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The tip of the brush tickles the canvas
As it traces the outline of the illustrious
Wings. Followed by spindly antennae that almost
protrude from the white plane.
Bulbous eyes appear, starting with
one spherical ommatidia after another.
Then, an appendage in the like of  
a purple passion vine twine stems from the head
of the envisioned creature.

The brush swooshes in the water
preparing for the most important
part of the masterpiece. Hues of blue begin
to form on a palette, one like the bright morning  
sky—that will breathe life into the painting—  
and another—the color of dusk—to add
the edge of reality.

Geometric shapes take form
in the wings for depth and texture,
like the odd shapes of rain drops on  
a window after it rains. And then the
final touches, speckles of white on the outer  
edges of the flying devices, faint
yet as noticeable as the petals of a dandelion
floating through the air.
Apachi Ram Fatal Jun 2018
ancient hebrew
from the future
A referee blew
between two natures
appear upon returning moses
appeal to those entwined
with their true savior
Mind body soul whole
glacier deep synchronicity poll
ying yang cajole simplicity air hole
entropy cyclically negate negative energy
cleverly consider positive synergy multifaceted
individual units that make up the compound eye
extra sensory inherently ommatidia complimentary
changing perspective viewpoints weatherly
tend to be focused more on internal thoughts
turning feeling and mood inward rather than
seeking out external stimulation
learn to act immediately internalize protract
abstract expressionism enact disposition intact
subjective emotional emphasis cognizant in fact
recognize the impact straight away burdened in order
two convey between point A the quickest way godspeed
to reach B stress free relay the ten command
mints relinquishing those unhappy in dismay

if they can't handle truth don't share it with a control freak
tell them the complete opposite of how you truly feel,
to lye to them is to get what you want
if they have the upper hand don't disobey
get naked with them give them
a ******* and more and more ***.

what hurts us makes them stronger control freaks
are your worst enemy if they smoke cannabis they
might relax a bit, but you'll never see them when they're high because there
off controlling stick shifting **** spanking their monkey poking someone
going crazy trying to rejuvenate limitless levels of satisfaction from relief
their seed;

from a lack of emotional intelligence you end up with me feeling as if there's
nowhere to **** and nowhere else to go. so i did it right there in my pants a
third grader shat his pants in class raised his hand and was rejected
by the teachers time running out of class

eye woke up next morning looked in the mirror and found
I didn't recognize the guy I saw a man he looked real sad
it was me looking faded hatred altogether my whole life
never eased up on me a fair man I am is one thing my friends
will tell you about a desperate incomplete fail who bailed bad
habit nailed like a whale on a scale tightly wrapped musical notes;
prevailed at the worst possible moment bound with cords chained
to discord society loopholes overlapping hexachord strong recoiled
a nothing but net hoop lord peace accord flash light
when the time is right a compass of reason freedom fight
                                                                otherwise treason I might
Dark shadows akin to edge of night
affected by massive infestation of
     Drosophila melanogaster light
(scientific name as
     same itty bitty
winged flitting nuisance ignite
     mentioned in title) besieged,
inundated, and thickly swarmed

dost primp and pretty
fie themselves (to
     attract a witty
mate) during their
     40 to 50 days city,
or suburban life
     cycle long enough
     to qualify for this

     quickly written ditty
seemingly overnight
     a bajillion biz zee
buzzing adults (each
     about 1/8 inch long see
their world wide web,
     thru at least one
unusual red eye,

which compound eye
     of the fruit fly
contains 760 unit
     eyes or ommatidia,
     well nigh
hapt tubby one of the most
     advanced among insects,
     where Google search

     for home remedies aye
didst find to exterminate
     these teeny weeny pests,
     plus informational pursuit my
instantaneous curiosity yielded
     above mentioned
     esoteric tidbits,
     sans accidentally disc

     covered helpful good riddance
     material of household ingredients
     restraining me to breathe sigh
of dollop, and hope to try
one or more solutions,
     which informed
     this amateur entomologist -

