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The last straw
Of my wild willed
Super serene
Humble oriented read
Onrushed & outbursted in a
Knows how
Cheerful and Happy
Magnetic Laughter
Thank you
so much...
Allania Berkey Mar 2016
Thoughts manifest into outbursts, while love transcends into lucid memories
awake by the unusual, while soundly and  Nourishly condemned asleep by distress
Remarkable beauty held hostage in the bricks and the mist of the darken night
Manfiestation devoures into desperation, While temptation rages a twist of faith outbursted in thought.
Manifesting hidden reality
Manifesting disgraceful truth
1:19 pm and my thoughts are still of you
Aishath Joozan Apr 2020
The sunlight reflected on the ocean,
From a distant, it looked as if the sun was raining diamonds,blinding deep into the
ocean floor,
But, this cannot be compared to the beauty within her
Her coal black eyes drew the skyline
The tiny freckles on her cheeks made of stardust,
Her body like the sky, outbursted in the most aesthetically pleasing colors,
She leaned for a clear image of the vast blue sea
Her long wavy brown hair flew melodiously touching the tip of her skin,
All eyes on her
The stars,
The sun,
The moon,
She was so pleasing to look at.
So pleasing for a sad eyes like mine. -Joozan.m

— The End —