector of life
Marquis Green Mar 2016
The kingdom stretches out as far as the eye can see,
Riddled with the regret of long distance,
Ruined sanctuaries and remnants of a civilization that valued the bonds between both of us.
I made a promise to the queen,
That all of us would make a sacrifice,
And yet as things progressed faster,
We must confess that we professed too much about wanting and not enough about vices.
If I could give you the world you want,
Would you still steal the moon for light or would moonlight steal the sight of the world you sought?
Some day I'll know,
Someday, you'll be right and I'll reap what I sow,
Past present,
You were at once my present and now you've declared you no longer want my presence.
To whom it may concern,
To have everything, is a disease,
A lesson I must learn.
A casual reminder that what people must live on can easily be replaced,
That I could be easily replaced and I am no longer a remnant of the kingdom,
Yet to some, I am revered as the prince.
I tried my hardest to make this worth it,
To make this journey fit to the grip of the wheel of this ship.
Will you keep this afloat?

The thought of you once brought me peace,
Now the nightmares...they will not cease.
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2013
Welcome Back To This, Your Isle

The rabbits beneath the deck,
Even the pesky deer who eat the shrubbery,
Sea creatures, living and spirits of the dead,
Lying on the paths and in the creeks of Silver Beach,
All inquire:

Was it better wherever you went?

Were the:

Bears, hiding in the forests outside Berlin,
Eagles, double headed, of Russia
Herring, fried, creamed, wined,
From the vendors on the docks of
Helsinki, Riga, Visby and Tallinn,
Salmon, smoked and cured in Stockholm,
More impressive,
Tastier than our striped bass,
Island cohorts of yours, who waited patiently
For their chronicler to return?

Did the Little Mermaid and her Dolphin
Guardians of the Port of Copenhagen
Welcome you more warmly than your friends,
The ospreys, lizards, turtles and owls
Who overwatch your steps and safety
When hiking in Mashomack Preserve?

Are the interlacing tidal creeks,
Woodlands, fields, salt marshes and the ragged,
Irregular but charmed coastline of this cherished island
Any lesser than those of Scandinavia?

Are the sea-going ferries that transverse the
Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland,
More poetic than the Menantic or the Lt. Joe,
Who carry you swiftly home to us?

The National Geographic people say that in
Tivoli Gardens, The Amerikaner (ha!) waffle ice cream cone
Is one of the ten best in the world.
Guessing they have not made it yet to the
Tuck Shop for some Moose Tracks!

Were you unaware that our isle settled before
Peter the Great ever envisioned creating the grand
Boulevards of his capitol, St. Petersburg,
Route 114 was a traveled forest path,
By settlers and Indians, not serfs.

Of the Treasures, the Gold Room of the Hermitage,
The Amber Room of Catherine's Palace,
Wrote not a single word, we observe.
Your attentions, they did not deserve?

The answers all, self evident.

Here, surrounded by the gentle breezes of
Long Island Sound and Gardiners Bay,
Sweet and salty flavors of the Peconic atmosphere,
Words unlocked, from your eyes to the page fall,
Smudged by joyous tears, for the muses of the island
Have embraced you yet again and rebirthed
Inspiration, within their comforting, sheltering grasp.

Silver Beach

July 22, 2012
Ben Nov 2013
sink into the silence
nothing left by nothing
a silent trip adviser
to blame the past on
levels of induced mindless
consumption that dealt
with the singularity breath
ghost located in page
after page after page of longing
caress and sniff and smell
the burning rubber sensation of
ice melted fire drops
dealt to deal with dealing
memories forgave in the think tank
calm in the blue raindrop
frisky frisk touch of soul
felt with eyes wide open
and a heart made of gold
to last ever last in the synaptic
convulsion that twitches and squirms
of a mental addiction love and pain
and parlor trick injections
did i mention the hopeful twist
of a sudden quick thinking passing
love is love actually and codeine is
a moment of unloved passive regret
o d on your section of unblinking
overwatch i snorted the powder
to happiness everlasting
cuddle with my corpse
i want to be the little spoon and feel your heartbeat in my back pressed selfishness to hold my soul and revel in the passiveness of unthinking
let me lick your inner soul and taste
the salt of a lie left on cracked breathless lips
Donald Guy Aug 2016
I hear the world is full of pain,
Flooding, terror, acid rain;
Music, theatre, laughs and art,
Whiskey, coffee, beer and darts,

Rainbows, glaciers, hiking trails;
Rare Pepes and EPIC FAILs,
Overwatch and Pokemon Go;
Donald Trump and Bernie Bros;

Dreams, and Drugs, and Rock n' Roll,
Dharma, Love, and the eternal soul,
The Holy Quran and the Higgs boson
Tajwid in Geneva, QFT in Tehran.

Yet day by day I sit and type
Edit, grep, compile, pipe
All  that a system smoothly might run
Ashes to Ashes, Zero to One

npm install; grunt &; restart nginx
docker run -d me/interests; pkill sleep; pkill ***
nice 14 nutrition; rm /etc/cron.daily/exercise
pkill -STOP judgment; scp foodler:'**/{burger,fries}' ~

It's rather ironic that this metal you see,
Seems quite a better multitasker than me
Whereas It stops its world to switch one task for others
My open descriptors always overflow my buffers

Whereas it take new patches with a simple 'apt-get'
My resolve for upgrades I quite often forget
And when its health checks fail, we regrow the ASG
But my self won't reboot. et memento mori.
Have you fixed it yet?
Is the coding sequence "Survive"?  