listed forthright as:
1.Create a trap by mixing
apple cider vinegar
with a few drops of dish soap.
2. Another home-made trap is to
pour leftover red wine into a jar.
3. Mash up banana slices in a jar, and
cover top with a plastic wrap.
4. Pour bleach solution
into bathroom sink.
Pestiferous infestation quite
argh apartment unit b44
plagued with plight
analogously linkedin to phenomena  
experienced within outer limits
of the twilight zone
dark shadows akin to edge of night
opportunistic nuisance might
necessitate exterminator

as occurred ofttimes before
when writing, living, breathing,
et cetera space affected
by massive infestation of
Drosophila melanogaster light
(scientific name as same itty bitty
winged flitting nuisance ignite
mentioned in title) besieged,
inundated, and thickly swarmed

dost primp and pretty
fie themselves (to
attract a witty
mate) during their
40 to 50 days city,
or suburban life
cycle long enough
to qualify for this
quickly written ditty
seemingly overnight
a bajillion biz zee

buzzing adults each
about 1/8 inch long
not to be confused
and bigger than no see hmms -
the latter officially called
no see ums,
also known as biting midges,
sandflies, punkies and sand gnats,
are small flies usually between
one and three millimeters long.

They're known to feed
on the blood of humans and animals,
leaving itchy, uncomfortable
bite marks on the skin.

Back to the former insects,
whose webbed, wide world
seen thru at least one
unusual red eye,
which compound eye
of the fruit fly
contains 760 unit
eyes or ommatidia, well nigh
hapt tubby one of the most
advanced among insects,
where Google search
for home remedies aye

didst find to exterminate
these teeny weeny pests,
plus informational pursuit my
instantaneous curiosity yielded
above mentioned esoteric tidbits,
sans accidentally discovered
visa vis helpful good riddance
material of household ingredients
restraining me to breathe sigh
of dollop, and hope to try
one or more solutions,
which informed me,
an amateur entomologist -

listed forthright as:
1.Create a trap by mixing
apple cider vinegar
with a few drops of dish soap.
2. Another homemade trap is to
pour leftover red wine into a jar.
3. Mash up banana slices in a jar, and
cover top with a plastic wrap.
4. Pour bleach solution
into bathroom sink.

A last ditch effort involves
housing liberal population of bats,
they for heaven's sakes might invite hellcats,
nevertheless both creatures more acceptable
and less indistinguishable
from conservative bureaucrats.
Poet of Perkiomen Valley
discovered aforementioned titled poem
about thirty months ago he wrote
impossible mission critters to smote
chronic issue yours truly does note
years later meaning today
April 19th, 2022
necessitated we allow, enable

and provide welcome to exterminator
actually management did hote
(obsolete) To command; to enjoin
hazard upon body, mind and spirit,
thus ridding apartment b44
visited by said swarming insects,
his expertise sought to mitigate
courtesy applying insecticide.

Insects created dark shadows
analogous brought outer limits
of twilight zone
resembling edge of night
in truth our one bedroom apartment
at that earlier date
affected, encroached, and outsmarted
by massive infestation of
Drosophila melanogaster light
weight winged worst
pests to eradicate
(scientific name regarding
winged flitting nuisance ignite
mentioned in title) besieged,
inundated, and thickly swarm.

dost primp and pretty
fie themselves (to
attract a witty
mate) during their
40 to 50 days city,
or suburban life
cycle long enough
to qualify for this

quickly written ditty
seemingly overnight
a bajillion biz zee
buzzing adults (each
about 1/8 inch long see
their world wide web,
thru at least one
unusual red eye,

which compound eye
of the fruit fly
contains 760 unit
eyes or ommatidia, well nigh
hapt tubby one of the most
advanced among insects,
where Google search

for home remedies aye
didst find to exterminate
these teeny weeny pests,
plus informational pursuit my
instantaneous curiosity yielded
above mentioned
esoteric tidbits,
sans accidentally disc

covered helpful good riddance
material of household ingredients
restraining me to breathe sigh
of dollop, and hope to try
one or more solutions,
which informed
this amateur entomologist -
listed forthright as:

1. Create a trap by mixing
apple cider vinegar
with a few drops of dish soap.
2. Another homemade trap is to
pour leftover red wine into a jar.
3. Mash up banana slices in a jar, and
cover top with a plastic wrap.
4. Pour bleach solution
into bathroom sink.
5. Detonate atomic explosives
as a last resort.

— The End —