Hold on. The coding sequence is something else! It's more like "Karma" + "Infinity".  All life now and in the future is affected by it...

Say again, over? [static]...

My vision is blurred, I no longer have overwatch..

Bravo Company, this is Delta. Do you copy?
We order the military forces to take action...

I can't see. This is a different kind of war... we're taking casualties, but we are making progress,
progress, progress, progress....
Ellis Reyes Dec 2016
Before he was here
He would have said, "bereft of feeling,"
Now he says TBI

Before he was here,
Overwatch was a game.
Now it keeps him and others alive

Before he was here
He was a conscientious vegan.
Now he's an omnivore,
Devouring vacuum sealed inorganic meat byproducts.
With vigor

Before he was here
Musty was the damp basement smell-- endearing, familiar
Now it's the infection smell -- nauseating, familiar

Before he was here,
There was good and evil,
Now there are only shades of evil

Before he was here
She was there,
Now she is gone,

Before he was here
Death was distant, clinical
Now it's cloying, visceral

He doesn't know if he'll be able
To return to the time before here
He doubts it.
A poem written with borrowed words: Bereft, Musty, Overwatch, Omnivore
strained and molded midnight brain
encounter unknown cell tower overwatch
spill water catch twenty two revolver tribute
merganser interceptor ravenous soul sport
epic fail condominium
Brick island overlook star gazer Kansas revolt
lear jet appetite ebony sincere lambasted trivial
correspondent irregular depth californian intrinsic
substitution despondent calibrated ocean going
counter measure
Copyright February 6 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A Simillacrum Jun 2018
The more I think about it, maybe the world is black & white.
People like to talk about ethical or moral grays. We romanticize the grays. It's in the theater. It's on Hulu. It's in advertising. It's carried in on radio waves. There's no escaping the idea that the purposefully vague person, the all too open mind, is the mind for which we strive.

It's my thought that all this focus on the subjective experience by the collective whole has desynchronized us from our base understanding of "right" and "wrong" as it applies to the entire human experience. Excuse me for saying so, but isn't the wanton use of subjective justice exactly how we've arrived at this point of contention? And it's no accident.

They, as in those in positions of ultimate power, who guard the same systems which govern our rules, guide our perception of reality, and drive our social development patterns, fight to maintain this status quo where we've forgotten the absolute in favor of an abstract, more easily marketable humanity. Marketable, hell, palatable is more like it. The fast and righteous adherence to the exponential goodness of humankind is a hard sell. And what is good? What is goodness? Goodliness?

It's nothing religious, but everything holy about our time on a blessed earth as creatures of no meager consciousness. It's the ability to understand and apply unwavering protection to the weak and destitute, and the wisdom to serve justice upon those who would create and maintain a kingdom of opulence in towers above their impoverished, above their uneducated, above their addicted, above their abused, above their loyal peasantry.

The more I think about it, the more I understand why objectivity has fallen out of fashion. Political parties and the grassroots movements that support their platforms are fighting and infighting within the confines of an obsolete construction. It's up to us. The youth. The movers and shakers.

Those of us who have the mobility, the determination, the means, and the conviction to make goodness work. Those of us able to stand up off the couch and volunteer in the community. The more I think about it, the more I'd rather play Overwatch.
I could have sworn there was a time when Alex Jones didn't believe in subterranean lizard people.
Michael Stefan Feb 2020
An empty valley, save for a few boulders and a lonely tree
Afghan mountains on each side, snowcapped in late winter
The patrol stands alone, overwatch promised
A familiar promise, sometimes kept
The sound of fire, a PKM I think
“Get Down,” shouts A.J., on his stomach behind a boulder
No.  No.  I wouldn’t fall to my knees today
I would see my enemy on open ground
Frustrated from days of unseen attackers
Hidden behind rockets, and distance, and civil population
Invisible threats around each corner, on each hill
Invisible and everywhere
I stand alone in this empty valley, determined to see my enemy
He’s far away, upon a hilltop
I see him crouched behind his gun, an RPK perhaps
Even at this distance, I imagine his eyes
He stares at me with rage worn on his face like an old shemagh
But I imagine I see more behind his eyes
A fear I think, a frustration, a nervousness
Feelings born from years of cultivated hate
Years and years of lack of civility, lack of security
I imagine I see his eyes and I know he can see mine
Two lives intertwined
Brothers who bear arms to defend their beliefs
And enemies forged of inmost hatred
I imagine I see him hesitate, his finger rested on well-worn trigger
Waiting and weighing my life and worth
His split-second decision never comes
The guns of overwatch bark like dogs of war
The familiar promise is kept today
Some men came home as evening set, some did not
As Afghan mountains watched over an empty valley
Few people are willing to understand that perspective makes reality.  Words like friend and foe are completely flipped depending on what side of the coin you happen to be on.
Empty Nov 2019
I miss you
The day passed. I felt it in the back of my mind. You never left, the blue-eyed blonde woman I craved more than anyone. Though we are taking a break, my feelings for you won't change. I want to play overwatch and goof off with you in VRC. To hear your laugh and enjoy sidling up to you as we make kissing noises into one another’s ear. I know there is a divide between us, but I feel that the day will come when we will be one another’s love without the fear of saying it out loud, without the fear of the lead weight in our chests making us think we don’t deserve it.
The only words I wish to impart is that you are worth the wait.
Though our time together is a short one, I feel that is irrelevant. So sunny you make the day, that I’ll wish my body can’t help but tan.
Those three words I wish to say, I will wait.
For Peach

— The End —